Fuqboi: High School AU

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(It's inspired by Fuqboi by Hey Violet and amusing. Hope you like it!)

"Why do you like Lance again?" You sigh and keep staring at your flirtatious crush. "Because Pidge," You explain reluctantly; taking a book out of your locker. Lance's slightly seductive stare completely slaughters your train of thought. "I've known that dorky fuck-boy my whole life..."

We were like best friends until seventh grade. Lance and I hung out almost all the time until he started-" Pidge Gunderson or Katie Holt interrupts and knows what you were going to say next. "Liking you and chasing after other girls?" She's your best friend and heard this story a thousand times; from you and Lance. The pining was getting old. At least, she thinks so.

You groan at how well she knew your feelings toward Lance. "I swear, Hunk and I think you two are the most oblivious idiots in the entire universe." The petite genius complains and munches on her BBQ Lay's chips. "But I don't know where we stand now, Pidge." You admit and glance at your crush; conversing with his friends from your lunch table.

"I mean, I get that Lance and I have changed, but that's another factor complicating everything. Like one day at prom, we're harshly making ou-" Pidge sticks her tongue out and gags in disgust. "Ew, ew ew. I've heard about that episode waaay too many times, (Y/N). Tell me about the day you were fighting about Nyma and how you're nervous about messing up your 'undying love for him confession' before the end of senior year." You grin wistfully at the ceiling. "That is exactly what I was gonna say, Pidge." You murmur and nibble on your (f/flavor) sandwich from your seat in the cafeteria. "At the end of the day, you don't care about a lot. You just want Lancey-Lance to be your boyfriend and your-" Pidge mocks you suggestively and you realize she is smugly recording you.

"Hey! What the hell!" You shout in annoyance; trying to snatch her phone away. "It's too late (Y/N), I already DMed the video to Lance. It's time for you two to stop pining and grow the fuck up." The short freshman cackles slyly. "Why do you always have to be right?" You huff irritably.

Before you can slam your fist onto the table, a familiar voice interrupts your intention. "Pidge is the smart one, remember (Y/N)?" You turn to your left and see the guy you've liked for more than five years. He slides next to you and holds your cheek; leaning in to kiss you.

Surprisingly, you don't turn away because of your fear of rejection. Another kiss from Lance is terrifying bliss, and Lance couldn't agree more.


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