Chapter 27: I'm.... sorry, but what?

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Hinata practically dragged me to the store here in the city-like-village, which I found was called Azalea, when she heard of a festival. Since this wasn't a traditional city, their festivals and clothing were different. She threw several dresses at me and shoved me into a dressing room. I look at the dresses, sorting out ones I definitely was not wearing. It was something of an ancestral festival, so we are wearing more, traditional, clothing.

After a while of sorting through them, I found one that caught my eye. It had black sleeves, and a white skirt, black overlaying down the sides and down the back. I pull it on, feeling a sense of euphoria and dejavu, even though I had never put on a dress anything like this. I step out and Hinata's eyes widened. She squealed and jumped towards me. "That's the one! Oh my gosh!" That seems to draw the attention of several others in the store.

One approaches me. "Excuse me miss," She starts. I turn to her, and her eyes widen. "You look just like our first queen in that. No matter, if I could, I would like to style your hair like hers. It suits you perfectly." I look to Hinata, who nods eagerly. I turn back and smile. "It would be my pleasure. I'm Akahana, what's your name?" She smiles, blond hair seeming to grow lighter. "Asuka Mohani." "Good to meet you, come over to the Green Hotel, room 6, whenever you need to. We are probably going to be hanging out there for a while." She nods. We pay for the dress and make our way back to the hotel.

Later in the day, Asuka arrives, smiling brightly. Kiba pokes his head out of the bathroom. "Akahana, who's that?" Asuka blushes. "This is Asuka, she offered to style my hair." He nods and ducks back into the shower. "Who is that?" Asuka asks. "Oh, he's my boyfriend. His name is Kiba." She nods and motions for me to settle onto the bed. She pulls my bangs back and takes the strands framing my face back too. After a little bit of gentle tugging she steps back. "It's done." I turned around and smile. "Thank you Asuka." I slip into the dress and she helps me adjust it properly.

She claps. "You look just like our late queen." I smile. "You think?" She smiles and nods. "We don't know what happened to her, but one day she just disappeared with her young son." I raise a brow. "So it is possible that her son is still alive?" She nods. "Our new queen was her step-sister. We are hoping for her son to return and re-claim the throne, so the royal blood can continue. Queen Mara said she would gladly step down if a member of the royal blood was found." I nod and Kiba steps out of the bathroom, dressed in a black long-sleeve shirt and brown pants.

"You ready to go?" I nod. "Thanks Asuka. If you need something we will be here for the remainder of the week. After that we will be heading back to Konoha." She smiles and nods, before exiting. "It was good to meet you Akahana." "Likewise." Kiba links our arms and leads us out into the busy street. I notice heads turning in our direction as we make our way through the street. We stop at a food stall and get some dango, eating it before continuing through the festival. I was stopped several times by people thinking I was their missing queen, to which I would shake my head.

We make it to a square where music is playing. I instantly recognize the tune, as father had sung it to me when we had free time. He said it is was my ancestors sang, and it was important for me to know. I sing to myself softly, starting with the music. "Come my love our worlds may part. The gods will guide us across the dark." I pull Kiba in to the square, where people were dancing. "Come with me, and be mine my love. Stay and break my heart." He spins me quickly. "From the shores through the Ancient mists, you bear the mark of my elven kiss. Clear the way I will take you home, to eternal bliss." The woman began singing the chorus in a language that was familiar to me. We dance swiftly through it.

"Far away from the land you knew, the dawn of day reaches out to you. All though it feels like a fairytale, all of this is true." A crowd had gathered around us at this point, and people were watching me closely. A woman dressed in a black dress with a golden band across her forehead pushes her way to the front of the crowd, before staring intently at Kiba and I. "Run with me, have a look around, we built our life of a sacred ground. Come my love our worlds may part, we'll be safe and sound." I place a hand on his cheek and he smiles cheekily. "Sha ta co ti oh, scum ne rivna. Sha ta co ti oh nugga tir na nog. Sha ta co ti oh, scum ne rivna Nug a tir na nog. Sha ta co ti oh scum ne rivna, Sha ta co ti oh nugga tir na nog. Sha ta co ti oh scum ne rivna, Nug a tir na nog." I notice the woman's jaw drop. "Tir na nog, oh. Come beyond the ancient fog. Tir na nog, oh. Come with me to tir na nog." I tap my feet in the way I had been taught long ago by my grandmother, before she had passed. "Time won't follow the path we came. The world you left, it forgot your name. Stay with me and be mine my love, Spare my heart the pain." Kiba gives me a big smile as I continue singing. "Sha ta co ti oh, scum ne rivna. Sha ta co ti oh nugga tir na nog. Sha ta co ti oh, scum ne rivna Nug a tir na nog. Sha ta co ti oh scum ne rivna, Sha ta co ti oh nugga tir na nog. Sha ta co ti oh scum ne rivna, Nug a tir na nog. Tir na nog, oh. Come beyond the ancient fog. Tir na nog, oh. Come with me to tir na nog." I take a breath and smile, before turning to the people who were clapping around us. I give a brief bow before dragging Kiba off to get out of the square.

I let out a loud laugh before collapsing onto one of the benches. "Holy crap, that was fun." Kiba laughs. "I didn't know you could sing like that." I feel a blush come over my face. "My Grandmother taught it to me. She said it was a song my ancestors sang, and said it was only right that I learned it as well. She was murdered when I just made it to chunin." He grabs my hand. "I'm sure she would be proud of what you did."

"She sure would be." A voice startles us out of our conversation. My eyes snap up to see the woman who had been watching us dance. She smiles.

"I'm sorry, my name is Mara Momochi. Not a Momochi by blood though." 

Momochi (Kiba Inuzuka) *CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN*Where stories live. Discover now