Chapter 12: Playing Tour Guides

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"Come on you lazy bums. We have a total of six groups of Ninja to show around from their Hotels. And since you wanted to join me, you guys are going to run your laps while I make breakfast. 25 laps and then we will eat." I get a muffled groan from Kiba in response. "Up you four! I won't hesitate to get the ice bucket." Hinata sits up first, rubbing her eyes blearily. Shino stumbles around for his glasses, before sliding them onto his face. Kiba then stands up, stretching and letting out a huge yawn.

"Alright, out you go. Do your laps and then come back inside. Breakfast will be done." They quickly shuffle outside and once I am sure that they are running I make a couple of clones to start on breakfast while I continue sharpening my blades that I was unable to finish. I also clean my teams weapons of the blood as well as my own. I sharpen the weapons that needed it and set them on the respective rack for each person. I stretch and knock on the room Kakashi is in. He pokes his head out. "Breakfast will be ready shortly. If you want to join us you can, breakfast will be on the counter if you want to rest a little more." He nods and closes the door.

When I get to the dining room breakfast is finished and my team is walking in, talking animatedly amongst themselves. I smile and sit down next to Kiba. After giving thanks for the food we quickly eat. "So who are we showing around first?" I shrug. "We will get the information from the Hokage this morning. We'll turn in our bounties on the way." They nod and stand up.

"Go ahead and grab your weapons, I cleaned them for you. Once we are done playing tour guides we are training." They nod and run to grab their instruments. I create a clone to clean the dishes and follow them.

I put on my Jounin vest before I strap my Bo-staff to my back, putting my Tonfa inside the proper holsters on my thighs. I sigh and stretch, before glancing at my team. "You ready to go?" Akamaru barks while the Trio nods. "Alright then, Shunshin to the Hokages office right outside. Do not enter without me. I'll be right there." They nod and promptly Shunshin off. I head down and knock on Kakashi's door once again.

"Hey, once we are finished, do you think we could have a spar? I haven't had a good fight in a little bit and don't want to get rusty." He ruffled my hair and gives me his famous close-eyed smile. "Sure, I would love to. I am needing to test out that lightning chakra shield you had shown me anyway." I smile. "Thanks, Kaka-nii. Breakfast is on the table, don't be too late meeting your genin." He smiles. "I'll try." I then Teleport myself to my team.

"Sorry guys, I had to take care of something. Let's go in and get our orders." I knock on the wooden doors and enter. "Ah, Akahana, I assume you are here to receive the list of teams you are showing around. There is only one Kiri team on there, I know how difficult it must be, but in order to not raise suspicion we had to include a Kiri team." I nod. He hands me a sheet of paper. "Show them around Konoha, starting at the gates and work through all of the training grounds, end showing them the monument. Then head to your next group." I nod. "Do I meet them at the address shown?" He nods. "Have your team talk to the Genin. It'll create a good bond." I nod. "Dismissed." I nod and we bow before leaving.

Once we are out of the office I scan the sheet, my face paling at the last name on the list. I take a deep breath. Maybe someone else will take them. I turn to my team. "Alright! First, we have a Suna team, team 4. They are at the Springs Inn. They should be waiting for us around now." We quickly teleport in front of the Inn. Once everyone is accounted for, we enter and prepare ourselves to meet the team.

I smile at the black-haired Kunoichi who appeared to be getting frustrated at her team. I tap her shoulder. "Yes? How can I help you kid?" My eyebrow twitches at her phrase but I put a smile on my face. "I and my team were assigned to show you around Konoha." She looks at me. "Are you really a Jounin? You look like a Genin." My smile drops and my eyes narrow. "Ma'am, please refrain from disrespecting me. If you cannot tell this is an official Jounin uniform. If you wish to see my testing you could probably ask any of the Inn staff while here. Now, let's get started." I clap and motion for her and her team to follow.

"I'm sorry for the disrespect from earlier. The little brats started arguing again. I'm Hinami Nochiko, I'm a Suna Jounin." I smile back. "Akahana, a Konoha Tokubetsu Jounin." As we pass by some of our favorite dining places I can hear Kiba talking excitedly about the good food. I point out the various training grounds as we pass by them, specifying exactly what each training ground had. When our tour came to an end Hinami and I shook hands. She leads her team elsewhere, probably to look around on their own. I look at the next name on the list.

"Alright, next up is a grass team. They are in the lobby of the Hot Springs Inn. Meet me there." We quickly teleport outside of the Inn. I immediately sense something is off with this team once we see them. The female has benevolent chakra, and too much Chakra to be a Genin, or Chunin for that matter. I put on a happy facade and greet them, signaling my team subtly that a suspect has been found and to alert the Hokage. Akamaru quickly starts acting like he is getting sick. Whining and gagging.

Kiba is quick to put on an act. "Hey, Akamaru, what's wrong?" I turn to them and Kiba and Akamaru talk to one another. Kiba looks at me. "He says he ate something that is making him feel gross. I'll take him to Hana-nii, she'll get him fixed up in no time." I nod. "Take your teammates with you. Be sure to try and get along. This will be good for you to bond over before the exams, now get Akamaru better." I shoo them out and fake sigh, looking back to the team.

"Sorry, he is an Inuzuka, they have a close connection to their ninken. And the team cannot seem to get along for the life of them." The person wearing the grass Flak Jacket laughs. "It's all good, I'm Koharu." He smiles at me and holds his hand out for me to shake. "Akahana." I shake his hand. "Let's get started shall we?" I smile. He nods back.

I lead the team around the village, pointing out the good spots to eat and the good training grounds to go to for varying things. Once we reach the Hokage monument I see the female glaring at it. I smile. "It was good to meet you, good luck in the exams, be sure to watch for snakes though, they are deadly creatures." I walk away, signaling to the ANBU around them to jump into action. They wrap the female in chakra restraining rope and she snarls at me.

"How did you know?" I let an animalistic grin slip onto my face. "Genin don't know how to expertly mask their chakra, or, have a chakra level that trained. It leaves only 2 options, a higher-ranking grass ninja, or Orochimaru. I made a guess and you confirmed it." The grass team looks at the now-revealed Orochimaru in shock. "How did you know I transfered bodies?" I smile. "There is a couple of things you learn when you are a rogue for six years. Especially when my father's comrade worked with you." I unseal Kubikiribocho and hold it to his neck. "Be glad I am not killing you now, that will unfortunately be These Guy's job. Or Ibiki. Whoever you are unlucky enough to face." I seal Kubikiribocho away and let a sadistic smile across my face as I turn to the ANBU. "Lock him in one of the Max Security Cells with Chakra Cuffs and Rope. Give him the drugs listed here," I give an ANBU a sheet of Paper. "Until Ibiki gets to him."

I watch as the ANBU teleport away, Orochimaru in tow. I hear the Grass Sensei clear his throat. I turn to him. "Yes?" He looks at me concerned. "Do you have any clue what happened to their teammate?" I look at them sadly. "I'm sorry for your loss. She had been killed by Orochimaru, probably given a curse mark prior." The grass Genin paled. "Your lying." I shake my head. "I wish I was. But don't you worry, he will get what he deserves soon enough." I watch as my team teleport to my location.

"Good job you three. Keep an eye out still, we don't know if he has any accomplices. If anyone, ANYONE, seems to have information that they shouldn't you report to me immediately. Even if they are a 'leaf' ninja." They nod and I turn to the Grass team. "I'll escort you to your hotel room. You can still participate in the exams, just as a two-person team, or we could try and find someone else to participate with you." The walk was in Silence back to Inn. "Feel free to use any of the Training Grounds around here. If you need anything just let a Leaf Shinobi know, they would be more than happy to help." Koharu look up at me with sad but thankful eyes.

"Thank you, Akahana. You helped us discover why she had been acting strange recently. You are also giving us closure." I smile, nodding, before leaving. The next few tours are uneventful, until the one I had been dreading came forward. I feel my hands shaking as we enter the Inn, waiting for them to show. Kiba grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze and a reassuring smile. I squeeze back and turn my attention to a pair of familiar Kiri Shinobi. They were ushering a group of Genin into the lobby. The all-too familiar Kunoichi stumbles over an apology.

"I hope we weren't keeping you waiting too long. They didn't want to get out of bed yet and..." Her eyes widen. "Akahana... So it is true..." My grip on Kiba's hand tightens. 'I really should have gotten Kurenai to cover for me.'

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