Chapter 13: Confrontation

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***** Kinda Short, Sorry****

I fiddle with the bandages on my arms nervously. "Uh, hi?" I see Monomi crack her knuckles "6 years Akahana. 6 fucking years." I squeeze Kiba's hand. watching as Daisuke grabs her to hold her back. Tears form in her eyes. The genin team looks at us confused. I take a deep breath. "My name is Akahana Momochi, Tokubetsu Jounin of Konoha. I am here to show you around the village. If you will follow me." I turn away, Kiba following me.

I refuse to look at my Ex-Teammates as I point out the various training grounds and good places to eat like I had done to all of the teams prior. Kiba continues to stand by my side the entire time, talking to Hinata and Shino casually. I hear Daisuke and Monomi talking quietly behind me. Once we reach the last training grounds. I take a breath. "That was the end of the tour, if you need anything let a Leaf Shinobi know and they will do their best to help you." I bow and start to leave, when I hear Daisuke call out to me. "Akahana, please... We need to talk to you." I look over my shoulder at their broken faces. I feel tears gather in my eyes at the sight of the same people I made it to Chunin with, the same people who were like Family whenever Father was away or when mother would neglect me for my brother.

I drop Kiba's hand and run off, not caring where I am going. Tears clouded my eyes, making it hard to see as I dashed through the countless trees surrounding the various training grounds. Before I realized it, I am at the training ground Kakashi and I use. I feel Kakashi approaching. "Hey Akahana, you finished yet... Oh Aka, what happened?" He pulls me into a hug. "I saw my old team again..." He tenses up. "Was the reaction that bad?" I shake my head. "They looked so broken Kakashi-nii. I couldn't stay there, knowing I did that to them." I feel tears gathering in my eyes.

"Akahana Momochi, you need to talk to them. Explain what happened with Sensei, and what happened with your Mother and Brother. They will understand." I take a breath. "But will they? I left them with no explanation, to join my father. I don't regret leaving, but I regret not saying goodbye." He sighs.

"Just talk to them. If things don't work out, you'll get closure for this. That is the worst that will happen. You have Kiba and I, Shino, Akamaru, Hinata, Kurenai, and the other Jounin-Senseis to help you when you need it. I am helping you now, you need to talk to them. For both theirs, and your sake." I nod.

"I'll talk to them in a little bit, I can't talk to them like this though. You still up for that spar?" He steps back. "You mean ready to get my ass kicked. Why would I be?" I laugh. "Shut up and get to your side of the field." I shove him jokingly. I feel familiar chakra in the tree's surrounding. 'Kiba and the others came to check on me.' I smile and pull my bo-staff from my back as I walk to my side of the field, swinging it around lazily to gain some movement in my wrist. I feel the amount of chakras around us increasing. 'Ah, so Asuma and Gai brought their teams to watch, along with Kakashi's team. Guess I'll give them something to watch.' I let a grin slip across my lips as I settle into a defensive stance.

"Start!" I call. 

Momochi (Kiba Inuzuka) *CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN*Where stories live. Discover now