Chap. 26: What Do You Have To Say For Yourself?

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                   Emily was so nervous about going with Christian to work that she could barely eat her breakfast he had made them. She stares out the window of the black SUV as the billionaire argues with his lawyer on his cellphone. Happy, Felix, and Zephyr all remain silent across from them.

                  "No Eli!" Christian shouts angrily, jabbing a finger in the air. "The FBI has no fricking evidence that I'm behind the mess!"

                   Emily sighs heavily and looks to Happy, who stares out the same window as she had. She notices that his right eye is bruised, a small cut near his eye. Curious, she wonders if he had got into a fight or that it happened during the hotel shooting.

                "Your fricking ass better be in my fricking office at noon, you homophobic ass frick!" Christian shouts angrily, "Why? Cause you're my damn lawyer, that's why! Do your fricking job or you're fired!"

                   Christian ends the call, throwing the phone in the floor. He angrily shakes his head and rubs the mustache part of his beard. Emily looks at his face then to his hand that rest beside her seat. She slips her hand over and puts it over his, hoping it will bring him comfort. When the brunette looks up to see his reaction, Christian is already staring at her. The fire that rages in his blue eyes is dying down. He intertwines his fingers with hers, his hand dominating on top of hers. Another sign that Christian feels that he needs to always be dominant or in control makes Emily roll her eyes at him.

                 "Did you just roll those pretty brown eyes at me?" Christian challenges her.

                 "If I did, you'll have to get over it." Christian grips her hand, making her smile wide. "Well, you will."

                   Emily notices that at her words, Happy is trying to hide a smile. She looks back at Christian, whose eyes hasn't left her. This makes her blush down into her lap.

                   Christian's thumb caresses hers, immediately turning the brunette on. She bites her lip at the satisfaction of his thumb rubbing circular motion on hers. The billionaire sighs heavily as he looks out the window of the moving SUV.

                    "You know, if we were alone, I'd have that cute little skirt pulled up and you would be riding my lap right now." Christian says with a smirk, "Your high pitched squeals of pleasure filling the backseat as we frick on our way to work."

                     Emily's face goes red with embarrassment, looking at the bodyguards across from them. They all remain silent and unfazed by Christian's words. She glares at her boyfriend in annoyance.

                     "Do you have to talk about our sex life in front of other people?" Emily says with pursed lips.

                      "Emily, my Darling, they know what goes on more than I do." Christian thinks back to their previous conversation, "Maybe I should make a note for tomorrow for it to be arranged."

                      Emily shakes her head. "Are we there yet? I can't wait for Christian to shut up and do some actual work instead of fricking—"

                        Christian lightly jerks her arm, shaking his head at her. "Don't use language like that. It dirties you up."

                       Emily glares at him. "So I'm not allowed to cuss anymore either? You cussed!"

                       "That's because I'm a man, Baby." The billionaire looks to her with casual but smug like expression.

                       I have never wanted to both smack or ride a man's face so bad before in my entire life! Emily bites her lip, shaking her head.

                        "Typical men." Emily rolls her eyes at Christian, "They use sexist remarks for anything they want to only have a say in."

                       "That's not true." Christian chuckles lightly, rolling his eyes.

                       Emily gives him a slanted look. "Yes it is, you little cuss."

                       Happy bites his lip to keep from laughing at the brunette's comment.  Christian notices this and gives him a death glare. The billionaire had noticed his girlfriend look to her bodyguard a few times, making him slightly jealous on the inside that she would look at another man with a smile instead of him. To try and piss Happy off, he gently kisses the back of Emily's hand, being gentle with her.

                Suddenly, Emily hears a sound of people shouting. She looks in the rear view mirror but sees nothing. She slightly rises from her seat to see out the front seat windshield. Her mouth gaps open when she sees people standing in front of Taylor Enterprises with flashing cameras and media cameras.

                      "Um...Um, Christian?" Emily says, "We've got company."

                        Christian gives her a confused look but looks out her window as the SUV comes to a stop. He quickly nods his head.

                      "Boys, you get out first." Christian nods to them, "Then I will get out, then Emily."

                      The bodyguards nods to him. "Yes boss."

                      The chauffeur opens the SUV backseat door, the paparazzi's shouts all wave over Emily. Christian senses her anxiety apps he squeezes her hand three times. The bodyguards all get out, Happy being the first and Zephyr being the last. Then Christian squeezes her hand three times more before climbing out. With her heart racing, Emily slides out of the SUV. Bright, flashing camera lights blind the young woman. Happy helps her move forward, knowing she is still skittish from the shooting. He pushes people back for her to get through the pawing crowd. From all directions, paparazzi all shout questions to her and Christian, who has already walked ahead waving to the crowd.

Emily quickly looks up at the crowd, her eyes focusing on a blonde with brown eyes. Her heart soars but her mind is filled with confusion.

"Kaley?" Emily calls after the girl, who had suddenly disappeared. "Kaley! Kaley!"

Emily suddenly trips on her own feet and falls onto the concrete. The paparazzi take this moment at an advantage, quickly capturing pictures of up her skirt at her crotchless beige thong. Happy shoves the men away and helps her up, noticing that she had scraped her knees.

"Let's get some ice on that, Miss East." Happy struggles through the crowd with Emily under his arm.

Emily hisses at the stinging sensation as blood trickles down her legs from her knees. As they make it closer to the door, Emily looks up to see Christian is waiting in her with the door open. When the billionaire sees his girlfriend's scrapes knees, he pulls her away from Happy and under his arm into the building.

"What happened?" Christian ushers her to the elevator.

"I saw Kaley in the crowd." Emily says distantly, "Or at least I think I did."

"When we get to my office, April will run and get you come ice and a bandaid." Christian says as they enter the elevator with the bodyguards, "You need to learn how to pay more attention."

"I'm sorry, Christian." Emily's soft words melt the billionaire's heart, but he has too much masculinity and pride to admit it.

The billionaire sighs heavily. "What did I say about apologizing?"

Emily rolls her eyes at him. Having enough of her disrespectful eye rolling, Christian smacks her bottom hard. The brunette looks at her man wide eyed as she gasps loudly.

"Rolling your eyes is a sign of disrespect, Young Lady." Christian says firmly, fighting the smile at wants to appear on his lips. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

Emily smiles at him smugly. "And yet, there's isn't a written rule on our contract that says I can't."

Tell me, my readers, what you think of this cheesy chapter! More is yet to come ❤️🙏🏼🥰

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