Brainwashed! Lance x Paladin! Reader- Part 1

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(This story takes place in mid-season 4 and has occasional profanity. I'm also giving a minimal spoiler warning! I don't speak Korean at all so the text in English underlined is just Reader-chan speaking in Korean. If you could imagine that, I'd appreciate it so freaking much. Thanks and I hope you like this one-shot! I tried to make it feel like a Voltron episode as much as possible so I can't wait for you guys to get those vibes. <3 <3)

Fight Your Fears- Part 1

Keith hesitated before separating from Shiro and Hunk, protectively holding your hand while staying out of sight. "Keith?" You call, barely audible. Your anxiety heightens on this mission as you scramble to stay out of sight with your best friend. The red paladin cautiously leads you into a corner, a safe haven away from sight of any Galra soldiers nearby. Your stressful emotions get thrown off as Keith gives you a reassuring smile.

Something you don't see from the half-Galran emo very often. "I know you're scared for Lance, (Y/N). But you aren't alone. All of us are here at your side, that's why we're risking our lives to save him. And as soon as we get Lance back, I will make that asshole remember the bonding moment." He knows exactly how to cheer you up. Keith would never let that go, even if you were dating Lance McClain. You think to yourself in amusement.

Blam! Blam! Blam! Your sentimental friendship bonding moment was interrupted by lasers zooming across the hallway. You and Keith were spotted. You realize as footsteps in perfect sync stamp closer to the both of you. "Run, Keith! Run!" You yell, not bothering to stay under wraps anymore. You and Keith block the soldiers' path and split up.

"I'll cover for you, (Y/N). Go! Go! Go!" He shouts openly and takes out his bayard; which transforms itself into a gun and spare sword. "Hunk, we're being attacked. Tell Pidge to-" You guess right about the green paladin interrupting Keith over the intercom. Your legs continue rushing away from the scene, desperately avoiding contact with anything in your way. "Looks like there are more enemies heading your way," Pidge announces into the intercom, "I'll try to block some of them off, since the pathway system has been hacked by yours truly but it'll only be a matter of time until they regulate their security." You nod and take out your bayard; which turns itself into (weapon of choice). You aim and swing/shoot it at almost everything that can keep the guards off your trail.

This goes on until you stop and stumble across a dimly lit glass wall. A modest group of diverse aliens in prison rags cluster around the front of the glass. They stare intently at you with glimmering hope in their eyes.

Lance might be here! You think to yourself ecstatically and take out your bayard, cuing for the prisoners to scramble away from the glass as you carve an entrance through the glass and eagerly search for the love of your life among the gracious yet terrified crowd. I was wrong. You frown at your failed attempt to find him and crouch on the chilly metal floor.

"Wait," You suddenly murmur to yourself, "I can ask you guys for help!" The alien prisoners keep watching your movements in confusion and curiosity. You assume they can't speak English and remember your fluency in Korean.

I'm in outer space and I'm gonna try speaking in Korean to aliens. You blink at your weird idea. Here goes nothing. "Hello, um, my name is (Y/N) and I am the Silver Paladin of Voltron." You speak courteously, "I was wondering if any of you have seen a human with semi-light brown hair, tanned skin and these hypnotically gorgeous sapphire eyes-" You blush as a few of the prisoners start laughing softly at your love-dazed description. You get embarrassed almost instantly, but try to not care.

Of course, they don't mean to be offensive to someone that could save them from eternal suffering and possible death in the arena.

A young Balmeran with sympathetic green eyes and short strawberry blonde hair ambles forward. You notice a scar resting on the side of his neck and feel guilty for looking at it. "I am not offended by you noticing my scar, Silver Paladin." You smile slightly at how he resides not too close to your side. "I'm glad I haven't disrespected an ally against the Galra." You reply modestly. "To answer your request, I remember the human you speak of, but his story has not been a happy one. At least, as I can recall..." He frowns at your jittery state and gently pats your shoulder as an attempt of comfort, "The one you are looking for is still on the ship. Although I was forced to fight him in the arena, I refused and you can still save him from his brainwashed condition." You grin at the hope you have now, "What's your name?" You ask the Balmeran.

He holds out his wrinkled hand and introduces himself, "I am Boris, and I have more to tell you about the one you are looking for." You nod in approval and let Boris continue his story. "As I mentioned earlier, I had to fight a monster in the arena; which is how I got this scar on my neck. I persistently dodged until the crowd had enough of the stalemate. The monster appeared to be eerily similar to the human the other prisoners and I watched be taken to Haggar before his form changed. The blue eyes you referred to, became a dark, hazy amber color." You shake your head in disagreement, but another one of the prisoners adds on. "Not all of the Galra are bad, but this one was an unnatural form of wicked. He became assigned to bringing death." The innocent species huddle around you solemnly as you experience a memory. You see Lance, trapped on a lab table, and injected with a suspicious, clear-colored serum.

Before you can ask the prisoners any other questions, the intercom blasts voices of the other paladins as a troop of Galra soldiers knock you out. Reality kicks in like a punch to the gut as the leader of the troop bellows a fuzzy command and a barely audible whisper fills your ears.

"Face your fears, Silver Paladin, and all shall be resolved."

"Wh-what does that mean?!" You mumble in your mind madly.

"Keep fighting and your plight will leave you."

You still fail to understand the voice's message and the thought drives you crazy while you are still conscious.


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