Spy! Lance Confides in Shiro

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(Another part/story of the Spy! Lance x Enemy Spy! Reader series. Making myself clear, I don't ship Shiro with any of the paladins. This is just a fluffy extended father-son segment between Lance and Shiro in the Rivaling Spies AU. No spoilers other than that, so dive into the (relatively short) story whenever you're ready! 💙💜😉)

Spy! Lance Confides in Shiro



Takashi Shirogane, leading Operation Manager of the spy organization Team Voltron, sits at his desk. Looking through emails that never seemed to end in number. "Almost sabotage by Galra Society in Belgium... Antique frilled egg stolen from Museum... Worth millions of dollars... " He skims through the information. "I'll discuss this with Allura and Coran and the paladins later." Shiro writes a sticky note for remembering in a code only he understood. He closes out the email.

After putting a sticky note away in a spare notebook, his workouts put on hold by a knock at the door into his cozy office. "Who is it?" Shiro holes from his seat. "Lance!" Shiro gets up to open the door for the Cuban goofball. Lance McClain, one of the Paladins (main operatives) of Voltron, nervously sit in front of his superior's desk.

"Um, Shiro?" Lance stammers sheepishly, "C-can I tell you something? Something personal?" The white-haired member of Voltron sighs playfully; doing his best to casually calm Lance down. "Apparently, I am the "Spy Dad" of the group and I normally help everyone with their problems. So I am more than happy to be a confidant for anyone on the team who needs it." Shiro encourages the Blue Paladin. "W-well, I like this girl that I work with." Lance vents gradually, "But not like the 'I like you as a friend' kind, I mean the 'I have a crush on you and want to be your boyfriend and shower you in affection' kind of like."

"Everything about her; the way she talks to how passionately she fights on missions brings out the embarrassing flirty side of me that I can't stand. But she doesn't judge or tease me about it anymore. I'm starting to think she never did...if that makes sense. Like, nothing I did ever genuinely irritated or bothered her, and-" Shiro lets out a witty sigh and opens his red tea box on his desk; putting any files or paperwork away from it. "I have a feeling this might take a while, not that I mind. Anyway, would you like some tea to help sort out your feelings?" He asks his extended son. "Sure!" Lance chirps and watches his boss make himself a cup.

"I knew you were a tea guy, but I never thought you were a fan of 'Hot Cinnamon Spice'." The Blue Paladin holds back a guffaw. "Ha, ha Lance." Shiro mutters with a wee smile on his face. "You probably like fruity flavors so I'll keep an eye out for a Açaí blueberry green tea." Silence lingers until Shirt comments, "I'll still listen to you, I'm just looking through my teas to find the  green tea I need." Lance nods.

"Okay, uh, what else you would you like to know?" The love-struck Cuban asks meekly and slants his head slightly. "Whatever you want to tell me." His boss replies calmly. "Sure! Uh, I think the most real time I spent with her was in Beijing the week before Christmas..." Shiro grins and pulls out the teabag he needed. "Perfect!" Lance glances at him in confusion. As the group's Spy Dad concocts his cup of tea in a common Starbucks cup with a stirrer and cardboard sleeve, he sits back down; ready to pay more attention. "Back to what I was going to say?" Lance mentions awkwardly. "Whenever you're ready to tell me whatever's on your mind, I'm ready to listen." 

[Towards the end of the Spy Dad Counseling-ish Session]

"Can you tell me about your love life too?" Lance asks innocently, similar to a 5 year old wanting to know how babies are made. Shiro fails to not blush. "Sure. I've been married to the love of-are you sure?" He hesitates to say anything else. Lance shrugs and sips on his tea. "I kinda told you everything about her. My...crush..." His cheeks turn red also.

"Now we're both part of the Red Cheeks Club!" Shiro jokes. "That was an alright dad joke. I approve." The Blue Paladin grins back. "I'm sure you aren't done yet, Lance. You don't have to be afraid to open up. Especially with me, okay?" Voltron's Operation Manager insists after sipping on his paper Starbucks cup of 'Hot Cinnamon Spice' tea. "I know Team Voltron is supposed to be closely knit, like you and Adam-" Shiro furrows his brows and interrupts with, "No more love stories from Spy Dad." The two sip more of their teas and start laughing. "Well, um, the point I was trying to get across is that you won't tell anyone, right?" Lance pleads. 

They stand up from their chairs and the Blue Paladin searches for a sense of hope in his superior's stormy grey eyes. Shirt spontaneously reels the younger man into a fraternal hug and calms him down, "Don't worry, I won't say anything to the others. This is a 100% confidential session with Spy Dad and I intend on keeping it that way." Lance lets out an ecstatic squeal. "Thank you so much Shiro!" He squeaks joyfully and picks up his warm paper cup of tea.

"Before you go," Shiro stops Lance from opening the door and tosses him a classic Starbucks lid, "Use this." Lance sniffles in amusement at this surprise. "Do you make a stash of Starbucks lids, cups, cup sleeves, straws, stirrers, AND napkins in your spare time, Dad?!" He teases. "I don't collect plastic straws, those are bad for the turtles." Shirt (100% planned misspelling) argues, "I have other hobbies. I do yoga, go to the gym, spend time with Adam..." He waggles his eyebrows suggestively. "TMI Dad!" The Blue Paladin groans before thanking his boss again; Starbucks cup of tea in hand.

[Later on...]

After Lance cheerfully leaves his office, Shiro excitedly picks up his phone and calls Adam. "What did I tell you?" Adam Wright Shirogane, his husband answers with a sly remark. "I am the dad of almost everyone I know..." The operations manager huffs at hearing Adam's obnoxious laughter from the other line. "I get it, okay?!" His spouse's laughter continues. "Stop it babe!" Shiro whines in embarrassment. "I get it, I get it. I'll stop." Adam takes a deep breath and slowly stops chuckling.

A pause fills the office and an ear until Adam breaks it.

"You know who else's Daddy you are?" He whispers into the phone. Shiro has a feeling that he knows where this joke or pick-up line is going and almost wheezes. "Wha-?" He blurts. 

"Mine~" And Shiro almost faints. "What the fudge ADAM?!" "It was funny, right?" "Yeah, but I almost got a bloody nose, and fainted at work on the same day because of you!" "You probably have to go soon, Takashi." "I have more e-mails to look through." "See you at home?" "See you at home. I love you." "I love you too, Daddy~" 

Shiro, again, almost faints as he hangs up and takes another sip of his tea.


(Additional A/N: I give partial credit to @Spaghetti_no_sauce for helping me with ideas and put some things together. Love you Chlo! The next chapter is gonna be about drones, haha.)

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