Chapter 4: Training the Kiddos

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I teleport into each genin's room to wake them up and send them to the training grounds at around 6:00 am. I greet the sleepy trio with a grin before throwing a Kunai at them. They dodge now wide awake. "Hey, what was that for?" Kiba shouts. I grin. "Good, your awake now. Give me ten laps around the field to warm up, and don't even think about slowing down. Once you get used to this time we will go an hour earlier. I only have so much time to train you before your sensei comes so get going!" They slowly start running, but not fast enough.
I throw a kunai behind them. "My grandma can run faster than you, and she's dead!" They eventually get the laps done and I call Hinata up to me. "Your problem isn't anything technique-wise, it's your strength and your indecisiveness to strike. So, your going to be wearing weights around your arms and legs and we'll be working on sparring. You'll also be doing weapons with me. " She nods and I clip the weights on. "They are starting at 10 pounds each. We'll up them by 5 pounds each week. Don't take them off unless told to or showering." She goes and sits down next to her two teammates.
I call Shino up next. "It's not strategy your lacking in, but it's strength and your reliance on your bugs. I want you to also be wearing weights and you'll be doing weapons training with me." He nods and I hand him the weights for him to clip on himself. I know how Aburames are about their privacy. "Same rules as Hinata apply." He nods and sits down next to Hinata.
I call Kiba and Akumaru up last. "You need to work on strategy and endurance, you also rely on Akamaru too much. You'll be playing Shogi and various board games against me to develop strategy, as well as joining your teammates in weapons training." He nods and I clip on his weights. I attach smaller weights onto Akumaru's legs and torso.
I let the three relax while I begin to develop a training plan for them. "Alright, what days are your training days and what days are your mission days. I'm trying to work out a training schedule for you guys to follow even if I'm not here." "Monday, Thursday, and Friday's are training days, which are normally only 3-4 hours. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday are our mission days, and Sunday is a break day." Kiba speaks up. I nod. "If we meet here every morning at 6:00 am for training. That gives us roughly 2 hours to train if you start missions or training at 8:00 am. The Hokage shouldn't send you guys out on any missions past 5:00 pm." I mumble.
I grab a notebook and quickly write down a schedule for the three. Mondays are weapons days; 6:00-7:45 and 15:00 - 17:30(3:00pm-5:30pm). Tuesdays will be team building and sparring; 6:00-7:45 and 17:00 - 19:00. Wednesday is Endurance;6:00-7:45 and 15:00 - 17:30. Thursday is Chakra control and Ninjutsu; 6:00-7:45. Fridays are weapons; 6:00-7:45 and 15:00 - 17:30. Saturday will be team building; 6:00-7:45.
I pass the papers out to the trio. "I expect you to have your 10 laps done before 6:00 when I arrive so that we can make the most out of the short time. If you complete the assigned training before you start missions or training with your Sensei we will start the next part in the afternoon.. If you want any extra training you can come to me on Sunday" They scan the paper and nod. "I plan on making you guys a Reconnaissance and Information Gathering team, as well as a tracking team. Your abilities make you the perfect team for Recon, so I'll be helping with that later on. This will be your schedule for the next 2 months. Even when I'm not here a clone will be to ensure your training. However, if you do feel like at any moment you are going to pass out or collapse, you may take a 5 minute break. Understood?" The nod, determination burning brightly in Hinata and Kiba's eyes. I can't exactly get a read on Shino, but I'm sure that he is feeling the same.
I clap. "Alright! You are going to spar until 8:00, where we will take a break. Then we will go to team building for about an hour. We will then move into weapons and how to use them effectively. We will have lunch at my Apartment and then you will have a 1 hour break, which afterwards we will go into 30 mins of endurance. We will then go into the basics of Reconnaissance and Information. Afterwards you will be dismissed to go home and relax. I'll be at the library afterwards if you have any questions." They nod.
"Alright, You all will be going all out against a clone. No holding back or you will run laps until you collapse." I summon 3 clones and send them to fight. "Begin!" I shout.
I then stepped into the shadows and observed the fights. The three genin and nin-dog were sluggish but soon adjusted to the weights. Shino was the first one to dispel a clone, taking 43 minutes. I send Shino to jog laps until the others finished.Kiba + Akamaru and Hinata defeated theirs at almost at the same time, in 62 minutes. The three were out of breath and looked exhausted. I check the sun. It was almost 8:00. I smile.
"Good job you three. Take a 15 minute break, then we will get into team building." Kiba flops onto the ground dramatically, while Hinata and Shino sit down somewhat civilized. I pull out a book I had gotten while on my travels with father. I began reading about the basics of seals, and what materials are needed to make them. I already knew the basic seals, such as protection and privacy seals like the ones I have inside my house, but I wanted to make more complex ones.
Once the break was over I stand up and brush the dirt off of my pants. The four look at me. "Come on, time for some team building!" They stand up shakily and stumble towards me. I let a small smile go across my face. I have them climb a big tree and sit down. I join them and smile. "I realized you guys know a lot about me, so I want you guys to tell me your name, favorite animal, favorite color, and three facts about yourself."

Momochi (Kiba Inuzuka) *CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN*Where stories live. Discover now