Klance EAH AU: Part 2

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(If you were waiting for this, I appreciate the fact that you've enjoyed this AU I came up with! If you weren't, I hope you enjoy this little fluffy drabble anyway. If you want to listen to my favorite song while you read, it's going to make the fluffiness more fluffy but that's entirely up to you.)

A Not So Secret Admirer


"Pidgeon?" Keith Queen mumbled. The son of Krolia, the legendary Evil Queen, looked around for his best friend until she suddenly appeared next to him. "'Sup." Pidge or Katie Hatter greeted smoothly. The daughter of the Mad Hatter, Sam, and younger sister of Matt, frowned at her best friend after seeing his distraught state. "Is something wrong, Keef?" She asked, trying to cheer him up with her nickname. "Am-am I likable? Despite being the son of the most feared person in the land, am I still likable?" Keith queried.

His galactic-like violet eyes wandered toward his roommate, Allura White, daughter of Queen Melenor, who was supposed to be the Snow White of her generation. He was jealous of Allura, but not many people could blame him.

Even though Krolia killed her mother and went off script, Allura still had the dream life. She was destined to marry a prince, inherit the family throne and always be a royal. Despite Allura's destiny being uncertain, no one would ever shudder in fear, insult, or show any form of disgust in the princess's presence.

But the worst thing about her, in Keith's eyes, was how Lance loved her. While they grew up, Allura was Lance's enigma, and she seemed to be the center of his universe for years. It wasn't until middle school when Keith became friends with his crush and Lance got over Allura.

Unfortunately even in a fairytale world, society was still fucked up. Because of Krolia's hard-to-understand reputation, society and the way most people thought shattered most of Keith's potential to have a good life. He knew that it wasn't his mom's fault, she didn't want the fate she was given and going off script was the only want to break free of everything. Krolia was still a good mom, but society wouldn't see that, and that bitter reality stung.

"KEITH!" Pidge yelled at her friend as they strolled next to each other. When they got to their lunch spot, Keith grinned slightly and took out a sealed mug of soup. "Ooh! What's that?" She readjusted her glasses and intently watched the steaming concoction. "King Texas made it for me himself. Tortilla soup, one of my favorites." The ravenette murmured and removed the lid. "Your dad cooks?" Pidge raised a brow. "You'd be surprised, he's actually an alright chef." Keith answered.

"We should make s'mores next time I come over to your place. By the way, do you need a spoon?" Pidge offered, taking her lunch out of her magical Hat of Many Things. The name was yet to be patented, since nothing in Ever After had such an oddly specific name. Keith shook his head and took out a spoon from his lunch bag.

"Are you gonna tell me what that episode was about?" His best friend inquired before pinching herself. "Sorry about that, Riddlish is wack." Pidge blurted. He let out a small chuckle before gazing up at the blue sky. "I have loved Lance for a long time-" "And I'm wearing a dress." She muttered sarcastically, "Sorry again, I thought we were stating the blatantly obvious."

The two exploded into laughter for a few moments and just ignored the world in each other's company. "I needed your lighthearted sarcasm today, Pidge. I couldn't stand all of the stares today. Anyways, I highly doubt that Lance feels the same way because he's a Charming. He's a member of one of the richest and most esteemed families in Ever After, and I'm the Evil Queen's son." He rambled, "I love my mom, I do. But I'm never going to-" Pidge scoffed. "People are judgemental idiots, big deal. So what if he's a Charming, Zarkon and Haggar are kind of a bunch of pricks anyway. You're technically a prince too, and I see how Lance looks at you in chemythstry. He's as bisexual as it gets." She argued, careful not to raise her voice. "But Allura-" Keith stammered.

"She's engaged to Lotor according to their stories, and have you ever seen them separated for an hour?" Keith shook his head. "Exactly. You have nothing to worry about." Pidge fussed. "Also, what's that?" She stared intently at the piece of paper her friend was reading. His purple eyes glowed when he stopped reading off the paper. "What's what?" Keith asked innocently.

"That, you furry." Pidge retorted, pointing a finger at the slip of paper in his hands. "Bold of my closest friend to call me a furry because I'm half-Galra." Keith countered. "Why can't I? Your servants are literally FURRIES!" "GALRA!" Keith yelled in retaliation. "FURRIES!" Pidge shouted back obnoxiously.

"Excuse me?" A familiar voice filled Keith's ears as the faint giggling of his crush's admirers overlapped. "L-Lance?" He stuttered bashfully. In front of the two friends stood Prince Lancelot (better known as Lance) Charming. The brown-haired prince appeared more shy than usual with a violet in his hand that he tucked behind Keith's ear. They blushed at the sight of each other and quickly averted their gazes.

"Just sit with us." Pidge grumbled and scooted over so there was an open spot of grass between her and Keith for Lance to sit on. "We know you want to." She muttered as the prince patted down the grass and joined them. "Thanks for this. Lotor talking about the newest shampoo company he has endorsed is kind of annoying." Lance gushed and stuffed his crown beanie into his backpack.

"Based on the goo-goo eyes you and Keith are making at each other, you have some kind of connection. Or I'm just assuming things." Pidge smirked. "I thought you already knew that, Pidgeon." Keith joked in response. "We do know each other pretty well. Keith is a cool guy and I don't understand why the royals treat people like him so harshly because of prejudice." Lance ranted with a philosophical tone.

An awkward pause lingered between the trio. "What do you mean people like me?" Keith questioned with a frown. Pidge growled at her friend's feelings seeming hurt, she was totally ready to smack a hoe. "No no no! That's not what I meant." Lance reassured them, "I mean cool, genuine people I've known for years shouldn't be shut out or treated differently. Even if their parents are different or broke laws or things like that, it's a shitty excuse-"

Before Lance could continue apologizing, Keith settled himself into the prince's lap and pressed his forehead against Lance's. The two gays-guys stared at each other before the brown-haired prince gently kissed Keith on the lips. His soft, tanned hands caressed the paler boy's face as they kissed. Keith and Lance closed their eyes. The Evil Queen's son wrapped his arms around the prince's neck. He let his fingers ruffle up Lance's chestnut brown hair.

Pidge started taking pictures with her mirrorphone of the smitten boys to show Hunk, the eldest son of the Candy Witch; cackling softly to herself. At least, until Keith and Lance's lips parted for air. "I...I was wondering...if you'd like to go on a date with me some...sometime?" Lance offered and panted in between every few words. "I...I hope you got my...my number and...the poem. I-" Keith pecked his crush's lips and nodded tiredly. "I...I'd quiznakking love to." The black-haired boy mumbled. "Me too, Keef. That's why I asked." Lance giggled teasingly.

"I gotta send these to Hunk before-" Pidge rambled to herself before being interrupted. "What?" Keith and Lance squinted at the strawberry blonde-haired sophomore. "Nothing!" The Mad Hatter's daughter yelled almost instantly.

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