Chapter 30: Why now?

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On the plus side, they had completed their mission, finally being free of the woman who had driven her team(and her) crazy from the past 3 weeks. On the other hand, she now had 2 very angry Jonin, named Kurenai and Kakashi, due to her 'forgetting' about her birthday. Apparently Kiba had gone to Kakashi for present advice and Kakashi didn't know about my birthday, neither did Kurenai.

"Seriously?!! Come an Aka! You're supposed to tell us these things!" I raise a brow. "I am?" Kakashi huffs exasperatedly. "YES!" I groan. "But why?" "Because Birthdays are important!" "How? You are literally a year closer to death." They pause, before Kurenai starts snickering quietly. "She sounds like you did when you were younger Kakashi." "She does not." "She does!" I take that moment to slowly slip away from the two Jonin, who were bickering like children.

I make my way through town, before stopping into a small shop for a stick of dango. I munch on it, mind rushing through the previous days. I look down to my hand, the ring my great-aunt gave me shining brightly. I shake my head and look up to the sky, taking in a deep breath. I make my way to the top of the Hokage monument and lean against one of the spikes on the fourths head. A soft thump behind me alerts me of someone's presence.

Without peering behind me I ask softly, instantly recognizing the chakra signature. "What do you want Takashi?" I hear him snort. "What I want, is for you to come home, to Kiri." I roll my eyes. "Kiri was never my home. My home was with my father, and now my home is here." He huffs.

"With that no-good Inuzuka boy and friend-killer-Kakashi? You are much better off in Kiri." I clench my fist. "They are 100 times better than Kiri ever was. I had 2 friends in Kiri. My own mother and brother hated me. Here, I have an older-brother, a good mother-figure, a lot of amazing friends, a very special team, and a boyfriend who I love so very much." He pauses. "I never hated you." I roll my eyes. "Tell that to the bruises you left." I push myself off of the fourth's head. I put my hands in my pockets and stared at the town I call home, before turning to the man I used to call my brother.

"I'm sorry Akahana, I really am." "You are not forgiven." He looks at me. "It will take more than just a simple apology to get my forgiveness." He sighs. "I know." He pulls out a scroll and hold it out towards me. "Happy Birthday. I have a meeting with the Hokage. Try and stay out of the streets for the next 3-4 days. Mother and I are ambassadors for a treaty being signed between Konoha and Kiri." I nod. "Thanks Takashi." He nods and sprints off.

I make my way down the streets, expertly avoiding Kakashi and Kurenai, who were tag-teaming to hunt me down. I quickly make it home, falling onto my bed tiredly. Before I could comprehend anything, I was dragged into dreamland. 

Momochi (Kiba Inuzuka) *CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN*Where stories live. Discover now