Chapter 26: Made it to our destination (Thank god)

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I sigh in relief when we finally get to our destination. After 4 days of annoying screeching, mocking, and whining from Haruto we finally made it to the city. We drop her off at the place where the different Daimyo's Daughter's were residing. They dragged her in eagerly, but not without her making one more flirty remark about Kiba. We make our way to a nearby hotel and get 3 rooms as usual. I flop onto the bed and let out a low groan, which was muffled by the pillow. "Come on Aka, get your weaponry off before relaxing. It wouldn't be very good if you accidentally stabbed yourself." I push myself up and give him a look, pulling my gear off quickly, before falling back onto the bed. Kiba lays next to me on his stomach, putting his arm over my back. We both soon drift off into a dreamless sleep.

I am awoken by Kiba, who was shuffling out of the bed quickly, attempting to be quiet. I sit up sleepily. "Whatcha doing?" He doesn't pause and stretches as he stands up. "Well, I was going to go and get us lunch, but since you are up want to come with?" I nod and get out of the bed, stretching and sighing before pulling on my boots. Akamaru perks up and follows as we make our way out of the hotel. Kiba grabs my hand and Akamaru trots happily on my other side. We eventually find a cute little cafe and enter, sitting in a small booth in the far corner. Akamaru goes and sits next to Kiba on the inside. I order some coffee and a fruit tart and a small beef soup, while Kiba got a chicken sandwich and hot tea.

We eat in a comfortable silence, chatting somewhat while enjoying each other's presence. "So, what is your favorite weapon you have?" Kiba asks. I hum, pausing in my eating to think. I shrug. "I truly don't know, I guess my staff, tonfa, or Kubikiribocho." I take a bite out of my food. "And what is your favorite move to use?" I knew this instantly. "Infusing lightning chakra into my weaponry. It has a big intimidation factor, and it has power behind it." "Favorite chakra nature?" I roll my eyes. "This should be obvious, lightning." He laughs. "Yeah, I guess that was pretty obvious."

"Kiba-kun!" A high-pitched voice snaps us out of our conversation and I inwardly groan. "Hi Kiba-kun! How are you doing?" He sweat drops. "I'm perfectly fine Haruto, I assume you are well?" She blushes and nods eagerly. "Anyways, these are my best friends, Akina and Nora." A brown and blue-haired wave eagerly, blushes covering their faces as well. He nods. "Pleasure to meet you two." They turn to me, eyes widening at me. "Wow, you are so pretty!" The blue-haired one says, the brown-haired one agreeing quickly. I was taken aback, and blinked in surprise. "Um, thank you. I'm Akahana Momochi, good to meet you." Haruto glares at me. "Whatever freak." She turns to Kiba. "Anyways, have you thought about my offer?" He sighs. "For the last time Haruto, I have a girlfriend, I am not going to accompany you to the dance. I apologize but I am going to stay faithful." She pouts. "But she doesn't have to know!" He looks at me out of the corner of his eye. "For the final time, no. Now, if you will excuse us, we have to meet with our team at the hotel." He puts some money on the table and grabs my wrist, pulling me quickly out of there. Akamaru catches up to us.

"The first time we can get some alone time in four days and she comes and ruins it." He huffed, linking his fingers with mine once were far enough from them. I laugh and squeeze his hand. "We have tonight, don't worry." He smiles and kisses my temple. "I guess you're right." I bumped his shoulder with mine. "Please, I'm always right." He snickers. "Sure go ahead and believe that."

I scowl at him and hit him over the head. "Ow! Alright woman! Jeez!"

Momochi (Kiba Inuzuka) *CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN*Where stories live. Discover now