Chap. 20: Emily Ran Away

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*Warning: slight talk of self-harm & relationship abuse below *

               The warm water from the shower head sprinkles on Emily's naked body. It had been a week since the mall shooting incident and also since Emily had stepped foot out of Taylor Manor. The same darkened walls was driving the brunette to madness. She saw no real reason to shower or change if she couldn't leave the house. She felt lonely considering Happy stayed a distance in the mansion and Christian goes to work five out of seven days a week. Emily has wondered if Christian has been trying to get her pregnant considering they've made love almost every waking moment that the billionaire stays home. They usually make love in the morning and before they go to sleep at night, or whenever Christian comes home.

              Emily lathers her body with Morning Light scented liquid soap, the smell of citrus, honey, and Magnolia flowers fills her nostrils. Something that has also caused the brunette to wonder is the case between her and Mr. Hardon. Every time Emily brings up the subject to Christian, he will assure her that he is taking care of it and that she doesn't need to worry about it. But it is all Emily can worry about other than someone out there had shot three bullets at her head and successfully missed. The brunette is too lost in her thoughts to hear the sound of the bathroom door opening. She washes the soap off her naked body, thinking the worst.

                What if Christian had Mr. Hardon killed? Or exiled into a worse place than Kaley and I had been banished to? Emily stares at the stone wall in front of her. And what happened to Kaley anyways? Christian told me he didn't put her in a secure place. Supposedly, Kaley was there when my things were collected to bring to the mansion. She just disappeared into thin air.

                  Emily grabs her shampoo called Autumn Woods, pouring it into her hands. She scrubs it into her hair, smelling the vanilla and sandalwood fragrance mixed into one. Hands gently place themselves on her hips, making her jump. She turns to see Christian standing there with a mischievous smile.

                  "Hey there, Beautiful." Christian begins to scrub the brunette's long hair, "You're hair is getting a reddish tint to it."

                 Emily shrugs, not really caring. "Oh?"

                 Christian gently holds her chin with his thumb and indies finger, making her look him in the eyes. His cool blue eyes search hers.

                  "You're unhappy." Christian states worriedly, "Whats wrong?"

                 Emily doesn't want to admit it, but she knows that Christian has a way of getting her to talk. So she might as well come clean...or partially clean, that is.

                   "I'm lonely here, Christian." Emily sighs, her eyes falling to the floor. "I need more human interaction and not just with you or Happy."

                     Christian continues to scrub her scalp with the shampoo. "I know, Honey. I know."

                      Emily rubs her hand up his hairy chest, her dark eyes full of plea. "Please let me go with you to work! I won't be any trouble, I promise!"

                    "No, you'll be a huge distraction." Christian says firmly.

"No, I won't! Promise I won't be!" Emily pleas, "Please let me go with you—at least once to see if it'll work!"

Christian sighs. "And how are you going to entertain yourself? Give my secretary a lap dance?"

"Do you really think so little of me?" Emily says seriously, causing Christian to worry if he hurt her feelings. "I'll give her two lap dances and maybe eat her out for the finale."

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