Chapter 20: The Nara Knows.

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I pace nervously at the gates. "Aka, he or she will be here soon, relax." I huff. "Easy for you to say. The more time we spend here, the more time it will take to get to Suna." A couple minutes later a man I recognize from the exams shows up. He is wearing a black suit and a cat-eared headpiece along with purple paint across his face. "Hey, sorry for the wait, I got caught up with something. Normally it would be Temari that is here, but she is busy. I'm Kankuro, your escort to Suna." I step forward. "Akahana Momochi, Squad Leader. A pleasure to make your acquaintance." He looks to them. "Didn't only one of you make chunin? And you look different." I snort. "Isn't deception a Ninja's greatest tool. A ninja must be able to see through the deception. We are higher-ranking officials put in to make sure the exam went smoothly and nothing happened. They are technically all Chunin but put a Genin to keep low-profile. Now can we get moving?" He nods and we exit the gates, quickly taking to the trees.

After a while of jumping through trees Kankuro halts. "We should set up camp here while it is still somewhat light out. After we sleep we will get moving again." I nod and pull myself up in a tree, pulling out a sleeping bag up there and setting my stuff in the trees. I flip down and mark my tree with an X. I jump off to grab firewood while the others are still setting up. I am finished with the fire by the time they had finished and lit it quickly. "Kiba, Akamaru, refill our canteens, I'll go hunting and grab us some food. Shino, Hinata, keep a lookout for anything unusual." They nod and we quickly split off, I notice Kankuro staring at incredulously, which I ignore.

I quickly kill 2 rabbits and clean them, before going back to camp. When I arrive I notice that Kiba and Akamaru were already back and Kiba was chatting with Kankuro and Hinata. I begin to cook the rabbit over the fire and look at Kiba out of the corner of my eye. The fire lit his face in the most beautiful way possible. I shake my head and get back to cooking. Once the food was done I hand out portions and lean against a tree. I pull out my sealing book and continue reading through it. I tense up when I feel a presence nearby, and I can tell Shino's bugs noticed it too.

I pull my bo-staff from my back, causing Kiba to go on guard. Akamaru snaps up and begins growling loudly, and Kankuro jumps up too startled by the sudden action. I jump into a tree and rush to intercept the ninja, about to strike when I notice it was another team. "Jeez Asuma, you nearly gave us a heart attack." I sigh. Shikamaru raises an eyebrow. "Us?" I nod. "I assume you are here to join us on the mission to Suna?" I turn to Asuma, who nods. I sigh. "Alright, we've made camp a short ways away. Hopefully Shino will get the message and not attack us." 'And get into their Henge's in time.'

We make it to camp and get everyone settled in. I put out the fire and jump up into my tree. "I'll make a few clones to keep watch, they'll alert us if anything should happen." I create a few clones and send them on their way, settling into my sleeping bag and quickly falling asleep.

In the morning, my team is the first to wake, quietly packing their stuff while I go hunting. When I return, Ino and Asuma were up, talking with Hinata and Kiba. I relight the fire and begin cooking our Rabbit breakfast. I pull my weaponry on my back and pack everything up as Choji, Shikamaru, and Kankuro finish their breakfast.

We keep moving until about noon, where we take a quick water break. "So, Akahana, why is you team here, really the only one to make it to Chunin officially is Shino." I raise a brow at Shikamaru. "Why is your team here, the only one of you who are chunin officially is you." he rolls his eyes. "Touche, but we all know that if my team had better line-up they would have won." I smirk. "Who said my team wasn't already Chunin while participating in the exams?" His eyes narrow. "It's called a mission, how do you think Kabuto and those Sound Nin were captured so easily?" His eyes widen. "Then you're..." He trails off, not wanting to say my codename in case of it being correct. "Yep, that I am." "Then that means..." He looks at my team. "Yep." His eyes widen. "Looks like all that was a ruse huh?" Ino looks at Shikamaru. "What was a ruse?" He ignores her and turns to my team. "You can undo the Henge now." Kiba groans. "And just when it was getting fun." In a plume of smoke my team revealed their true selves, much to the utter shock and amazement of Ino and Choji.

I stand up and stretch. "Let's get moving again shall we?" Ino stares at my team, muttering under her breath. "Holy crap, Kiba actually looks hot for once, maybe I could-" Kiba grabbed my hand and kissed my cheek softly, clearly hearing what Ino said. I hear Ino whine about how all of the cute guys are taken and laugh.

For the next day, I notice Shikamaru observing me and my team quietly. "Something on your mind Shika?" He looks at me. "I'm just curious as to why your team hid their skill instead of making chunin officially." I look ahead. "Deception is a Ninja's greatest tool, isn't it? Also, we wanted to have some gennin actually have a chance of making it to chunin because they are clearly not chunin." I watch Kiba as he gracefully performs a few flips with Akumaru in the air. "I guess you're right."

Once we make it into the desert we take a break from the blistering heat inside a small cave. "We'll move out when it's dark, it'll be cooler then. Be prepared though, the desert gets cold at night." I say looking at my team, who nods. Kankuro looks at me. "How do you know that?" I look at him blankly. "I'm the child of a Rogue-Ninja, we've been to the desert a few times to hide out or do jobs." He nods and I turn to the others. "We should get some sleep, we'll be moving all night to get there by morning." Shikamaru doesn't think twice before crashing. We all let out a collective sweatdrop. 'Definitely a Nara.'

Momochi (Kiba Inuzuka) *CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN*Where stories live. Discover now