Chapter 21: Strange Happenings

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When we reach the gates of Suna, Kankuro shows us to the Hotel we will be staying in for the duration of our visit. He told us to meet at the Kazekage tower at 8:00 the next morning before leaving. Kiba and I enter our shared room, with Kiba flopping onto the bed dramatically. I drop my weaponry off, pulling out a set of comfortable clothing from a scroll."Well, hope you don't mind, I get the shower first." I make a mad-dash to the bathroom and shut the door. I laugh slightly before turning around and taking off my vest. As I'm in the process of taking my shirt of Kiba walks in. "Hey babe, have you seen my-" He stops in his tracks, staring straight at me. I feel my face grow hot and notice Kiba slowly turning red. "I- uhm- uh- Sorry!" He quickly leaves and shuts the door behind him. I stare where he was for a few moments before shaking my head and turning on the water to the shower. I continue undressing and shower quickly, wrapping myself in a towel before getting dressed. I exit the bathroom and point inside. "It's all yours." He nods awkwardly and enters.

I flop onto the bed and snuggle under the covers groaning tiredly. After a few minutes Kiba enters the bedroom and flops next to me on the bed. "What are you wanting to do today?" He mumbled, voice muffled by the pillow. "I don't know. Take a nap then go and get some food? Training too." He nods and within seconds he is asleep. I laugh softly and close my eyes, relaxing. 'My birthday is in a few days. I should by myself a new weapon while here. Maybe I can convince Kankuro to teach me puppetry. It would be good to expand on my skill set.' I sigh. 'It will be odd not having you here Father, Haku. I'll come and see you soon.' I smile softly and relax, drifting into a soft sleep.

A loud thud startles me from my sleep. I look over to Kiba, noting that he was still asleep. I sit up and stretch, checking the clock. '9:02. We slept for about 3 hours. Time to get up and get some food.' I shake Kiba awake, Akamaru waking up with the movement. Kiba lets out a low groan. "Come on Kiba, lets go get some food and explore." He sits up almost Zombie-like,his eyes dark with the remenants of sleep. He looks at me sleepily, yawning quietly.

I grab my headband and tie it around my neck, throwing my hair up in a messy bun. I slip on a holster for my staff over my back, feeling slightly nostalgic over my old outfit. I pin my bangs up and turn to Kiba, who had dragged himself out of bed. I smile at him softly. "Come on, let's find somewhere to eat and then lets head to a training ground to work on those seals." He seems to perk up at the thought of food and nods, coming up and grabbing my hand. I tape a note on Hinata's door stating that we went to breakfast and training, and that we will be back before noon.

We make our way through the sandy village, quickly finding a small cafe. There were small potted succulents in the window along with several woven baskets. We enter the cafe and I smile at the delicious scent of coffee. I take a look at the varying pastries in the glass case, pointing out which ones looked good to Kiba. After a few moments a young woman pokes her head out from the back. Her eyes notice the Konoha Headband around my neck before looking me in the eye. She had white hair, held up in a ponytail with two senbon. She had bandages over one eye and a Suna headband around her neck. She was dressed in a simple Kimono, which split going down her thighs. She wore black leggings and silver combat boots. "Sorry, my foster mother is preparing some more pastries in the back. We are currently waiting on some of our workers to arrive. What can I help you with?" I smile. "It is no problem. Could I get a cinnamon bear claw and a cup of mango tea?" She nods and turns to Kiba. "And for you sir?" "I'll have what she's having as well as a pork bun." She smiles at him, taking a look at Akamaru. "I'm sorry, he'll have to leave."

Kiba shakes his head. "He can't go, he is a ninken and my partner. I would have left him outside, but it's Inuzuka protocol." She sighs. "All right. I'll get those pastries and tea started for you. By the way, what are you Konoha Shinobi doing out here?" I scratch the back of my neck. "I can't really say, but it is for a mission requested by the counsel. We are going to be here for about a week." She nods and smiles. "What's your name?" I smile back. "Akahana Momochi. What is yours?" Her eyes snap up to meet mine. "Momochi...?" I look at her strangely and nod. She shakes her head. "My name is Hisame Yozora, I was originally from the Village of Wolves, but came here for a mission." I smile. "Good to meet you." She nods. "I'm going to check on mother, enjoy your food." We make our way to the table. "That was a little weird how she reacted to my last name, although it isn't the strangest of reactions." He nods. "It's almost like she recognized it." I shake my head. "Anyway, we need to focus on our mission, once we are done let's head to the training grounds." Hisame exits the back room. "Have a good meal. I have to report to my team, but if you want to know a good training ground its training ground 7." I smile. "Thanks." She leaves and Kiba and I begin discussing one of our seals. I pull a scroll out from a storage seal on my wrist and open it, revealing sealing supplies and an almost-complete capture seal.

I explain to him how I got the formula while he observes. "What if you layered a silencing seal here. It would make it easier for capturing targets." I nod, layering a small silencing seal into the matrix. An opening of the door startled us. A girl with brown hair, almost the same shade as mine, leans on her knees panting. She turns to me, eyes widening slightly before going into the back room. "I'm sorry Miss Futami, I overslept. I was training pretty late last night." A woman's voice laughs. "It is no problem Hikori. Now, why don't you go see if our guests need anything?" I take this as an opportunity to finish layering on the silencing seal before beginning to pack up the supplies. "We can finish this later, let's eat first." A moment later, the brown-haired girl comes through the door, wearing a white apron and smiling widely.

"Do you guys need anything? More tea perhaps?" I smile and shake my head. "No thank you how much do I owe you?" She takes a look at the pastries and tea before smiling. "21 ryo." I nod and grab my wallet, pulling the correct amount out and handing it to her. "Thank you, now we must be going." I finish my pastry quickly and grab my scroll and turning to Kiba, who stood up and stretched. As we walk away I can just barely make out what the girl mutters. "That has to be a main branch member, if not the clan head." I raise an eyebrow. 'Strange indeed.' 

Momochi (Kiba Inuzuka) *CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN*Where stories live. Discover now