Cheesy First Date: Part 2

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[I think this is gonna be three parts as a whole. NO LEMONS in this specific segment. I don't write full-out lemons; especially in the cheesy first date. It's supposed to be CHEESY not SMUTTY. LOL, sorry fam. Babykittycat135 I hope you like this next part UwU.

(F/b) =s favorite band

(F/a) = favorite animal]

Cheesy First Date: Part 2


You internally squealed, but didn't know what to do on the outside. "Not to make fun or anything, but is Lancey-Lance asking me out on a date?!" You teased with a witty smirk. "Yeah, actually." Your best friend answered with sudden confidence, "So whaddya say (Y/N)? Are you in?" You nodded excitedly. "As soon as you let me change, I'm down." Lance beamed and stood for a little bit; spazzing out in your towel-covered glory.

"Oh my gosh (Y/N)!" He yelled excitedly. "What?" You stared at him curiously. "Seeing a girl in a towel was on my bucket list! And I just did! Since that girl was you-" As much as you loved Lance as your best friend, that comment irked you enough. So you smacked him across the head. "Ow!" He squeaked.

"That's what you get for invading my privacy though." You argued with a flirtatious smirk. "I'm going, I'm going!" Lance yelled dramatically and rushed out of the room. While you put on (f/B) t-shirt, (f/bra) and a black skirt, you could hear the paladins chatting and decided to eavesdrop in the process. "Lance, what did you do?" Shiro using his 'Space Dad' voice made you failing at trying not to laugh. "I didn't do anything!" He whined. "Liar." Keith muttered knowingly from nearby.

The noise of more footsteps filled your ears and you assumed it was Hunk or Pidge. "So did you finally ask her out, Lance? And be honest you dingus." Pidge asked curiously. You had a feeling the gremlin was smirking outside your door. "Yes, actually. And she said yes!" Lance's ecstatic squealing became one of your favorite noises in the world, because you thought it was so cute. "Congratulations Lonce! If you need help with anything, Allura and I are more than happy to."

Here comes Space Uncle. You thought to yourself.

"Us too, Lance." Pidge teased sarcastically. You started to get annoyed of everyone crowding around the door to your room. "Ugh." You grumbled softly and readjusted your shirt from the mirror. Your reflection looked decent enough for the public, so you stepped out.


"Go to the lounge please!" You insisted and walked to the couch. Everyone else sat with you and Lance was failing to not whistle wildly at you. Space Dad noticed the elephant in the room and gladly pointed it out.

"Be responsible with (Y/N), okay Lance?" Shiro chuckled and patted the Cuban boy's shoulder. Pidge snorted and Hunk joined you guys (Shiro, Keith, Lance, Coran); smirking knowingly. "(Y/N), uh, you look great! (F/B) is one of my favorite bands too!" Your best friend gushed with pink cheeks. "I don't know about that, Lance is just being weird. Speaking of which, it's weird that we haven't done any real training today." Keith commented with a bored face. "That's a great idea, paladins! (Y/N), feel free to join them if you would like." Coran offered with a grin.

"I'm good," You replied and stood up after randomly kissing Lance on the cheek. "I'll see you later, handsome~" You whispered slyly in his ear; heading to your room. Everyone headed to the training room without you making obnoxious noises. You also heard Keith faintly snort in amusement.

When you stopped at your room door, you sat on your bed and pulled out your sketchbook. You always loved drawing and drew a lot in the castle when there was free time. "I can't believe I did that..." You whispered to yourself with a bashful smile on your face. "I'm like, totally a flirt now!" You murmured excitedly while sketching (f/a). You heard a knock on the door and put down your pencil. (Yes they have pencils in space, just roll with it.)

"Space Dad!" You stifled a boisterous chuckle. "(Y/N), I'm happy that you and Lance are getting along better." He started to say awkwardly, "Sorry about that, um, can I talk to you?" You nodded and patted a spot on the bench by your desk. "You draw?" He asked. "That (f/a) looks great." You grinned in pride. "Thanks Shiro." You answered sincerely.

"No problem." The black paladin smiled back, "Well the reason why I came was to make sure that you two would take care of yourselves in..." He paused at how strange this conversation became. "I'm terrible at explaining this stuff!" Shiro joked. You pretended to laugh along with him and brighten up the mood. "It's okay, I get what you're saying. You just want us to be responsible, but we're best friends! I don't think that is going to come up anytime soon." You added. "Lance also wanted me to give you this note as part of his surprise for you? I'm gonna head to the training room with with the others."

"Okay, bye!" You smiled at the older member of Voltron and went back to your doodling; feeling butterflies courtesy of Lance McClain.

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