Barista! Lance x College Student! Reader

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(This might've been my favorite one shot to write. Caffeine and Cuteness is nothing but fluff. I would go on a date with Lance without getting coffee at the end. Lance deserves so much more than he was given by the show and I appreciate all the support so so much. It's so satisfying to feel like I am doing him justice. If it makes your heart melt too quickly or something from being too precious and innocent, I apologize ahead of time.

Art credits to melloyello138.tumblr)

Caffeine and Cuteness


Lance McClain sees a gorgeous girl, about his age, enter Space Coffee with slightly droopy eyes. Probably from studying so hard. He thinks to himself, Garrison University has tough courses, for all students. Lance snaps out of his daze when she strolls up to the counter to take her order. The two quickly blush at the sight of each other. "Hey there, gorgeous~ How can I, uh, take your order?" She, (Y/N) (L/N), glances at the note in her hand. Then back at the goofy young barista's name tag. "Lance?" (Y/N) says his name shyly, "I'd love to have an (f/drink) and a latte for one of my friends. She doesn't have a car and wanted me to get some caffeine for her."

They stifle innocent giggles. "Finals, am I right?" Lance comments with a grin while typing in her total in the cash register. "Yep, they are so stressful this trimester." (Y/N) mutters with a sigh. "Your total is $5.79. What's the name of the bonita chica taking these drinks home?" She hands him the money and slants her head slightly, "For (Y/N). Whoa, that's so much cheaper than Starbucks. I need to come here more often." She smiles joyfully. "You totally should, everything is great here." Lance rambles, "Your order will be out in a jiffy! Feel free to sit in a bean bag or booth or on that brown sofa in the back while you wait." (Y/N) sighs in bliss at the thought and nods sheepishly; leaving the line.


"Oh Dios mío Keith, she's so adorable! I'm already-" Keith Kogane, another barista at Altea Café, rolls his eyes in amusement. "I saw." His emo coworker replies teasingly, "You almost drooled when she walked in here." Lance blushes a ruby red and shakes his head, "No no no, nope. Don't remember, didn't happen." The Korean barista scoffs in disagreement. "Whatever, man. You're lying. I know that for a fact." He argues. "Can I pleeeease make her order myself, Keef?" Lance pouts cutely. Keith rolls his eyes playfully at the question. "I don't mind, and I'm sure Shiro and Allura wouldn't either." His Cuban coworker squeals enthusiastically and hugs him.

"Just don't make a mess, okay? Cleaning the syrup off the counter when it's messy is super annoying." Keith mumbles awkwardly after getting Lance to stop hugging him. "Thank you thank you thank you Mullet!" He blushes and pushes the goofball towards the machines. "Get to work then, Sharpshooter." Keith teases and earns a witty salute from Lance as he starts making the drinks.

Back to (Y/N)...

The college student lets a peaceful, cheery sigh escape her lips as she opens her favorite book. Curled up in a cozy bean bag, (Y/N) takes out (f/c) bookmark and reads from where she left off before suddenly dozing off. Lance yells for her after finishing her order [and hopes that she notices the nickname "Hot Stuff" he wrote on the cup of her (f/d).] but notices her adorably napping on one of the bean bags. After carefully taking the latte and (f/d) in hand, Lance ambles to her side.

"Hey," He whisper soothingly. (Y/N)'s (f/c) beanie falls off her head and into her lap as slowly sits up. "Hi," She stretches her arms out openly and yawns loudly. "Had a great cat nap? I need to take more of those." Lance jokes like the big-hearted goofball he is. "Huh?" (Y/N) answers. "Here are the drinks you ordered about half an hour ago." The Cuban barista offers the cups whole-heartedly for her to grab. "Thanks," She murmurs politely.

"No problem. And lucky you, the latte and (f/d) are still nice and hot." They brush hands as Lance hands her the paper cups. "I wrote something on one of them...but you know what? That's probably not a great idea to-" But it is too late for Lance McClain to feel anymore embarrassed, since (Y/N) turns the (f/d) cup around to find the words "hot stuff" and a phone number on the recycled cardboard cup sleeve written neatly in Sharpie. The two blush and stare at each other shyly. "I'm so so sorry if I-"

(Y/N) giggles sweetly and places her lips on Lance's cheeks after putting the cups down on a nearby table. "You wrote your number on here too?!" She gasps in shock, "Why?" Lance gasps in offense. "What is wrong with you?!" He retorts dramatically, "I wrote that stuff on the cup because I like you. And not just the friend way, but the 'like-like' way. So by impulse, I wrote a nickname that suits you and my number so we could maybe-"

Lance blushes even more as (Reader-chan) pecks his cheek again with a giggle. "God, you're adorable. I'd love to." He beams and feels imaginary cartoon hearts surrounding his head. "Maybe after my shift?" She nods and gives him a thumbs-up before sipping on her (f/d).

☕️💗The End 💗☕️


Bonita chica - "pretty/beautiful girl"

Dios mío - "Oh my God"


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