Chapter 25: I'm this close.....

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I felt my eye twitch as my patience slowly slips away from me. The girl we were guarding was 16, now 2 years older than me, but she was acting as if she was 7. She was constantly whining at me, and making snobby remarks about the scars that littered my forearms. We had run out of un-damaged bandages at the house, so I just had to make due without them. To make it worse, she was only making remarks at me. I rub my temples as she whines about her feet hurting and how she demanded us to stop. Kiba huffs and turns to her. "Listen, we have about another 30 minutes to walk before we can set up camp at a safe location. Once we get there, we can get you settled and taken care of." She shuts up and looks at Kiba, a blush adorning her face. "Alright! Whatever you say Kiba-kun!" I resist the urge to sigh and I pinch the bridge of my nose. 'Why does kami have to make missions so difficult for me?'

I tense as a before Unknown presence appears. I pause and turn around, motioning for my team to continue. Teenage woman turns and laughs at me. "What's wrong? Giving up on this mission already?" I roll my eyes and pull out my fans from my holsters, twirling them around before sending a wave of wind towards the presence. A tall, lanky man jumps down from the trees, a crazed-grin stretching across his face. "Could you hand over the girl? I could get some good money for her." A simple glance at his headband told me he was a rouge Iwa nin. "Hinata, back me up! That combo move we've been working on, it's time to use it!" We engage him while Shino and Kiba, along with Akamaru, move her to a safe location. Hinata hits him easily across the chest with a wind jutsu, knocking him into a tree.

After a few minutes worth of fighting we manage to get him pinned against a tree. "Why are you after her?" He gives us a bloody grin. "I wanted the money. What else?" My eyes narrow. "You were after something else..." I look at Hinata and slap a restraining seal onto his forehead. "But, lucky for us, we don't have to deal with you any more! We'll get some good money for you alive at the bounty station no?" He pales and I create a clone to take him to the nearest station. I smile sweetly before walking away towards where Kiba and Shino went.

I enter the clearing, only to see Haruto hanging onto Kiba's arm. He looks clearly disturbed and is trying to gently push her off. Shino's covered eye snap up towards me. "I assume he was taken care of?" Haruto stops and turns to me. "It was probably Hinata, that brown-haired girl probably didn't do anything." I roll my eyes and nod at Shino. "He wasn't too difficult to take down. We sent him happily on his way to the nearest bounty station." Haruto scoffs and turns away, fawning over Kiba again. "Kiba-kun, you'll come with me to the ball right? It's your job isn't it?" He sighs. "I will not be going with you, but I'm sure Shino would be glad to." Shino shoots him a look as Haruto pouts. "Why can't you go with me?" He pushes her off of him. "I have a girlfriend already, and I don't feel like dancing with a different woman." She pouts. "But she doesn't have to know, besides, I am so much better than whoever she is."

I cough, making her attention to me. "What is it skank?" I roll my eyes. 'Real Original.' "We are almost to the location to make our camp. I would like to get there before it gets dark so we can get you all set up for the night." She huffs. "Fine, let's continue." The next half-an-hour I spent, silently fuming and leading the way. Once we reach a good location I put up a complex genjutsu to cover us up. "Shino, Hinata, if you could start setting up her tent and get the fire started that would be great. Kiba, Akamaru, go hunting and get us something to eat. I'll go fill our canteens." Haruto scoffs. "That's probably all you can do." I grab the canteens from Kiba, Hinata, and Shino and walk away silently, heading towards a lake. I fill them up and head back to camp, placing the canteens on a nearby branch. I jump into a tree and place my sleeping bag against the tree. Kiba returns with a couple dead rabbits and immediately works on skinning them. I jump down. "I'm going to the lake. If I'm not back in 2 hours come looking." He nods. "Want some food before you go?" I shake my head. "I'm not hungry. Send a chakra flare if you need me."

With a curt nod I begin my walk to the lake, before stepping onto it gingerly. I wanted to get the water dragon jutsu down that father had been using. It was an extremely difficult technique that had a lot of hand signs. I close my eyes and relaxing, before going through the hand signs. 'Ox, Monkey, Rabbit, Rat, Boar, Bird, Ox, Horse, Bird, Tiger, Dog, Tiger, Snake.' I notice the water beginning to swirl around me and speed up my hand signs. I create a small dragon and have it slam into a nearby tree. I smirk at the loud crack it made before decimating multiple trees. I go through the hand signs again, pumping more chakra into it. The dragon was massive, and when it crashed into the trees, it took out almost triple the amount of them. I make several more, sending them into multiple sections of trees. I settle into a lotus position on the lake, relaxing at the feeling of the water pulsing against me. I pull a chakra cloak around me for protection and control it, trying to form it into something more animalistic. I change the direction of the flow a couple times, and forming my chakra into the equivalent of spears or knives.

After a while I stand and make my way back to camp. I sit down next to Kiba by the fire. "The other's asleep?" He smiles and puts an arm over my shoulders. "Yep, Haruto went to bed after eating. How was whatever you were doing?" I smile. "It was good. I managed to do the water dragon jutsu my father used. I am also working on a chakra defensive cloak, similar to what Jinchuuriki use." He smiles and kisses my temple softly. "I'm proud of you for not snapping at Haruto. I could tell she was really getting under your skin." I sigh. "Was it that obvious?" He laughs softly. "No, I only could tell because I know you really well." I sigh and laugh softly. "That's a relief." There is a moment of silence, where you could just hear the fire crackling softly. "By the way," Kiba starts. "Why didn't you tell me your birthday was yesterday?" I look away from him. He looked hurt. "It's not that I didn't want to tell you, but it's that I didn't want to tell you and put any silly ideas in your head of getting me something." He looks at me weirdly.

"Your telling me, you don't want gifts on your birthday?" I shake my head. "We never celebrated my birthday even when I was with mother. She really didn't like me, and would only spoil my brother, and she would destroy any gifts I got. I got mostly Kunai and small sketchbooks if I was lucky, from father of course. When I was rouge, we didn't have the money for things like birthday gifts. Most of my weapons I got from saving people's lives, or knocking them down significantly using massive bargaining." He raises a brow and gives me an 'are-you-serious' look. "So, your saying you don't want gifts because you've never gotten any." I nod. "Basically."

He looks at me for a moment. "Well, that doesn't matter. When we get back to Konoha we are going to the weapons shop, then we are going out for dinner. We are also getting you something in the city we are going to." I look at him. "Kiba, no. I don't need it." He turns his body directly in front of mine. "Listen, I am going to spoil my girlfriend, when it is her birthday. I am not going to settle for anything less." I give a defeated sigh. "Fine, you win. But who told you it was my birthday?" He grins. "Just one of the forest animals." I sigh. "It was Jou or Shinrin wasn't it?" "I will neither confirm, nor deny that."

Momochi (Kiba Inuzuka) *CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN*Where stories live. Discover now