Mean Girls Crossover

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(This is so freaking random but I have to. I love the idea of a Mean Girls and Voltron crossover. Plus, there's Klance and Lance being a cheeky bastard for a segment or two...❤️💙💜 Hope you like it!)

Jealous Keef is so FETCH!


The Paladins were hiding from the Galra Empire and searching for recruits on Earth. So for the time being, most of them were disguised as high schoolers at North Shore High and Lance was already earning himself a lot of attention.

The six sat at a secluded lunch table away from everyone else to talk strategy about their game plan.

The only other people who sat with them were their new friends Janis Ian and Damien. "You guys are like superheroes or something?" Janis asked. "Sorta. I'm Shiro, that's Pidge, Hunk, Keith, Allura, Coran is-elsewhere and we can't find Lance right now." The leader of Voltron introduced the duo to his extended family.

Damien and Janis nodded understandably and started digging into their lunches. "We're just gonna act like we did before Voltron happened and stuff right?" Hunk reviewed; taking a bulky bite out of his cheeseburger. "That's the plan team." Shiro answered and the others (except Lance) nodded. "Hey, has anyone seen Lance?" Keith asked; searching the cafeteria with his eyes. "Not since AP astronomy," Pidge shrugged. "I think I see him." Allura commented; pointing at him. "What the hell is he doing over there?" The red paladin grumbled and watched him sitting with a trio of girls their age.

He disliked the way the girls wearing pink were looking at him and spending time with him. "Those girls are the Plastics. They stopped being mean to people and more people sit with them now." Damien explained discreetly. "Your friend was probably invited to sit there by Regina George. She's still the almighty but now Regina is nicer to people." Janis added. "If he's fitting in and getting along with everyone, that's a good thing Keith. Maybe we should give him a little space until the day ends." Hunk suggested casually. "I still don't trust those girls. Who wears pink in perfect like-that?" Keith stared with disgust. "They do." Pidge answered sarcastically. "We work together and respect each other, let's just respect Lance's decision. I'm sure he would understand if one of us wanted space." Shiro added. "Not likely." The half-galra smirked all-knowingly.

~Magical Transition~

Keith's POV

Lance said that we'd all stick together and stuff but lunch is almost over (according to a girl we met named Janis Ian and her friend Damien) and he's been spending all of it with those girls! "If you want to get him back from the Plastics' grasp, you should just go." Janis comments. "Let your gayness show." Damien says in encouragement; making the other paladins laugh. "We kind of already knew that Damien." The green paladin chuckles lightheartedly. "That's great and all but could someone go with me?" I propose. "It would be more intimidating if I wasn't alone, right?" I support my idea. "You're kind of already intimidating on your own Keith." Hunk answers bluntly. "Get our bisexual boy back." Pidge whispers as I clung my hands to my red jacket. "Got it." I whisper back and stood up from my seat.

I confidently start walking over to the "Plastics" table but stop in a daze watching Lance enjoying himself. It was so embarrassing, but he had to make it worse by noticing me.

"Ladies, this is the sexiest boy alive, my boyfriend, Keith Kogane..." Lance addresses me dramatically and wraps an arm around my shoulders. "Sit with us." He whispers ecstatically. The girl with doe eyes and a long sleeved pink top started giggling as the senior sitting in the center put her hand out. "My name is Regina George." Regina smiles at me. "You can sit with us if you want. Any friend of Lance is a friend of ours." She taps a part of the table with her painted pink nails. "As well as Gretchen Wieners and Karen Smith obviously." The bright blonde slanted her head towards the girls she was sitting with. "Hi." Gretchen waved bashfully, then continued reading a book.

I felt out of place. This isn't the place I belong in... I thought to myself. "No, no that's okay. I was just going to take Lance back to sit with our friends." I attach my hand to my boyfriend's; probably blushing like a tomato.

Our fingers intertwine as I feel more and more intimidated. "Are you sure you want to leave?" Regina raises an eyebrow. "We're not bad anymore. On Wednesdays we wear pink." The other blonde, known as Karen starts staring at us. "Please Lance." I squeak, "T-The rest of us miss you. I-I miss you..." I stutter reluctantly.

Almost instantly, (to my surprise), Lance starts standing up and packing his stuff. "Sorry ladies, but I gotta go with my boyfriend," He pauses to wink at me, "And my friends to talk about our plan for the week."

We still held hands and went back to sit with our fellow paladins and new friends Janis and Damien. "You know I'm Nationwide." Lance grins. I raise an eyebrow and ask him, "What?" "I'm always on your side, babe." He kisses my cheek and we chuckle together like champions.

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