Chapter 5: Weaponry

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I smile softly at the three Genin and Nin-dog, who were just barely standing. "You guys did great today. You have to push past your limits to get stronger, and I am here to help you guys get stronger. Come on, I'll take you to my apartment to rest before you go home." They nod tiredly. I hold out my arm and the three grab on, Kiba picking up Akamaru.
I swiftly take us to my apartment. I help the three onto the couch. "I'll get you four some water." I grab three glasses and a small bowl and fill them with water. The four drink the water slowly. I check the time. '4:53'. I let out a low whistle and clap, catching the four's attention.
"Alright, I'll send out a summon to your families to inform them that you four are staying here for dinner as well as the night. I have a closet in the guest room filled with guys clothes for you two. Shino you can shower in the guest room and Kiba you can shower in my bathroom. There should be extra towels in the hall closet. Hinata will shower after Kiba is out. I'll cook some dinner while you shower, you guys must be starving."
Kiba stumbles standing up and Shino is quick to steady him. Shino leads him to my bedroom and grabs him a set of black clothes from the closet in the guest room. Shino quickly heads into the guest room. I bite my thumb, summoning 3 deer and tell them to let the cln heads know about their children's whereabouts. After my summons leave I create a clone to get started on dinner and I help Hinata up. I lead her to the armory.
I push open the door, showing the various weapons I had set up after the chat I had with the fours. Hinata's eyes widened at the sight of the various weapons. "As your teacher for weapons, I want you to pick the weapon that feels right to you. I want you to close your eyes. You should be feeling a pull towards a specific section of the room. Follow it and grab what you feel pulling you.
She nods and closes her eyes. I watch curiously as she walks towards the less common weapons. Her hand goes towards the fans and she takes a hold of one of the twin fans I own. It was a dark purple steel fan with grooves for chakra to channel through. Once you add chakra, sharp blades will pop out. Hinata opens her eyes. "Twin fans, interesting." I hand her the holster for the two fans and explain to her how to attach the holsters to her thighs. Before sliding the two fans into their proper compartments.
I walk her out of the room to find Kiba out of the shower and lying Lazily on the couch. I send Hinata into my room, telling her about the spare clothing I had. I take a look at Kiba, noticing the new outfit I gave him.
It comprised of a black turtle-neck tank and Black ANBU pants. His headband was tied lazily around his neck. A tool belt hung around his hips loosely. He wore black combat boots and he had black fingerless gloves. I notice the weights around his wrists. 'Good to know he follows instructions' "Nice look." He grins. "Thanks, I quite like it. I think I'll stick with it for now." I smile softly and tell him to follow me.
Once again we reach the armory and I explain the same thing to him as I did Hinata. He closes his eyes and walks towards the smaller weapons. He places his hand firmly on a dagger. "One of the Twin Dragon daggers." I pull the other one off the wall from beside him and hand him the holster for the blades. He attaches the holsters to his thighs and slides the daggers in place.
When I get back to the living room Shino is waiting. He changed his outfit as well. It now consisted of his Glasses, a black over-the-nose mask, a long-sleeved loose black shirt. His shirt was tucked into grey ANBU pants with a tool belt wrapped around his waist. He finished it up with some black boots and fingerless gloves. His headband was wrapped around his neck as well. I motioned for him to follow as Kiba inspected the daggers, flipping the blade in various ways.
Once we reach the armory I instruct him the same as I had done the other two. He walks over to the uncommon wall and places his hand upon a suntetsu. I show him how to sheathe it as asked if he felt any other pulls. He slowly walks towards the other side of the room. He wearily reaches out and grabs a Kusarigama. "That seems like a good fit for you. Short to mid-range along with the long-range of your bugs." He nods. I help him to place the weapon onto his back.
When we head back to the living room Hinata is showing her fans to Kiba, who is showing his daggers excitedly. Hinata is dressed in a turtleneck half-sleeve shirt, and Black ANBU pants with her utility belt and fans holsters strapped to either side. She wears black fingerless gloves. Her headband was also around her neck. She channels chakra into her fans and the blades pop out threateningly, effectively scaring Kiba.
"Alright alright. You'll learn to use those tomorrow. Now put those away. I have a strict 'No weapons at the table policy', so you better follow it." I say and thank my clone as she sets up the table. She disperses and the three of us sit at the table. I place a bowl of cooked hamburger meat on the floor for Akumaru to eat. We eat in mostly silence, until I speak up. "I want you guys to act like you were before today. Act like you don't get along, and dress like you used to. Place a henge if you feel more comfortable in these clothes. But if you act a certain way, it will cause your enemies to underestimate you. So when you show your abilities for real, you will catch them off guard and have the advantage." They nod. "It makes sense. Why? Shinobi should be able to use deception and see through deception themselves." I nod.
"I also would like you to investigate outside of the standard shinobi techniques. Look into seals, or medical ninjutsu, or possibly collaboration jutsu's with your teammates. If you need help designing jutsu's you can come to me. I've made a few of my own. It would give you an edge." Kiba hums. "Sealing seems pretty cool. I think I'll check out some books in the library about it." Hinata looks deep in thought. "I would like to study more on various NinTaiJutsu techniques." Shino stares at one of his bugs on his finger. "Knowing medical Ninjutsu would be beneficial to my team and other allies in the future." "We should also learn some jutsu and techniques to do as a team. That would be useful in the future." Kiba brought up.
Once dinner was finished and the dishes are taken care of, I began to set up the sleeping arrangements. Hinata in my room with me, and Kiba with Shino in the guest room. I also suggested to bring clothing over to my apartment as they would probably be passing out a lot here after training. I bid a quick goodnight to Kiba and Shino and head into the room with Hinata. We change quietly and I pull out the mattress from under the bed. I throw 2 pillows and 2 blankets onto the bed and lay down, watching as Hinata lays on the bed and pulls herself under the covers.
"I'm thinking about talking to the Hokage about becoming a part of your team. It would make it easier to train you and build up our teamwork." Hinata rolls over to face me. "I-I believe it would be a good idea Akahana-Chan." I smile. "Thanks Hinata-Chan." She rolls over and soon her breathing evens out. I relax into the bed and activate the protection seals around the house. No one is getting in without me knowing and being wide awake.
I soon settle and relax, my mind pulling me into the sweet abyss of sleep.

Momochi (Kiba Inuzuka) *CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN*Where stories live. Discover now