Dad!Lance x Mom!Reader

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(This story is a fluffy semi-smut one, so I hope you have fun with Lance lol. I just realized he's so adorable doing the little arm thing, with or without a shirt. I unintentionally made an In the Heights reference when I named your daughter Nina. Also, there are words with italics, those are Spanish words/nicknames because I LOVE the idea of Lance using Spanish nicknames. Just roll with it. <3 <3)

Bonding Time


"Lance?" You murmur sweetly, "Is everything alright?" You let your head plop back onto the pillow and peck your husband's cheek lazily. Your limbs affectionately tangled from the cozy night before. Snuggling in each other's arms (Keith is kinda triggered, LOL) after putting your two-year-old daughter, Nina, to bed.

Sometimes you forget that you're (Y/N) McClain now, even though it's been five years.

Your eyes widen as Lance spontaneously rolls over on the bed, positioning himself on top of you. "Lancey no!" You squeak bashfully, "We can't wake up Nina!" Your breath quickens as his fingers fiddle with your (h/c) (h/l) hair. "Just a quickie, princesa?" Lance begs and cups your cheek with one hand. You sigh at his adorable puppy eyes in desperation for kisses. "Not too long-"


(This is the semi-smutty part. If you want to skip, go ahead. 

You'll have more access to the fluff. Whatever decision you make is cool beans with me, I'm just giving you the warning now. UwU)

A smirk pops up onto Lance's lips as he yanks off his tank top and tosses it across the room. You press your lips against his smooth ones and wrap your arms around his neck. Kiss. "You-" Kiss. "Taste-" Kiss. "Like-" Kiss. "Oreos." Lance mutters in a lovesick haze. "You-" Kiss. "Could-" You gently push him away for air. "You...could...use some mouthwash. I, lucky me, put on lip balm a few minutes ago before you got up." He places little kisses all over your face then tilts his head closer to your ear. 

"Smart." "I know." You leave chaste pecks on his ear and let your husband gently yank on your earlobe with his teeth. "That wasn't very nice, mi amor~" He teases and licks the shell of your ear. You pull Lance's head closer to yours and passionately kiss him again. Lance uses his hands to grab your thighs and wrap them around his waist. "I forgot to ask you, slow or fast this time princesa?" He pauses and asks. "Moderate," You reply as his radiant blue eyes start glowing. 

"Wepa~" Lance whispers seductively and kisses closer to your lower neck; leaving little bites in his favorite spots. "You'" You stutter as his hands slither under your pajama shirt and take it off; dangling it above your head. "You love that about me though~" He grins and lifts the garment up every time you try to take it from him. "Except when you take my quiznakking shirt. Seriously give it b-!" You whine cautiously; not wanting to wake up a sleeping tot two rooms away. Lance buries his head in your chest and nips at the skin between each (b/s) breast. "Ah-ah-you're so...weird-" You stammer and struggle to not moan.

"Ugh, it's my turn now." You grumble and roll yourself over so that you lay on top of him. "Okay, okay. I like where this is going." You roll your (e/c) eyes and place kisses all over his face before working your way down. Lance gasps at you yanking his nipple with your teeth and he shivers at your cool hands all over his abdomen. You scoot more upward and plant a few hickeys as teasing revenge for the ones he gave you. "Was that moderate? Fast enough? I don't know..." You giggle shyly. "I just love you (Y/N). You squeal as Lance rolls over so he's on top of you again. "This is getting unfair here." You complain teasingly. "A, my job is to tease you as much as possible-" "Lies!" You argue playfully. "Uh-huh, missie!" He retorts, "And B, You're supposed to say it back." You French kiss and say a muffled 'I love you too' but it sounds like 'I ruh roo ooh'. (Can't relate LOL)

(Back to zee fluff!) 


"What the corn are you doing, Loverboy?" You had nicknames for him too, but Lance loved bragging that his nicknames for you were better. "They're-You're-I just wanted to take a few seconds to let myself be reminded that I have the most angelic wife in the world." He mumbles shyly. "Awww..." You gaze into each other's eyes intimately for a moment. "You have no idea how much I love living with you, waking up with you in my arms, watching Hercules with Nina almost every day because it's her favorite movie ever..." Lance rambles dreamily. "You know I feel the same way though, right?" You add on. "Of course I do." 

The slightest sound of a wail stole your adorable deep talk time. "Love?" You collapse onto the bed. Lance sits up and cups his ear toward the door like a cartoon character and crawls off of you. "Darn." He pouts like a kindergartner. "Well someone has to check on her." You sit up and lazily put your hands on your hips. "No worries amor, I'll go see what pequeña Nina needs so you can rest." Lance gets out of bed and sends you a suggestive wink. You groan at the wink and lay down again, waiting for something to happen.

Your cheeks flush at your husband holding Nina close to his chest. Nina's crying softens as he gently passes her to you and hands you your nightshirt. You slip it on and glance up at Lance as he wraps an arm around you. His warmth floods your body as he joins you under the covers. "She's always been a mommy's chica for some reason," Lance whispers tenderly. "Nina still loves you. She has your eyes, and the cutest widdle freckles." You coo and cradle Nina closer to your chest. A few meek burbles escape her mouth as her eyes close. 

You hum the beginning of (song of choice) slowly and lay on your back. Completely relaxed until Lance teases you with: "We make a pretty great kid, huh?" 

You roll your eyes and fall asleep again, Lance nuzzling his head into your neck.

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