Chapter 7: Confessions of a Dark Past and a Soulmate

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I hear voices talking around me. "Don't ask her anything about what happened. She won't be in pain, luckily. But she will need to talk to someone she trusts. Someone who doesn't already know. We have done all we could in the past, but it seems something has caused that mental block we put in to completely snap all at once. We need a Yamanaka to help her and this trusted person go through this. She can't go through another one of these breaks."

I let out a groan as a light pain hits my skull. I try to open my eyes, but the light was too bright. I cover my eyes with my hand and a shuffling was heard next to me. "You can open your eyes now, we closed the blinds." I remove my hand from my head. And my eyes adjust to the room around me. I sit up groggily. Jou smiles at me. "How long have I been out?" I question. "About 4 hours. Your team is really worried about you, especially that Inuzuka boy when he heard about you being in the hospital."

I feel my face grow warm at the slight teasing from Jou. Shinrin clears his throat. "We'll let your team in now, they have been anxiously waiting for you to wake up." I nod. Kakashi, as well as Shinrin, leave the room, quickly being replaced by a concerned Jounin and three worried Genin and Nin-dog. Akumaru jumps onto the bed, licking my face. I laugh and push Akumaru away gently.

"Are you okay? Any pain? Dizziness?" Kurenai questions. "Oh god, I should have known it wasn't just a headache. I'm a Jounin for crying out loud." "Kurenai, calm down." "Calm down? Akahana you were screaming in pain. How can I calm down?" I sigh. "Trust me, it was the last thing I wanted, but I didn't want anyone to see me like that. All from that stupid incident 2 and a half years ago." I can see her eyebrows shoot up. "I set up a mental block to prevent that memory from re-surfacing while in a possibly dangerous situation. It broke, and the backlash was hurting my mind. The last time it broke it wasn't quite as bad, I only passed out for a short while Jou set up another, stronger block." I fiddle with my hands. "I was planning on her breaking it down piece by piece once I got settled here." Kurenai huffs. "That doesn't explain why you had run away instead of letting us help you." I sigh. "I didn't want anyone to see me like that. I couldn't have anyone thinking that I am weak." Kurenai grabs my hand. "

"Akahana Momochi. You took down Kakashi in 10 minutes. TEN. He is an ex-ANBU black ops CAPITAN. We know, excuse my language, damn good and well that you aren't weak. We all have things we would rather not remember, and if it is bad enough for you to want to suppress it, you are very strong for continuing on. You are anything but weak." I look at my hands. "Remember," Hinata starts. I look at her. "We are a team, we are here to help you just like you help us." I smile. "I'll keep that in mind."

Jou clears her throat. "I need to speak to Akahana and the Inuzuka boy, alone in here. It won't take long, I just need to clarify some things." Kurenai nods and ushers Shino and Hinata out of the room. Jou flares her chakra in the room, probably sensing for something.

She motions for Kiba to sit on one side of me while she sits on the other side of me. "So, Akahana, you know the signs of meeting your soulmate, as I have told you multiple times about how I met Shinrin." I nod and raise a brow. She turns to Kiba. "I assume your clan has talked about soulmates as sometimes your clansmen will receive one." He nods. I look at her confusedly. She smiles. "Kiba, could you grab her hand for me?" He nods and grabs my hand as told. Sparks dance across my skin at the contact. "Now, what do you feel Kiba?"

He looks at her. "Sparks, almost like electricity." She looks at me. "Akahana?" I look at her with wide eyes. "Your joking. I can't- I thought it was impossible for my clan-" Jou cuts me off. "Well clearly it isn't Akahana, I assume your mother's side has to do with that."

"So," Kiba starts. "You're saying that we," he points between us two with his other hand. "Are soulmates?" Jou grins cheekily. "I mean, if that is what the fact you two are still holding each other's hand means." I feel my face get hot, and Jou laughs. "You should have a mark, probably on your wrist. It should match each other." I unwrap my bandages slowly, revealing a dark black sigil on my wrist. Kiba rolls his sleeves up and reveals the exact same sigil.

Jou smiles goofily. "That's why you two like being around the other, as well as getting extremely worried when the other is in danger." I clear my throat. "So what do we do next?" "I recommend moving in with one another. Maybe have the whole team involved so it won't seem suspicious, but you guys shouldn't stay away from each other for too long. It will lead to you getting sick if you're separated for over a month."

I nod. "We'll need to pitch in and buy a bigger apartment if the team is going to live with us." She grins. "Why not build it? You know about that nature ability we deer summons have, we will be able to make you a house." I nod and Kiba put his hand. "We'll need to get the clan heads to agree. I know it'll take a little convincing for all three of us, but we can manage. After that, we need to convince the Hokage, which shouldn't be hard after getting approval from the clan heads."

I nod and squeeze Kiba's hand. "At least we know what is going on now. Thanks, Jou. I really owe you one." She smiles. "You can pay me back by staying in good health and telling Kiba what happened 2 years ago." My eyes widen. "But-" "No buts." She cuts me off. "It's my job as your guardian and mother-figure to protect you and ensure your safety." I sigh and nod reluctantly. "Alright..." She claps.

"Alright, I'll leave you two alone. I'll go inform the team of what will be happening. Get to explaining Akahana, it'll be better for you in the long run to have someone who you will always have around to help." I nod and she leaves the room.

Kiba and I sit and A calm quiet until he clears his throat. "Did, what happened 2 years ago have something to do with today?" I nod. He squeezes my hand. "Whenever you're ready to talk, I am here." I give him a smile. "Well, it was about 2 years ago, Father was injured and I was sent out to collect herbs and medicines for him while Haku helped him at the base. It was a small town, not one where you would expect a ninja to be, anyway. As I was heading to the store I was dragged into an alleyway by a Suna shinobi. There he hit me repeatedly, and almost violated me. He knocked me out. When I awoke, I was in a room, tied to a chair and tortured and violated. He thought I was a civilian. That was the worst for me. He was willing to hurt civilian children for his own sick pleasure." I grit my teeth as I untie my headband, revealing a large scar across the side of my neck.

"He was about to slit my throat, apparently done with his sick games. Father and Haku came in the nick of time, Father was unable to kill him as he was focused on me while Haku attended to my wounds." I breathe out and look at Kiba, who was looking at me with a sad smile on his face. "I had nightmares for weeks until I put a mental block up with chakra. I kept having to put it up because I never had the chance to be affected, I couldn't. If I freeze up in the middle of an attack, which was frequent, I would surely be killed." He squeezes my hand. "You're not alone now, you've got me, and team eight to help." I smile.

"I know."


I'M SORRY IT GETS SO DARK, BUT NO JUDGING- This is very important in the future, so trust me.

Anyways, thanks for reading this far!~

Momochi (Kiba Inuzuka) *CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN*Where stories live. Discover now