The Students Have Become The Teachers

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Matt and I returned to his apartment from the roof access, I knew how mad that Matt was and I was too. I knew Stick was up to something, Matt should've known but I knew deep down Matt trusted Stick even with all of the lies. Looking down the stairs I saw Stick sitting on Matt's couch drinking a beer like nothing was wrong.

"What the hell was that back there?" Matt asked in front of me while I put my bow and quiver against the wall and crossed my arms watching Matt move up to Stick.

"It was the mission." Stick answered bluntly I rolled my eyes watching Matt stop a few feet away from Stick. 

"Killing children? That was what your so called war is about?" I exclaimed from behind Matt shifting my stance from one foot to the other.

"That thing was not a child." Stick pointed out I was shocked to hear that and apparently so was Matt where I saw his hand tighten into a fist.

"I could hear his heartbeat, he was a child. He didn't even hit puberty yet." Matt explained which stick scoffed placing the beer onto the table and stood up from the couch.

"You are too emotional Matty." He began moving passed him until he stood in between the both of us. He didn't look at me but his head did tilt to the side as if he was sensing my anger radiating at him. "I thought I taught you to harden yourself Thea but you are just as sensitive as Matt."

"I would never ever kill a child. I would never kill anyone that is why I left if you remember." I hissed watching Stick scoff moving a small bit away from me and Matt before stopping a few feet away.

"And that is why you both will fail in your mission." Stick exclaimed I drowned out the argument between both Stick and Matt for a moment but snapped back into it when I saw Stick about to leave. "You take care of yourselves Matty, nice to see you again Thea."

"We aren't going to let you kill that kid." I answered taking a step in front of Stick stopping him from walking towards the exit.

"He's already dead." Stick exclaimed calmly my eyes snapped to Matt who was shocked to hear what Stick just said. My mouth opened but closed unable to speak for what I just heard him say. "I caught up to the car they tried to stash him away in and put an arrow right into his heart." Without word Matt grabbed him by his shoulder then threw a punch straight into his face. Stick stumbled backwards as Matt advanced onto him while I jumped onto the stairs to avoid being in the middle of Matt's anger rampage. Matt was blinded by his anger which allowed Stick to overpower him and pin him to his knees.

"Let him go!" I ordered charging at Stick which he released Matt from his pin then caught my arm before I could thrust out the punch I had and tosses me behind him as my body collides into the coffee table and then the floor.

"You both are letting your hearts control your actions, you both are failures."  Stick hissed Matt regained his footing and so did I as we both charged at Stick now. Matt got to him first throwing a few strikes that hit Stick sending him in my direction but he sent out a kick at Matt pushing him into the wall. I grabbed Stick thrusting my knee into his abdomen then swept his legs from under him before he could use them. Knocking him to the ground I got on top sending a fist into his face but then next one he moved as my hand hit Matt's floor. Taking the back of my head in his hand he headbutted me straight into my face causing me to stumble off him. He got to his feet grabbing my shoulders and threw me at the stairs where my back hit first. Matt tried to fight Stick again throwing multiple kicks knocking Stick off balance but he grabbed Matt's arm throwing him backwards next to me. Stick was adjusting his jacket while my hand reached for Matt's, my fingers tapped onto his giving him a code that Stick couldn't hear. Matt nodded before charging at Stick like a football player bracing his body into Stick's. Stick slammed his elbow onto Matt's back while I stood up but Matt used his momentum to stun Stick. I charged rolling over Matt's bent back sending my feet into Stick's face then spun kick into his chest forcing him backwards. He swung a punch at me as I ducked getting behind him while Matt sparred with him for a moment. Matt punched Stick hard into his jaw as he spun to face me in which I charged jumping up bracing my legs around his neck and flipped him to the floor. Stick sent a kick in my direction which I scrambled away moving towards Matt as we stood back to back now. Stick got to his feet facing us as both Matt and I at the same time reverse kicked him straight into his chest and he flew backwards into the table behind him. The table exploded into splinters to the floor and he just laid there with the wind knocked out of him. Matt and I both panted heavily as I wiped the blood that was dripping from my nose. "The students have finally become the teachers."

"Get out of our city." Matt yelled moving away from him as Stick got to his feet dusting the broken wood and glass from his body.

"Maybe there is hope for you both yet." Stick chuckled moving towards me as I shot him an angry cold stare which he picked up on.

"Go to hell." I whispered seeing him smile grabbing his bag from the floor and limped away until he got to the door. He opened it tilting to his head in my direction before me but didn't say anything then just left.

 He opened it tilting to his head in my direction before me but didn't say anything then just left

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~~Well shit~~

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