Chap. 19: Get Down On Your Knees

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           Taylor Manor's door burst open, in stomps Christian. His nose flares and his eyes are wild. Happy had called him immediately after the Drysdale mall shooing and informed the billionaire what had took place. Christian stops in the middle of the entryway, looking into the empty living room, over to the empty dining room, then up the stairwell.

        "Emily!" Christian screams angrily, wanting to know more about the mall shooting. "Happy!"

           Christian looks around again before noticing a gun barrel pointing out at the top of the stairs. He takes a step back, his heart racing. Fear consumes the billionaire. He quickly reaches under the table by the front door for the handgun, taking it off safety. He points it up the stairs.

             "EMILY!" Christian shouts.

               Happy's bald head peers around the corner of the top of the stairs. He relaxes and puts the gun down. Christian lowers his gun, wondering why Happy had used a gun on him. The dark skinned man turns and looks behind him, nodding. Suddenly, Emily is halfway down the stairwell with tears streaming down her face. Christian walks towards her at a quick pace, his arms ready to reach out to her.

Emily jumps up in Christian's arms, wrapping her legs around his waist and arms around his neck. Christian holds onto her tightly, feeling her tremble in his arms.

"Shhh!" Christian runs a hand over her hair, kissing her jawline. "Shhh, Baby. It's okay now. I'm here."

Happy steps down from the bottom step of the stairs. Christian gives Emily's bodyguard a questionable look.

"Perhaps we should discuss our situation in private, sir." Happy says informally.

Christian sets the brunette down, his strong hands grasping her waist. He nods to Happy, kissing the top of Emily's head. But as the billionaire starts to let go of his lover, she pulls onto him. Christian looks down to see Emily's face scrunched up, her small hands lightly grasping his blazer jacket.

"Don't leave me!" Emily pleads, her dark eyes red from crying. "Not again!"

Christian nods for Happy to go on ahead to his office. He holds Emily's small face in his hands, pulling her close to him.

"Emily, you're safe now." Christian says softly to her, "I will find out who is out to get you and I will destroy them."

Christian grabs Emily's biceps and pulls her in for a quick but firm kiss. Before he parts from her, he stares deep into her eyes and gives her another assuring kiss.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Emily sat on the cold, wooden floor outside Christian's office and waited for him and Happy to walk out. The mall shooting has left the brunette in terror. She wonders if it has anything to do with Mr. Hardon's trial. If her old boss is trying to get back at her for ratting him out to Christian. Emily blames herself for the entire situation.

I shouldn't have even got up and went to work that day. Emily thinks, tearing up again.

Christian's office doors open, Happy walks out. He notices Emily sitting there but only nods to her before walking away. The brunette quickly stands and peers into Christian's office.

The billionaire sits at his grand desk with a glass of whiskey at hand. Emily shyly steps inside the office, hands behind her back. Christian stares off at the wall in deep thought. Emily suddenly realizes she's never been inside his office before. In her mind, she thought it would be more like a dungeon than an actual office.

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