Cheesy First Date: Part 3

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(It did take a long time to put this together, even though I had the perfect idea for who knows how long. Rocketeer by Far East Movement and Ryan Tedder is the theme song for this drabble, because it suits Lance and Reader-Chan better. It goes with the space aesthetic and everything! I hope you have fun on the cutest date with Lance! This is still PG-13 like the content so if you get scared off by the occasional dirty joke. Tee hee <3)

It's Happening!!!


You yawned loudly; enjoying your free time. You put on your pj's and started getting ready to take a nap when you heard another knock at the door. "F-uggghhh." You groaned obnoxiously. You loved getting to be overdramatic in private and hoped no one heard you.

"Hey, Keith." You yawned again. "Hi (Y/N)," The red paladin smiled slightly. "Are you Lance's wingman?" You snorted in amusement. "Something like that." He replied playfully, "I'll tell him that you're gonna take a nap. All of us could use some sleep to fight for the coalition better."

You giggled. "You make a good point." You rubbed your eyes and gently bit at your tongue. "Well, you get some rest, okay? If you need anything, just yell or something and one of us will be here." Keith explained and turned off the light in your room.

"Thanks, Keef." You murmured before he left; closing your eyes tentatively. "No problem (Y/N)." The red Paladin smiled meekly and closed the door.


After dreaming of Keith and Lance kissing, someone getting stabbed, and you laughing in amusement in the background, you wake up groggy but refreshed at the same time. Morning breath floods your mouth like Niagara Falls back on Earth. "I have to thank Keith for letting me sleep." You grunt and stretch; sitting up in your bed with a small smile gracing your lips.

You change out of your pj's into a casual gray top and jeans; hungry for some food goo. You open the door and see everyone hanging out on the couch and Allura walking in the lounge room.

"If you couldn't tell, paladins, (Y/N)," The princess sends you a witty wink, "Today you have free time. Spend it however you like, just please stay safe and do not engage in any contact with the Galra." She notices Keith pouting slightly and beams. "Except for you, Keith." The group, including Coran and the princess, surround you in a comfy, lighthearted group hug.

"I'm gonna work on strengthening the castle defenses. They could use some work after all of the beatings on the particle barrier." Pidge announces before scuttling off. "That sounds like a good idea." You mutter bluntly. "I'm gonna make more cookies." Hunk giggles. "If they have skultrite in them, they're mine!" Coran insists and trails behind him into the kitchen. "I'm gonna help Keith train more, in case he pulls off any more stunts." Shiro chuckles. "I don't pull off stunts!" He whines and joins Shiro on their way to the training deck.

"WAIT!" Pidge rushes back to the lounge and almost tackles you in her short glory. "You have to come with me." She drags you into Allura's room and the princess follows you two with a sketchy smirk. "I just woke up from a nap! What the quiznak is-oh."



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