Temporary Closure

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Hi hi hi!

I am so so so so sorry to all my Lance, Klance and Voltron fans who really adore/adored this book as much as I do. But for now I'm temporarily not updating this book.

Voltron has started to cause a lot of emotional and mental pain for me because I grew so attached to the characters and the dream of Keith and Lance having a happy ending. (We're allowed to spoil Voltron here so I'm gonna do that.) Obviously that didn't happen and sometimes that disappointment cripples my ability to think positive or just think in general. 

I still love the show but I miss the characters having wholesome attention and the little things the writers did to hurt them. Everytime Lance has a scene crying by himself, I want to cry too. And with the pandemic and everything going on, I need a break from feeling anguish and angst so often because of things I can't control.

I haven't been getting any requests for this book and I've started school recently so I think taking a break from doing anything with this book is a good thing for me.

DON'T WORRY! It's not going anywhere, I'm definitely never going to delete this book. All of the little one shots and drabbles have a special place in my heart. I'm ecstatic that so many of you support my campaign to give Lance a book of drabbles that he so rightfully deserves and appreciate all the love for him. It's going to stay on my profile and in my works so you can read it as much as you want; over and over if your heart desires UwU.

I apologize for promising to make continuations of Lance x Reader books in here that I haven't posted yet though. I didn't plan to make a wide variety of my own little stories of Lance and Keith or Reader-Chan exclusively. 

If I do end this temporary closure, there will be a chapter or two after this one but until then, thanks for understanding and giving our Sharpshooter time and affection the writers didn't take the time to create.

Much love to all of you for everything and giving Lance a successful book exclusively for him. I hope you guys stay safe, take care and do what makes you happy UwU <3 <3

Best Wishes Always,

-SpunkyasQuiznak/Author-Chan/Space Mom/J

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