HS/Texting AU: Part 2

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(I'm honestly surprised that it took me so long to type up and publish this. I want to apologize to my patient, loyal readers. [Two of them being the cool beans klancetrashforever and online sister Spaghetti_no_sauce] for having to wait so long for this specific segment. But honestly it's more of just the Garrison trio shooting the breeze. This one is for you two and thanks for bearing with my procrastination. It's 100% unintentional, I promise.)

The Garrison Trio Hanging Out


Lance and his friends, Pidge/Katie Holt and Hunk Garrett were heading to the library for some study time. (Stealthily eating some snacks in the back too.) At least, until Lance stopped in front of a poster for the homecoming dance. "Lance!" Pidge whined at her suddenly motionless friend. He seemed to be frozen in time, taking note of everything on the poster. From the comic book theme, to the time and date. "Huh?" Lance glanced back at his friends. "We're supposed to be doing homework-" Pidge muttered. "Eating food in the back," Hunk whispered so no one would snitch on them.

"I think I should tell him." He mumbled with a piece of baguette in his mouth. Katie commented with a sincere smirk, "Go for it." Lance raised a brow. "We aren't going to homecoming this year. Neither the game, nor the dance." Hunk explained. "Preferably never again." She bluntly added on. "Wha-why?!" The sassy Cuban exclaimed in shock. "All of the school dance stuff has never really been our thing. And every time we try to go to a school dance as a group, you always left us to flirt with girls." Hunk ranted, a slight sourness in his voice. 

"I didn't know you guys felt that way." The self-acclaimed loverboy frowned. Remorse swirled in his stomach. (Is that a thing? Where your stomach kinda hurts because you feel bad about something?) "We'll probably play Overwatch and Hunk's homecoming dance and game night. You're free to join us if you decide not to go." Pidge offered. "I'll think about it."  Lance answered with a grateful smile. 


When the trio found their special spot completely vacant, Pidge and Hunk rushed to take their seats. Lance openly pulled out his phone before taking out his notes for AP art history. "Don't tell anyone about eating food in the back," Hunk whispered so no one would snitch on them. "Oh yeah! I forgot. Sorry guys, we should get to work." Lance put his phone away and took out his notes.

"Nice chewing, Hunk. You're like an eating ninja." Katie commented with a sincere smirk. Lance saw a chunk of bread slightly dipping out of Hunk's mouth and almost burst out laughing. "Shut up Lance!" She whispered, struggling to hold back loud laughter of her own. "Tell Hunk to stop eating such big pieces of bread, how do you stuff that much in your mouth?!" He retorted softly. "I don't know!" Hunk tried to whisper back, but it sounded like "I oh oh" instead. 

I have the weirdest friends. Pidge thought to herself while whizzing through her math homework. "Isn't it kinda interesting how almost all of these statues are naked people?" Lance mumbled while his friends wheezed in their chairs.

"Not really. That was the closest thing they had to-" Hunk smacked a hand on top of Pidge's mouth before she could finish her sentence. He drank some water after finishing the piece of bread in his mouth. "A topic not appropriate for the library!" The Samoan hissed discreetly, making the other two groan. "I gotta finish this summary for history." He muttered.

In the meantime, Lance kept trying to memorize the facts of each statue, building and sculpture for the next pop quiz. But all he could think about (Y/N), homecoming dance, and not knowing what to do about it.

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