Chapter 18: New Chunin and Conflict with Kiri

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After a month of missions, training, T&I visits, and Patrolling, the final stage of the Exams were here. Monomi and Daisuke's team made it to finals. My mother and brother will be there too. The Hokage has some higher-ranking ANBU guarding him, but blood-clones will be in our place as ANBU so that suspicion doesn't arise.

I sigh and pull my Jonin vest on, clipping my Bo-Staff to it and placing Tonfa in their holsters on my thighs. I wrap my various seals on my arms up before sliding my fingerless gloves on top of them. I finish up by tying my headband around my neck and staring at my reflection determinedly. I exit the room and meet my team. "Remember, only show your true abilities if needed Shino. Deception is a Ninja's best tool." He nods and we head out.

We meet up with Daisuke and Monomi on the way. My team and their Genin were conversing animatedly while my hands shook with nervousness and anticipation. "Hey, we are going to try and keep her away from you. Just keep someone with you at all times and it should be easier." Daisuke bumps me with his shoulder. I nod and smile. "Thanks Dai." He grins. "It's no problem. I am just glad we were able to reunite, and that you won't be lonely anymore." I scowl and punched his arm. "Ouch. Jeez your strength is still monstrous as always." I shot him a glare and he pales and moves to the other side of Monomi. "Akahana, I would appreciate it if you didn't kill my boyfriend." I huff. "Fine."

We reach the stadium and my body fill with anxiety. Kiba grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze. I take a breath and force myself to relax. 'It will be fine, they can't do anything to me since I am a ninja of Konoha.' I look to Kiba who pulls me excitedly into the stadium. I laugh as he talks about the varying techniques he was excited to see used. I put a hand in my pocket and feel the disabling seals I created in my pocket. They had the ability to disable any sort of seal, or binding jutsu it was used on. My eyes snapped to the competitors on the arena floor as the audience roars with excitement. Matches went by quickly. Eventually Shino was up, but his competitor didn't show. My eyebrows furrow. 'That's odd...' Shino returns to us in the stands. I patted his shoulder. "Don't worry Shino, you'll get your turn in the next round." He nods quietly. The first round went smoothly, and Shino's turn was up in the second round. Gaara had knocked one kid unconscious but contained himself for some reason.

Shino was up and Kiba cheered. "Kick his ass bug boy!" I chuckle and cup my hands around my mouth. "Don't let your training go to waste!" His eyes flicker in our direction and he nods. I can barely hear the clinking of the chain of his Kusarigama that sits on his back. He settles into a fighting stance as the proctor begins the match. His Kikaichu fall out from his coat sleeves and sit on the ground. I notice some of them beginning to burrow underground and grin. 'No way is Shino going to lose now.' And true to my words, Shino kicks his opponents butt fairly quickly. The exams quickly continue, with Shino quickly beating every single opponent he went against. Eventually we get to the top 6, Shino, Sasuke, Gaara, Kira (One of Daisuke and Monomi's students), surprisingly Naruto, and Shikamaru. The proctors declare the tournament over and we await the Judge's decision.

After about 30 minutes, the Judges had come to a decision. The Hokage clears his throat. "I hope you enjoyed our fights that these Genin put up today, and I hope you have enjoyed your stay here in Konoha." He takes a puff of his pipe. "Now, for the members who made it to Chunin." He takes a breath. "From Kirigakure, Kira Akine. Member of team 2, led by Daisuke Haicho and Monomi Chihiko." I notice Kira's teammates cheering loudly as Kira and her two sensei's make their way to the stadium floor. "From Sunagakure, Subaku no Gaara. Lead by Baki." Suna is eerily silent as Gaara and Baki make their way down. The Hokage takes a breath. "From Konohagakure Team 7, Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki. Lead by Kakashi Hatake." Kiba and Hinata cheer loudly and I clap. The Hokage clears his throat. "From Konohakagure's Team 10, Shikamaru Nara. Lead by Asuma Sarutobi." Kiba once again lets out a loud cheer.

The Hokage looks me in the eye and raises a brow. I nod my head at his unasked question. 'Can I call you as one of Team 8's leaders?' I grab Kiba's hand in anxiety. "From Konohagakure's Team 8, Shino Aburame. Lead by Kurenai Yuhi and Akahana Momochi." I squeeze his hand before standing up straighter and holding my head up high. I hear loud chatter instantly coming from the Kiri-Nin and Civilians in their area of the stadium as I make my way to the floor and stand next to Shino. "Please give a round of applause for these new Chunin and their Sensei's for training them well." Once the Hokage had finished his announcements he declared the exams over. As I am heading to my team I hear a woman yelling my name. "Akahana!" I stupidly turned around to see the sight of a furious woman, followed by to males. The males clearly had Kiri headbands. I internally groan and I roll my eyes.

"Yes? How may I help you?" The woman grows a smile. "Akahana dear, what are you doing here in Konoha?" I raise a brow. "Who are you?" Her smile drops. "I am your mother! How disrespectful you have gotten! We will be sure to fix that when you get home." I raise an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, I don't have a mother, my mother disowned me 6 years ago." She reaches out to grab my shoulder, but I slap her hand away. "I'm sorry ma'am, please do not touch me. Now if you will excuse me, I have to go and meet with my team, I promised them barbeque tonight." One of the males growls. I kid you not, growls. I thought only Inuzuka's really did that. I turn my attention to him. "And who are you?" He rolls his eyes. "Your brother? Jeez Akahana, your memory must really be lacking." I shrug. "Sorry, but my brother is currently lying in a grave in Wave country. Besides, you don't look even remotely close to him. Anyways, I'll be going, bye!" I needed to get out of there, asap. I turn to leave but my 'brother' grabs my wrist. "Cut the bull Akahana. Now come on, we are going home!" I send out a whistle to Kiba, calling him and the team over. I wrench my arm out of his grip. "I'm sorry, but my home is here in Konoha, not in Kiri or wherever you are from." I feel my team heading my way along with Kakashi. "Kiri is your home! It where you were born! It's where you were trained! Your family is there!" My Ex-Sensei yells. I notice all of the eyes on me. I snort and glare at him. "Last time I checked, my mother beat me and disowned me, my brother did nothing but watch, and my mother had an affair with my father with my sensei. You are not my family." My mother gasps. "How dare you spread lies about your family! You were just being selfish when you left! When I let the Hokage know he will be sure to have you come back!" I roll my eyes. "The Hokage has seen my memories, which you cannot fake." I notice Kakashi standing behind me and Kiba next to me. "And for the last time, you are not my family. My family is here in Konoha, where I belong." I grab Kiba's hand and Kakashi shoots a glare. "Listen Ma'am, Akahana is a registered Konoha Shinobi. You cannot take her to Kirigakure without causing war, which I'm sure since you are still recovering from a civil war, you don't need." His tone quickly grows light. "So if you could please leave my imouto and her team alone, that would be great." He grabs my other hand and begins leading us away.

"Wait until the Mizukage hears about this you ungrateful brat!" I feel something hit my head. I turn and see a scroll on the ground. "Your bastard of a father left that for you, I cannot get into it, neither can your brother. Take it you stupid brat." I narrow my eyes and grab it, stuffing it in a scroll holster and continuing to leave. I turn to Kakashi and my team. "Thank you guys so much, I couldn't get away from them." Kakashi pats my head. "Anything for my little Imouto." I swat his hand away and shoot him a look.

"Your 'little Imouto' can still kick your ass you know." He laughs. "Yeah, I know."

Momochi (Kiba Inuzuka) *CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN*Where stories live. Discover now