Chap. 22: Why Are You Doing This For Me?

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         The thunder and lightning kept Emily up most of the night. She kept daydreaming that Christian would walk in and sit on the bed with her and watch over her as she slept. To make sure no one would get to her. She imagined that he would know she wasn't asleep and would have a long conversation about absolutely nothing.

The brunette wondered why her boyfriend had kept his past a secret from her. She had told him of her parents passing long before they ever broke up those long 6 1/2 months ago. Never had he ever mentioned his father or having a brother. It all seems too unreal to Emily. She wishes Christian was there to explain his side of the story to her. To give her peace.

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        The smell of bacon fills the air, waking Emily up. She raises her head, yawning and stretching.

"Rise and shine, Emily!" Brody's voice booms into the room.

Emily covers her head with a pillow, groaning. "I hate morning people."

"Come on, rise and shine." Brody sets the tray of bacon, eggs, and toast beside her. "I have an idea to fix your situation."

Emily sits up, lips pouting as she slowly comes out of her foggy state. "Did the storm pass?"

"It calmed down a bit." Brody shrugs. "Now eat. Christian must not feed you enough, you're so skinny."

Emily glares at him. "Excuse me? Christian OVER feeds me."

Brody smiles at her, putting her clothes at the foot of her bed. "So I have a game plan."

Emily gives him a look. "For?"

"How you're going to get back with Christian." Brody says happily, "I have the perfect plan concerning tonight's event."

Emily blinks. "Event?"

The brown eyed man nods to her. "Yes, tonight's huge blowout party."

The brunette shakes her head at him. "How do you know Christian will be at the party?"

"Because Christian is usually the first to receive an invitation to any huge blowout party." Brody shrugs, "He pays for his favorite liquor to be shipped in."

"Oh? Okay so say I do go to this huge blowout party," Emily says with a smug look on her face, "Do I go in the dress I have magically stored up my sleeve? A magic wand to go bibidi dobodi boo!"

"You let me worry about that, okay?" Brody says assuringly, "Your Fairy Godfather will take care of you tonight."

"Why are you doing this for me?" Emily says suspiciously.

"Let's just say that Christian doesn't always know a diamond from a fricking stone. He needs something good in his life, Emily. He just needs to be reminded of what he's got."

Emily smirks. "Oh? And it's not because you have a crush on me?"

"You know, you're so beautiful I almost want to keep you for myself." Brody playfully flirts with Emily, grinning. "But there's already a certain woman I am interested in."

"And whom is this fictional rose of a woman?" Emily smiles at him devilishly, eating her breakfast.

Brody smiles to himself. "Clementine Salt."

"She sounds..." like a stripper "lovely."

"She has beautiful, smooth, cocoa skin and a voice like silk." Brody blushes, "I've only spoke to her a few times but she is so beautiful that it hurts to even think of spending the rest of my life without her."

Emily melts on the inside. "Awww."

"And you're going to help me." Brody smiles at her wickedly.

The brunette gives him a dirty look, chewing on her bacon. "I'm not going to nail her for you, if that's what you're thinking Brody. I'm a lady, not a whore."

Brody smirks at her as he begins to leave. "Just eat your breakfast and leave the rest to me."

Sorry for the super short chapter but ALOT is about to go down in the next chapter so sit tight and leave it all to me!!!!

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