Chapter 19: New Hokage and another mission?

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The Hokage decided it was his time to retire once the Exams were over, and made the loud announcement. Naruto left with Jiraiya to find the new Hokage, who was decided to be Tsunade. They were supposedly heading back to the village now, Tsunade had lost a bet and because of that, she had to take up the Mantle of hokage.

I sighed and leaned against one of the spikes on the fourth hokage's head, watching the sunset over the village below. I feel Kiba jump down next to me and wraps an arm around my shoulders. "Hello gorgeous." He kisses my temple softly. I laugh softly and flick his forehead. "Dork." He whines jokingly. "So I'm not allowed to call you gorgeous?" I laugh and poke his side. "Nope, try something else." He pouts. "Beautiful?" "Nope." "Sweetheart?" "Nu-uh." "Cutie-pie?" "Too Cheesy." He groans. "Then what can I call you?" "Something not about my appearance." He pauses and lights up. "What about my Kick-Ass Assassin?" I roll my eyes. "Whatever. Your still a dork." He grinned and kissed my cheek.

I shift and lean against his chest, his arms wrapping around my waist loosely. "The sunset is sure beautiful huh?" He hums and begins playing with my hair inside of it's ponytail. I turn to look at him. "Do you want me to take it down?" He smiled softly and kissed my cheek. "Yeah, that would be great." I smile and pull it out of the ponytail. He runs his fingers softly through it before fiddling with it. He later asks for my hair tie, to which I pass it back. I look at him once he finished. "Did you braid it?" He nods. "I had to do my sisters hair a lot whenever she was still learning to braid her hair." I kiss under his jaw. "I guess you'll need to do this more." He laughs softly. "I guess so."

We sit in a comfortable silence until Shino and Hinata arrive. "It's time to head home, Lady Hokage will be arriving tomorrow, and we have our duties as ANBU to continue." I nod and stand up, pulling Kiba up and linking hands. We quickly make our way home, stopping for some Mochi before continuing. When we make it home I sigh and stretch. Once it is time for bed, I lay down next to Kiba, but I couldn't sleep. I layed in Kiba's arms for almost 2 hours, and Kiba and Akamaru were hard asleep. I sigh and wriggle out of Kiba's arms before opening the window flipping onto the roof. I make my way to training ground 11, which had a large lake. I step onto the lake before reaching the center. I settle into a Lotus position and relax, making sure to keep on top of the water, and pull a cloak of chakra around myself.

I sigh and pull myself into my subconscious, thinking of varying seals and Jutsu I could create. I spend hours on the lake, thinking and planning for the varying seals I would need. The Presence of two people's chakra is quick to pull me out of my subconscious. I remain in my meditative position, silently observing the presences. Once they grow closer I raise a brow and speak out. "Is there anything I can do to help you two with?" I opened my eyes, staring straight ahead and letting my chakra cloak dissipate.

The two figures, hidden by the shadows freeze. I roll my eyes. "Are you just going to stand there or what?" I take notice of the time while waiting for them to respond. 'The sun should be rising soon.' My attention returns to the cloaked figures. I scan their chakra and find nothing malevolent about it, no anger or resentment. 'It's probably the new hokage checking out my chakra.' I sigh and get out of my meditative position. "Well, thanks for keeping me company, now if you will excuse me Hokage-sama, I have new seals I need to get cracking on." I wave and vanish in a plume of smoke and reappear in the office we had recently installed.

I quickly write down what I wanted to achieve and the steps to get there. Due to my hours of thinking I had come to the realization of the varying layers I would need for this invisibility seal. I grab a piece of sealing paper and slowly begin adding the needed layers to it. I create several other, slightly altered seals. I place it on a shadow clone, watching as it flickers before poofing out of existence. I huff and rub my temples. Suddenly it dawns on me. 'Why don't I have it connect with a person's chakra source, that way it can stick to them without destroying their chakra system.' I make the needed tweaks quickly before placing it on yet another clone. I restrain a cheer as my clone going invisible, but I could tell it was still there. I instruct the clone to pull it off and give it back. I create yet another clone to copy it exactly onto another paper. "Now, if I could make is so it cloaked a person's chakra and hid it, this would be perfect for infiltration missions." I take the copied invisibility seal and begin to layer a chakra cloaking seal before putting it on my test clone. I smile in satisfaction as her presence completely disappears. My clone then makes yet another copy, and take the copy. "I need to layer in a visibility seal so that only people with the seal on can see the invisible people."

I put my hand to my chin and sigh. "What if I added layers 34 and 12, for partial sight, and communication..." I mutter, laying the added formulas on top of the already visible seal. I sigh and create a second seal and place it on my two clones, who after a few minutes pull the seal off. "It works Akahana-san. We could see each other perfectly and communicate well." I sigh in relief. I create 3 more clones. "If you could get to work on creating more of these seals that would be amazing. Of each seal please." They nod and each grab a brush and paper. I meet Kiba in the hallway. "Hey, where were you?" I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck. "I couldn't sleep so I went to training ground 11 to meditate and came up with some new seal ideas that I was just working on. I finished an Invisibility seal that completely cloaks ones presence, and the only way you would know if they were there is if you were wearing one of the seals." He looks at me awestruck. "That's awesome! Anyway, we need to eat, we have been summoned by the Hokage as Team 8." I nod and grab an apple and toss one to Hinata and Shino, who were sitting at the table. Kiba grabs and apple and I grab my Jonin vest and headband, leaving my hair in the braid Kiba had put in.

We quickly make our way to the Hokage's office. With a knock we enter and give a bow. "Welcome to Konoha Lady Hokage." I say once I stand up straight. She nods and smiles. "You are the Leader of Team 8 Correct?" "Co-Leader, the other is Kurenai Yuhi, who is currently on leave for a training injury." She hums. "Anyway, I have a mission for your Chunin/ANBU team, which will determine your team's official status." I nod. She sighs. "Your mission is to the Land of Wind. You are to protect their Kazekage as he is signing a treaty because being targeted by Orochimaru due to refusing an offer." I nod. "On your way if you run into any members in the Bingo Book you are to turn in their bounties." I look to my team, who nods. "Do you accept?" I nod. "Yes Lady Hokage." She sighs. "Good, your Suna escort will be at the Gates at Noon, you are to meet them there and leave as quickly as possible." I nod. "Yes Lady Hokage." "Good, Dismissed."

I groan once we get home. "Let's just hope this Suna Shinobi is a female or doesn't have the same hair-color as that scumbag." He nods. "If he looks similar you can just stay away from him, we don't need you having a mental breakdown or episode." I nod and hug Kiba tightly. "Thanks Ki." He smiles. "No problem Aka."

Momochi (Kiba Inuzuka) *CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN*Where stories live. Discover now