Klance Drabble (1)

19 0 2

(Rated PG-13, but it's just Keith and Lance being cute together while not dating yet. It's during the summer right before their senior year at the Garrison, something like that.
Art credits to Taytei UwU)

Listen Nyma


"I can't believe you're gonna do it. You, Lance McClain, are going to tell the Nyma Brauns to stop being a queen bee and break up with her." Keith Kogane snickered proudly. "Thank God I still have her number. I'm just done with all of her bull shit, man. She wants me to be faithful and all that but wants to fuck Rolo whenever she wants. I'm so over it." Lance murmured in ecstatics. "I'll never do that to you, Sharpshooter." The Cuban boy's best friend commented sweetly; regretting it almost instantly.

Lance chuckled and nudged Keith with an elbow. "You're cute." He teased playfully. "You're so oblivious." The Korean boy breathed sarcastically. Cheeks flushing red. "Can you hand me my phone, Mullet?" Lance asked with a loud yawn.

They realized it was 3 am, and eventually Keith would have to go back to his house before Shiro could find out that he left. "Quiznak." The two whispered nervously. "I'll do it tomorrow, promise." Lance insisted. "No worries, take as much time as you need. I just don't want you to get hurt anymore." Keith pouted sincerely. Their voices barely audible in the Cuban boy's room. "Can I... hug you?" Keith asked softly. "Of course."
"I gotta go, it's almost 4." "Shiro's gonna wake up and see that you're not in your room if you stay here. It's okay." "Bye Keef." "Don't call me that!" Lance snorted shamelessly. "No promises, Kogane." Keith rolled his eyes and climbed down his window, "Later McClain,"

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