Chapter 2: Rank Test

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A frown crosses my face at the sight of the large gathering of people, Ninja and Civilian alike, in a large circle surrounding the open area of the training ground. I see Kiba running up to me excitedly, dragging two others behind him: a short-haired girl with pale eyes, and a coated boy with dark glasses. "Hey Akahana!" He shouts, Akamaru yipping excitedly. "This is my team! Together we make squad 8! The one with the Glasses is Shino Aburame, and the Other is Hinata Hyuuga." I nod and give a small smile. "Nice to meet you! I'm Akahana Momochi, good to meet you." "Likewise." "Y-You t-t-too." I pat Akamaru on the head and look at Kakashi, who was motioning me over. I turn back to the trio of Genin. "Looks like I gotta go. Let's head to that Barbeque place for lunch after this, you made me crave it last night." Kiba nods. "Good luck Akahana-Chan! Take 'em down hard!" I laugh and head over to Kakashi.
"Alright, this is how It is going to go down: You will battle a low-level chunin, then a high level chunin, Low Jounin, then High Jounin, Special Jounin, and ANBU. Whichever rank beats you will be your ranking alright?" I nod. "Go with the intent to kill or at least seriously harm. Don't be afraid to show your power." I nod again and Kakashi backs away from me. I watch the Hokage as he steps up to make an announcement.
"We are here today to witness the Rank Test of a New Citizen of Konoha. We will start at chunin and work our way up. We are here to find where she stands. If any are opposed speak now, for we will not accept it any later." Silence answered in response. "Then, let the Rank Test of Akahana Momochi begin!" The Hokage steps back and a man with a scar across his nose steps forward. "I'm Iruka Umino, an Academy Sensei. I'll be your first opponent and then proctor for the rest of the matches." A man steps forward. He had black hair and a beard, a cigarette hanging out of his lip lazily. "I'm Azuma Sarutobi, temporary proctor. The match will be declared when the one faints, becomes incapacitated, or forfeits. Do either of you have any reason not to fight?" We both shake our heads. "Then, first match, Begin!"
Jump back as Iruka launches some Kunai towards me. I throw a senbon with pin-point accuracy, courtesy of Haku, hitting Iruka in the arm and making his arm go limp. I run and jump over him, kicking his back from behind. I pull Kubikiribocho from my back and hold it at the back of the neck. Asuma steps forward. "The winner of the first match, Akahana!"
I clip Kubikiribocho back and stretch my back and watch as Asuma steps back and Iruka takes his spot. A medic-nin quickly steps forward and heals his arm. The next person to step forward is one of the Gate Guards, Izumo I think his name was. Iruka clears his throat. "I am Iruka Umino, the Proctor. The match will be declared when the one faints, becomes incapacitated, or forfeits. Do either of you have any reason not to fight?" We both shake our heads once again. "Match to, Begin!"
Izumo steps back and draws a sword. I grin and draw Kubikiribocho once more. I see Izumo pale a little bit before taking a weak Kenjutsu stance. My grin grows wider, showing my long fangs glinting dangerously. I move quickly, Kubikiribocho humming as I infuse lightning chakra into it, something Father was unable to do. I swing downwards at Izumo, who swiftly dodges. As the sword hits the ground, the earth around it cracks. I pull it out swiftly as Izumo comes charging at me. I swing hit him with the blunt side of the sword. We watched in anticipation waiting for him to move for about ten seconds, then Iruka steps forward. "Second match goes to Akahana!" I sheathe Kubikiribocho and rush to Izumo's side, healing him. I learned healing from my deer summons and it helped out a lot with Father and Haku.
The Medic-nin helps him off as a man with his hair pulled into a gravity-defying ponytail and a beard enters the field. "I'm Shikaku Nara, I hope you can give me a challenge. Otherwise it would have been a drag to come here." I smirk. "I hope I will give you a good fight."
Iruka steps up again. "Do either of you have any reason not to fight? No? Begin!" Iruka shouts. This match took longer to complete, but I eventually got Shikaku pinned to the earth with Kunai. After the match is declared I help him up. "Did I give you a good fight?" Shikaku nods. "You should come over and play shogi, I would like to see what strategies you come up with." I nod. "I'd like that." With that, Shikaku exits and the previous proctor enters, Asuma I think.
Iruka starts the speil again and then we begin to fight. I begin to weave hand-signs quickly. "Hidden Earth Style: Mud beast!" I focus my chakra and as I command, a large chimera creature is created out of mud and begins to chase after Asuma, swiping at him furiously. My chimera is quickly defeated with a fire-style and another earth style. I grin once again. "Man, making me step up my game. I even used a jutsu of my own creation. Oh well." I pause, unwrapping my bandages. My pair of wrist claws pop out and I quickly slip them on. My hands go to the sign for shadow clone, and soon another of me appears, same claws and everything.
I grab onto her wrist as we teleport right in front of Asuma, delivering a double kick to the gut. "Animal Taijutsu: Romulus and Remus!" My clone and I get on hands and feet, attacking with the ferocity of two wolves. With a couple scratches and kicks later Asuma announces that he forfeits. I dispel my clone and help Asuma up and heal his cuts. "Sorry about the cuts, I knew Jutsu wasn't going to work." "It's alright, and I'm pretty sure your up against Kakashi next, good luck, he is going to be a challenge." I nod. "Take it easy, I gave you some hard kicks there." I seal up my wrist blades and wrap my arm up. He quickly exits the field and Kakashi steps forward, putting away the book he was reading.
Iruka starts the match and I take a moment to jump back and recall everything about him I learned from his fight with my father. I remember his sharingan and how much it drains him, as well as his summonings and special jutsu. I pull my sword off of my back and step into my special kenjutsu stance that allowed me to use chakra through the blade as well as through my body. We were at a standstill, and Kakashi, seeing as I wasn't moving first, attacked. I blocked his Kunai strike and struck out my leg to kick him, which me caught. I quickly plant my sword into the ground and use my other leg to get a chakra-infused kick in on his face, which lands due to becoming imbalanced. He falls to the ground.
He grabs my foot as I am pulling my sword out of the ground. I quickly let go of the sword and get out of his grip. Kakashi quickly gets up. "Nice hit, that didn't feel the best." Kakashi throws another kunai in my direction. I catch it by my hand, grinning at the small cut. "Thanks, you saved me from the trouble of doing it myself, SUMMONING JUTSU!" I tell, slamming my bloodied hand onto the earth.
Shinrin, my lead buck appears, antlers large and wide, looking like a giant crown. "My lady." I grin pat his back "It's time." I focus chakra into my head and relax. A familiar weight takes shape on my head. I summon my twin double edged swords as Shinrin shifts to human using a chakra-based technique. He gains a set of swords as well, and we charge forward. Kakashi quickly summons his ninken pack, and throws a water dragon at us.
We dodge the dragon and step together. "Hidden Jutsu: Nature's wrath!" Shinrin and I shout in sync charging at Kakashi. We bring our swords down onto Kakashi. "Chidori!" I hear him yell, blocking our swords with a ball of condensed lightning. "So that's the Jutsu you tried to kill Father with..." I mutter under my breath, pushing onto the ball and flipping off of it to get back onto the ground.
"I guess I'll need to level the playing field." I infuse my swords with lightning chakra and seeing Shinrin do the same. We teleport behind Kakashi and kick his back, sending him lurching forward. Shinrin and I place a foot each onto his back and a sword on either side of his neck.
Iruka calls the match and Shinrin and I step back and off of Kakashi. I give Kakashi a band to grab. "Really impressive, you wanting to go against any ANBU?" He grabs my hand and I pull him up. I shake my head, to which he tilts his head in confusion.
"You see, it's almost noon and I promised some new friends that I would eat some Barbeque with them."

Momochi (Kiba Inuzuka) *CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN*Where stories live. Discover now