Possessed Mer-Prince! Lance x Mermaid! Reader

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(I don't know, this just sort of happened. I renovated a deleted scene from Help as a Lance x reader and came up with this idea of Lance being this possessed prince struggling for control of his body again. He lost everything and needs it back, but for now, he can't have it.)

Uncomforting Comfort


"Please, don't hurt him, me, us," The (f/c) mermaid whispered in fear, "You don't understand what the bigger picture is here, I'm begging you don't-" Lance interrupted her anxious sleep-talking with a chaste kiss on the cheek. (Y/N) (L/N)'s (e/c) orbs opened in a shock. "What-what happened?" She stammered nervously. "You were having a terrible dream, dearest~" He muttered with loving concern in his tone, "What was it about?" Serenade pouted sadly. The mer-prince caressed her closer to him and sighed.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I know my reputation. I understand that my intimidating exterior earns little trust from the commons." Lance frowned sympathetically; gently stroking her right cheek with his thumb. "My friends, they found out about us," (Y/N) explained reluctantly, "They thought I betrayed them...for you. They thought I sold them out to be free, but I didn't do that at all. And they-they didn't believe me." She squinted to try to prevent herself from crying. The vulnerable state (Y/N) stayed in was unbearable since she was a teenager. They both were. This was another time in which her watery eyes couldn't be contained.

Her eyes started to water from being emotionally overwhelmed. The merman gently wiped the water droplets off his lover's cheeks. For Lance could not deny the stinging in his heart as (Y/N)'s tears fell. "Hey, hey. Everything will be alright, my dearest. Let the current flow where it may and-" (Y/N) blushed and shyly kissed Lance's cheek. He was confused as her delicate hands stroked his cheeks and she pecked his nose bashfully. "I should do that, but I wish I could." (Y/N) frowned slightly. Lance chuckled softly and whispered sweet nothings in her ear. "You can. You're so special to me, dearest~ You have my heart now. I can't be happy without you in my life."


Although Lance could not control his body anymore, the words that escaped his lips were true. He loved (Y/N) and could not stand any other being caring for her. For the people he swore to protect.

(I left a lot of the dialogue the same so the reader could see that something was wrong with Lance, but they could also see that their character is kind of oblivious to that at the same time. 

If you want a part 2, that's probably going to have to wait since I'm working on other drabbles for this book to finish other AUs. klancetrashforever Your texting AU part 2 is in the works! ;))

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