Sneak Peak into 'Momochi in Hogwarts'

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**** VERY LONG ****

I glance at the shaking guards outside of the Hokage's office. I raise a gloved hand to wipe the blood off of my porcelain mask before turning to my team behind me. Wolf and Lemur were standing there bored while Beetle was examining one of his Kikaichu. A team of Genin is lead out of the Hokage's office. The Jounin tries to keep their eyes away from us, but their pale faces show that he failed. Shikaku smiles and opens the door to allow us entry. Kakashi looks at us lazily as I hand him our paper report and stand at attention. "Report." I nod. "The target was spotted at approximately 13:00 in a small town nearby Oto. He was quickly apprehended and killed. On our way back, some other Rouge-Nin tried intercepting. We collected their heads and burned the bodies. We then made it back with no problems. The journey back took approximately 4 hours." Kakashi nods. "Anything else to report?" I shake my head. "No, sir."

He places his hands under his chin and signals for his ANBU to leave. "This is regarding your next mission." I nod and Shikaku activates the updated privacy seals that Kiba and I had installed. "Your mission is to protect a young boy during his schooling at Hogwarts. His name is Harry Potter, age 15." 'Strange name.' "Do you accept?" I look at my teammates before nodding. He nods. "Good, your mission is going to be a year-long. So pack accordingly. Meet me here at 9:30. Your transportation will arrive at 9:45." I nod. Kakashi hand me a scroll. "All of the other information will be held here." I nod. "Dismissed." We bow before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

I take my mask off shortly after we arrive. Kiba excitedly pulls his mask off. "Man, this mask is so stuffy sometimes." I crack a smile. "It helps keep us safe. Therefore it is important." Shino responds, pulling his own mask off. Kiba waves him off. "Alright, clean up your armor and weapons. Begin packing. I'll pack the weapons since I know how to pack them better than you do." Kiba nods. "I'll pack your stuff for you babe." I smile. "Just don't be a perv about it." He chuckles and kisses my cheek. "I won't." I nod. "Pack both Shinobi and Casual outfits. Grab your extra ANBU uniforms as well. Wear the one you are wearing today tomorrow. Just be sure to scrub all of the blood off." They nod and run off to do their specific tasks.

I make my way to the armory quickly. I pull several sealing scrolls off of the wall and lay them open. I take my sharp weapons and lay them on the scroll and quickly seal them inside. In the second scroll, I put the blunt force weapons. In the third, I put my unusual and unused weapons. In the fourth, I put my most common weapons. I glance at Kubikiribocho. "I'll take you in the morning." I take the headbands off the wall and place them in a separate scroll. I open the Armory door. "Hey! Bring me any weapons you want me to pack or you're packing them yourself!"

Kiba is the first to come through the door. He hands me his twin swords. "I want to stick with my daggers and claws, I'm better with them." I nod and set them on the scroll. He glances at the wall. "You're using Kubikiribocho?" I nod. "I always take it on longer-termed missions. It makes me feel like father is with me." He smiles and kisses my cheek, standing up to leave. "I'm going to go finish packing up our stuff." I nod. "Don't forget the photos!" I call after him. "I won't!"

Hinata and Shino enter around the same time. Hinata hands in her Naginata and Katana, and Shino hands in his Jitte. I smile and pack them up. I seal them into the scroll and look at the empty armory. I open the secret compartment, picking up the scroll. I trace my fingers over the intricate edges. 'Father left this for me. Mother gave it to me.' I hold in a snicker. 'She was so mad that she couldn't open it she just gave it to me.'  I sigh. 'More like threw it at me.' I put it in a scroll holster. 'I'll open it when we arrive at our location. Since we will be staying there for a while.' I quickly seal all of the care supplies into another scroll. I then seal all of the smaller scrolls into another scroll to preserve space.

I pick up the scroll and smile. I walk into the bedroom, taking off the breastplate and arm guards in the process. I dump them into the bathtub with a sigh and walk into the bedroom. Kiba was finishing packing up the photos. I wrap my arms around his waist and peer over his shoulder. He looks at me over his shoulder. "Did you get all of my clothes?" "Yep." "Your clothes?" "Uh-huh." "Our Shinobi attire?" He sighs. "Yes. I also got our extra ANBU uniforms, the multitudes of Kunai and Shuriken that were scattered around our room, as well as the stuff from under the bed." I smile. "And as you can see, I am packing the photos." I kiss his cheek. "I know, I just don't know when we will be back, and I haven't had time to read the mission scroll yet." He chuckles. "Then take care of it. I'll get the armor washed off and get the rest packed. You go and read that scroll." I smile. "I'll get started on dinner and read it while I'm waiting for it to cook. I'll also be calling everyone's family over to explain our mission over dinner." I look around. "Where is Akamaru?" He chuckles. "He got a bath and is now passed out in the living room." I smile and give him a quick kiss. "I'll be in the kitchen if you need me."

I walk into the living room, laughing at the sight of Akumaru and Kitai snoring softly on the couch. I scribble three quick notes addressed to my team's family asking them to meet for dinner at around 7:00. I cut my palm, summoning three deer and give them the notes. They quickly vanish in a plume of smoke. I crack my knuckles and create a couple of clones to start on dinner. I pull out a chair at the table and open the scroll. 'Oh, well, this is.... Different...'

~Time Skip~

I smile at the table full of guests and clan heirs. Tsume crosses her arms and looks at me with a raised brow. "What did you call us here for brat?" I smirk at her question. "Give them a minute. They are finishing packing. It has to do with our recent mission." She huffs and places her hand on Kuromaru's head. Kiba, along with Hinata and Shino make their way to the dining room and sit next to their family. I sigh. "So, this isn't about the mission itself, but rather the length." Hisashi raises a brow. "The mission length is a year, with one, one-month break before heading back for another year." Tsume raises an eyebrow. "Are you serious?" I nod. "We are assigned to guard some kid named Harry Potter. I can't say much, other than it is outside of the elemental nations." Hana spits out her water. "Outside of the elemental nations?!" I nod. "The person who hired us had a favor from lord-third. He is paying us quite a bit, providing us with housing and all. The only downside is that we have to deal with kids our age. Powerless kids, our age."

Hisashi grunts. "How long do you have to keep protecting this kid?" I shrug. "Until he becomes powerful enough to defeat his enemy on his own, he graduates at age 18, or his enemy is killed." Hisashi nods. "When do you leave?" Shibi speaks up. "We depart Konoha at 9:45. We report to the Hokage at 9:30 to get the final details and meet our hirer." They nod. A comfortable silence follows. Once dinner was finished, I collect the plates. "Mochi anyone?" I pull out a tray of green tea mochi from the freezer. The clan heads shake their heads, Kiba and Hinata asking for one. I give them one and motion to the mochi once more. "You sure?" They nod. I sigh and put the mochi back into the freezer.

After a while of just sitting in silence Tsume glances at the clock. "Kiba, Akahana, Come by before you go to the Hokage's office. I have something to give you two." I nod and Hana and Tsume stand from the table. Shibi says something quietly to Shino, who nods. Hisashi looks at Hinata. "Come by my office before you leave. Hanabi will want to say goodbye." Hinata nods. "Yes father." The clan heads shortly after leave, Hana giving hugs to Kiba and me before leaving.

I suppress a yawn. "Let's get to bed. We start a very long mission tomorrow, and I wish to say my goodbyes before 9:00." They nod and run off to bed. Kiba wraps his arms around my waist, placing his head on my shoulder. "You ready for this? We won't be seeing Konoha for a while." He mutters. I smile. "As long as I'm with you, I don't care where we are." I kiss his cheek softly. "That was cheesy." I smile. "But you loved it." He chuckles and kisses my neck. "Hell yeah I did." I smile and let out a soft laugh. "Let's get to bed. As I said earlier, I want to say my goodbye's before 9:00."

Momochi (Kiba Inuzuka) *CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN*Where stories live. Discover now