Chap. 21: Brody Matthews

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* picture of Brody Matthews above *

With her Emily hurries down a dark ally, pulling her hood up enough so she could see where she was going. It had only been 30 minutes since she escaped Taylor Manor. She knew Christian would eventually figure out she left without permission or Happy. The brunette swears on her own life that she intends to return to Christian, but only after living a day out in the world rather than cooped up in that mansion. Also, Emily hopes that this will get Christian to realize she means business.

Emily looks both ways before exiting out of the shadows. She hurries up the stairs, looking behind her as she hurries forward. But something knocks her down to the ground. Startled, the brunette looks up to see a man who looks all too familiar.

            He offers her a smile and holds out his hand. Emily hesitatingly takes it. The man has familiar warm, brown eyes and a crooked smile.

             "Hello again." The man says with a warm smile.

Emily gives him a confused look. "Where do I know you from—"

The man holds out his hand to her. "Forgive me, Miss Emily. My name is Brody Matthews."

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Brody had took Emily back to his place to get warm, considering the weather outside was getting bitter. He let her borrow one of his shirts while her clothes were in the dryer. The brunette sits in front of a fireplace, wondering why Brody just offered to help her out and why she willingly let him.

"Here's a blanket." Brody says from behind Emily, putting it over her bare legs. "I have more if this doesn't warm your chilled bones."

"Thank you." Emily nods to him, snuggling with the fuzzy grey blanket. "Why are you helping me?"

"You're Christian's girlfriend, right?" Brody says with a small smile.

"And how do you know Christian?" Emily says uneasily.

"I'm his half brother." Brody flashes the brunette his crooked smile.

"Christian never said he had a brother, much less half of one." Emily says suspiciously.

             "Sounds like the bastard." He snickers, shaking his head.

"Oh, like you know Christian." Emily rolls her eyes at the man.

"Egotistical, controlling, thinks with his dick instead of that head of his." Brody gives her a look.

"Hmm, maybe you do know him." Emily says in surprise.

"Don't blame Christian, Emily. It isn't his fault that he is the way he is." Brody says softly, "Our father turned him into a cold, cruel monster like himself."

"Why? I can't imagine anyone worse than Christian." Emily says curiously, recalling that Christian has never spoke if his parents before.

"Christian was a lovechild to our father and a porn star named Christina Taylor, or her stage name, Daisy Nipple." Emily's eyes go wide at his words, "I'm sure Christian told you that he had normal parents."

"Christian never told me anything about his parents before." Emily says softly, "I figured he inherited his wealth from his father but..."

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