Chapter 1: Inoichi Yamanaka and Ramen

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I rub my temples at the constant bickering between the two boys, who I had quickly learned as Sasuke and Naruto. The young kunoichi, Sakura, has not been any better with her constant fangirling and squealing over Sasuke. Kakashi is reading a book titled 'Icha Icha Paradise' and I can see him blushing occasionally. 'These are the people who took down my Father. A loudmouth idiot, an emo duckling, a squealing fangirl, and a perverted sensei.' I fiddle with the bandages going down my arms and over my knuckles.
After a while of zoning out, I notice a big red gate and two sleepy guards. The two seem to perk up noticing the silver-haired Jounin. "Hey, Kakashi! Welcome back! And who do you have with you?" "Good to be back Kotetsu, and this is Akahana. We are going to see about her becoming a Leaf Citizen and Shinobi." The one with the bandage over his nose, now known as Kotetsu nods. "Anyway, I'm Kotetsu, and that is Izumo. Nice to meet you Akahana-chan!" I nod. "Likewise." Kakashi clears his throat. "I filled out the paperwork needed for her. Is it good if we go in? I can tell the Genin want to go home and to bed." Izumo quickly scans through the paperwork before nodding and giving us a close-eyed smile. "Welcome to Konoha Akahana, and I hope to be working with you in the future!" I nod and the giant gates open. Naruto almost sprints off but Kakashi grabs the back of his Jacket.
"Alright, you have tomorrow and the day after to relax. After that, we are back to missions. I'll go and report to the Hokage so you guys can just go home. Enjoy your days off while you can." Kakashi says before grabbing my shoulders and teleporting us right outside of the Hokage's office. He knocks before entering.
The Hokage looks up from his Paperwork and smiles. "Ah, Kakashi you have returned. Go ahead and set your report on my desk. And who is this you have with you?" "Lord Hokage this is Akahana Momochi. We encountered her Father and his subordinate on our mission. The two ultimately passed and Akahana wishes to join the village since she has nowhere to go." The Hokage interlaces his fingers and nods, looking over at me.
"Akahana, before you become an official Ninja of the Leaf we will need to clear you of all suspicious activity. If it is alright with you we would like to have a specialist search your mind for anything that might be a threat." I nod. "That is fine with me Lord Hokage." He smiles, before motioning to the ceiling. A masked ANBU jumps down and kneels. "Go get Inoichi Yamanaka and tell him to meet us at the T&I building in 10 minutes." The ANBU nods before disappearing in a puff of smoke.
Kakashi grabs my shoulder once again and teleports the two of us outside the T&I building and we wait. Eventually, a blond-haired man walks up to us. "Hey! I was informed by the Hokage on what we needed to do. It won't take long and soon you will be ready to go as a Ninja." I nod and follow him into the building. He takes us into a room where I am asked to remove my weapons and sit down on a chair. "This helmet will make it a little bit easier to search through your memories. You will go unconscious as soon as I start so you shouldn't feel anything." I nod. "You ready to begin?" I nod once again and the helmet is placed onto my head and over my eyes. I feel a soft prod at my skull before nothing.
Memories flash through my eyes, quickly replacing one another. They fly by so fast I can barely recognize them before another appears. Playing as a child. Early graduation. Father leaving. Mother kicking me out and disowning me for looking too much like Father. Joining Father. My first kill. Meeting Haku. Traveling around the Elemental Nations. My Father's and Haku's death. I feel Inoichi prod at a mental block. I don't remember what happened after that but I felt myself start to awaken.
When I come too, the helmet is quickly taken off of my head. Inoichi gives me a smile before turning to Kakashi, who was reading his book quietly. "She is clear to becoming a shinobi. I would wait to test her for rank until tomorrow seeing as she might have a severe headache or dizziness. I'll let the Hokage know. She is staying with you until she gets an apartment right?" Kakashi nods. I groan inwardly. 'Great, I'm stuck with the pervert.'
I hook my sword to my back and quickly pack up my weapons. I follow Inoichi and Kakashi out of the building, where Kakashi waves goodbye and begins to lead us home. The sun is beginning to set. I look around the lively village in awe. It was so much prettier here than in Kiri. Kakashi clears his throat. "So how do you feel about ramen?" I shrug. "I've never really had any, so I wouldn't know." Kakashi lets out a low chuckle. "Don't let Naruto hear that. I don't know what he'd do."
Kakashi leads us into a small stall. He pokes his head in and sits down. The person who is working turns around and smiles widely. "Hey Kakashi! How was the mission? I hear from Naruto it was pretty exciting!" "It was pretty good Teuchi, how is Ayame doing?" I zone out and notice a Brown-Haired boy staring at me intently. "I'm Kiba Inuzuka, nice to meet you." He holds out a hand for me to shake. "Akahana Momochi, nice to meet you too." I reach out to grab his hand. The moment our hands touch a spark of electricity. I pull my hand back and stare at it confusedly.
Kiba's face flushes a bright pink and the dog next to him let out a bark. "Ah, this is Akumaru. He's my ninken partner." I hold my hand out for him to sniff. He barks again. "Do you have any Ninken? Anyone I could play with?" "Hi Akamaru.I don't have any ninken but I hope to gain a summoning contract with some or train some, once I do you could play."I respond, earning a confused look from Kiba. I notice Kakashi perk up slightly. "You want a summoning contract with ninken?" I nod. "I already have deer that helped out when in the wood's, with various herbs, medicine, and transportation." He nods. "I may be able to help you out with that after we get your ranking tomorrow." I nod and turn back to Kiba. "So you're becoming a Ninja? I kind of figured with that big sword on your back." I nod. "I was a... traveling Ninja along with my father and brother-figure. They passed in combat so I inherited father's sword." He nods. "I'm sorry for your loss. Do you have anywhere to stay while here?" "I'll be getting my apartment tomorrow after I receive my ranking." He nods
A steaming bowl of ramen is placed in front of me. I look at Kakashi questioningly. "You've never had ramen before so I decided to get this for you to try." I nod. "You've never had ramen before?" I shake my head. "We were never in villages long. We were always moving around, probably because my father was ranked pretty high in the bingo book." Kiba nods and passes Akumaru a piece of chicken. "How old are you?" "I'm 13, I had been with my father since I was about 7 or 8. My brother-figure joined us when I was 9."
I stir the ramen before mumbling a quiet "Itadakimasu." Before taking a bite. My eyes widen. It was way different than anything I would normally eat. It had more flavor and texture than I was used to. I see Kiba grinning out of the corner of my eye. I swallow, turning to him and raising a brow. "What?" "How is it?" I pause. "It's really good, I haven't had food with this much flavor for a while." I take another bite while listening to Kiba talking about Yakiniku Q, where he said he would take me with his team to eat there. I agreed to do so and started asking Kiba about his clan. I had read a little bit about his clan, which was recognizable by the triangles on their cheeks.
I eat calmly as Kiba animatedly talks about the various techniques and Jutsu's that his clan could use and how they got their Ninken. I ask various questions in-between bites which he responds quickly. Eventually my bowl is empty and I'm just listening to several stories of clan training in which he and Akumaru participated in. A hand on my shoulder startles me out of listening and causes Kiba to pause. I turn to Kakashi, who was looking at me expectantly. "We should be getting over to my house. You need to be well-rested for tomorrow." I nod. "Where will my testing be?" "Training ground 7," Kakashi starts and turns to Kiba. "Kiba you are welcome to come and spectate. It would be good to know how a comrade fights. It'll start at 8:30 am." He nods and I stand up, saying goodbye to the pair and following to Kakashi.
We eventually reach his house, where he shows me my room and leaves me to myself. I lean the sword against the wall and sigh. I take the headbands from the pouch and set them on the nightstand. I unwrap the bandages on my forearms and bite my thumb, opening the seal on my forearm and watching as a scroll poof's out. I unseal the scroll and sift through the clothing until I find my nightwear. I get out of my shinobi attire and slip on the loose black leggings and black hoodie. I pull my hair out of its high ponytail and comb through it with my fingers and sigh. I collapse onto the bed with a soft 'thump' and sigh. I pull the covers over my head and relax, staring at the old headbands. I grab my fathers headband and I trace the deep scratch going across the headband. I stared sadly at my fuzzy reflection in the headband, before drifting into darkness.
Hey! I just wanted to take a minute to Thank You for Reading! I have been working on this book for about a month and I am half-way through the seventh chapter. I'll try to update regularly, we'll, as regularly as I can...
I have a couple of books up for adoption if anyone is Interested as well... Welp, that's all for now.
Have a good day/night my Little Ghouls~
~Ja ne~

Momochi (Kiba Inuzuka) *CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN*Where stories live. Discover now