Holiday One-Shot!

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(A perfect example of a random Lance x Reader one shot. Originally steamy but not really. <that rhymes.> Now it's just cute and late for the season. I'm warning you about pervy-Lance moments that pop up out of nowhere I forgot about but this one is kinda dirty.

On a scale of 1 to 10, it's like a 6.75. Just saying now)

A Memorable Gift


(Y/N) readjusted the top of her new short Christmas dress. "I hope he'll like it, 'Lura," (Y/N) lowered the fluffy white trim of her dress down; trying to emphasize her cleavage. "Of course, he will. This is Lonce we're talking about." Allura, (Y/N)'s second cousin, giggled slyly, "Besides, his favorite movie is Mean Girls and it's the holidays. So this outfit and being flirty with carols in the background should be perfect~" The (h/c) college student sighed and nervously put her cozy Santa hat on her head. "I'm still nervous though, 'Lura. I'm not as great with guys as you are." She confessed; shivering slightly from the lack clothes on. "Your legs are waxed, right?" Allura asked randomly. Her cousin squinted at her in confusion. "Yeah, but-" "Maybe you need some makeup, that one lipstick from Ulta? But Lonce loves you for you and not just-UGH! Being helpful is hard!" (Y/N) snorted and applied a dark red shade of lipstick.

"Do I look the part? Honestly?" She gazed at her reflection skeptically and glanced at Allura. "Honestly, you do. (Y/N), if Lonce doesn't like you trying to give him a gift, then he's not worth your time. Also I'll give him la chancla." Her cousin replied.

Ding dong! The doorbell to (Y/N)'s shared apartment jingled sweetly. "He's here! 'Lura, hide and play the music." (Y/N) squeaked nervously and practiced making sexy poses on the bed.

When she found the perfect pose, the doorbell rang again. "Crap, I forgot that Lance doesn't have a key!" (Y/N) squeaked to herself.

"Go! I'll handle the music!" Allura yelped supportively. "Okay, you didn't need to be so loud though." Her cousin grumbled.


(Lance's POV, 3rd Person)

The wind was blowing boisterously as Lance McClain tiredly waited to see his girlfriend. His eyes were mostly closed after the long flight home from his Christmas trip to Cuba.

"Hey babe..." (Y/N) greeted shyly; quickly getting goosebumps from the freezing wind in her outfit. Her hair slightly curled from her usual afternoon nap on the weekends. "Quiznak amor! You're freezing up! You need to get inside ASAP, I can handle bringing my luggage in." Lance hugged his girlfriend tightly and dragged his suitcase and hand carry into the living room-kitchen.

"I can unpack later, since you wanted to tell me something?" He asked curiously; slanting his head slightly. (Y/N) twirled a strand of her (h/c) hair with one finger and batted her eyelashes; ready for her flirting plan. "Upstairs~" She whispered teasingly and strutted into the bedroom.

The Cuban boy smirked and followed her slowly. "You are being such a pervert right now." She giggled; flapping the dress's skirt up and down a little. "You're adorable, I can't help it." He joked. (Y/N) paused in her steps; forgetting what to say next.

[Thankfully, Allura popped up out of the closet and gave her a random thumbs-up. "Thanks 'Lura!" (Y/N) lipped to her cousin. "No problem, just slay for me!" The white-haired lass lipped back.]

He boldly hugged (Y/N) out of genuine concern. "Are you okay?" She nodded hesitantly and led him to the bed. "I am extremely into you and everything but no no no. I don't want to make you uncomfortable!" Lance freaked out nervously. (Y/N) blushed at how much he cared about her. "It means so much to me that you want to respect my boundaries but that isn't what I was thinking at all. I just wanted to cuddle, babe." She gently pushed her santa hat on top of Lance's head and snuggled up to him.

"What did I do to deserve you?" (Y/N) blushed more and ruffled up his chestnut hair. "Not much. Now take a shower first, you dork. Airplanes are nasty!" She teased him.

"Whatever..." Lance pouted and whined like a kindergartener. "I'll wait." (Y/N) grinned playfully and held a pillow close to her chest.


amor = "love" in Spanish

I'm trying to add more of these translations for those of you who need it. I hope this helps you guys enjoy these drabbles better!}

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