Chap. 8: What Are We, Christian?

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Picture of Emily & Christin the morning after

                A wild dream wakes Emily up. Her dark eyes flutter open. Her head pounds, making the brunette groan in pain. She starts to move but realizes she's captured in a warm embrace. Emily starts to push the person who has her right in their arms. She assumes it's a man, due to their muscle mass.

          Great! Emily scowls, I slept with Ethan—

            The smell of a man's familiar cologne makes Emily freeze. Then a slight pinch of between her hips makes her hiss.

              Oh no. Emily thinks to herself, Oh no no no no no no no!

               A soft sigh is made above her. Emily closes her eyes, pursing her lips together. She curses herself before trying to remain calm.

               I slept with Christian. Emily tears up, I slept with the one man who vowed he would never let me feel his pleasure again!

               Christian's arms wrap tighter around Emily, cuddling her to his warm chest. He softly sighing ever so often. The brunette, failing to fight her urges, traces his muscular, hairy chest. He shivers at her touch, his breath uneven. But after he kisses Emily's forehead, he falls back to sleep. The fight or flight mode kicks in for Emily.

I need to go. Emily thinks, I can't be here with him! Not like this! I know it's the plan but I didn't expect for it to go this way to quickly!

Christian slowly rubs up and down Emily's bare back. He squeezes her against him, a delicate smile on his face. One of his hands begins to rub soothing circles on her back as the other plays with the brunettes hair. The familiar, tender feelings all rush back to Emily. To when they would make love the night before and spend most of the morning in each other's arms. Emily kisses Christian's chest playfully. His soft laughter makes Emily jump. She continues to rub and kiss his hairy, muscular chest.

"Mmmm." Christian moans lightly, his voice a whisper. "That's nice."

"You never let me interview you last night." Emily says softly.

"Let's not discuss business affairs over pillow talk," Christian kisses her bare shoulder feather soft and slowly, "I just want you all to myself."

Being playful and a tease, Emily quickly gathers the sheets up and wraps them around her body as she pulls them off the bed. Christian grabs for them but doesn't get to them on time. He smirks at this.

"You had me all last night." Emily looks her lover up and down, "Apparently."

Christian's brow arches. "Not the entire night, Em."

The sound of her nickname is soft on his lips. Familiar. It adds onto Emily's internal conflict.

Christian stands and walks over to Emily, his hands on the sheets grasped around her naked body. His eyes are lazily slanted, a smirk on his face.

"I want you all to myself the entire day." Christian's words make Emily gasp.

As the billionaire starts to move in for a kiss, his hands slowly starting to pull the sheets off of her. Emily stops him, anxiety rushing over her.

"What are we, Christian?" Emily's breath hitches, her eyes full of fear.

The billionaire's eyebrows narrow. Confused, he gives her a questionable look. When Emily doesn't answer him, Christian holds her face tenderly, pulling her close to his naked body.

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