Brainwashed! Lance x Paladin! Reader- Part 2

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(As I mentioned in the part 1 of this short story, I did my best to make this feel like a VLD episode as much as possible. I love the song and I think that it is a great add-on to emphasize the badass theme to the fight scene. If you want to play it while reading that part, you can but it's 100% optional. On with the ending! YEE) 

Fighting Your Fears- Part 2

When you open your eyes again, your wrists feel heavy as a little sweat drips down your back. A muffled clamor of cheers flood the massive spaces as you start to realize where you are. Quiznak. I'm in the arena. You think to yourself. Combined with your allies panicking over the intercom and your slow return to reality, staying calm becomes more and more challenging. An aggressive groan from behind triggers your instincts and you somersault away from being attacked just in time. "What do we do?!" Hunk yelps anxiously. "Keith, you have to find (Y/N), you've got the best chance of escaping the arena with her intact-" You playfully roll your eyes as the others yell in contradiction with Shiro's plan. "Whatever guys. The audio is evident enough that Haggar had those guards force (Y/N) into the arena for a fight." Keith argues. "As much as I disagree with this idea, Keith is right. I have the footage of the area and it looks like (Y/N) and that thing are in a battle for life." Pidge declares bluntly.

The possessed Galran Lance swings his tall blade at you and tries to get you off-balance, but you glide out of the way. "I don't want to fight you!" You yell at the raging boy you once knew; struggling to focus. You block an attempted tackle with your shield while being reminded of Lance persistently, "C'mon Sharpshooter-" You grumble and smoothly flip yourself onto his back. "I know you're still in there!" Another aggressive (yet flimsy) battle cry escapes your lips.

You cry softly and stiffly hold onto the chain collar around the beast's neck. While you drag him with you to the sandstone ground, a cringey idea pops into your head. I have to kiss him, don't I? You think to yourself before getting flung into the ground by Galran Lance. You roll your eyes at the overseers cheering at your failure.

While the brainwashed Galran Lance isn't paying attention, you slowly get up and clutch your bayard and shield for dear life; huffing from exhaustion. "I' up Lance!" You hiss intuitively and dodge more attacks. You hold up your shield and push your opponent away; blocking a scratch to the face. "I know you're still in there somewhere! I don't care if I have to get some scars on my body to save you and show that I love you!"

The audience and a Keith rushing to your aid suddenly abstain from making any noise as you do a flip and yank on Lance's newly obtained fur. You press your lips to his muzzle and collapse in fatigue onto the ground. Your pulse quickens as a familiar lanky Cuban boy falls on top of you with no fur or dark purple ears gracing his body.

You hug him gleefully as Keith lifts you both up to your feet. Lance pulls the two of you into a much-needed group hug in almost the same time frame. "We're so happy you're safe, man." Keith gushes tiredly and you nod in agreement. "I don't know what I would've done if you didn't make it." You murmur affectionately. "I knew mi princesa would-my team would save me." Lance beams as you two follow Keith to your lions and make a smooth escape.


"That's great, Silver is the only lion we can ride in to get back to the castle." You complain and sit in the pilot's seat when you two get inside. "I still love you girl." Lance gives you a flirtatious smirk while Silver purrs and goes on autopilot. "What?" You lean back and gently place your hands on his shoulders. "We can chill in here, I probably missed out on a lot~" He teases suggestively. "Kisses later, Sharpshooter. You're lucky I turned off the intercom." You giggle as he snuggles up to you until Silver stops flying and lands in her designated part of the hangar.

(A/N: I hope you enjoyed reading the ending of this one-shot! I had a lot of fun writing this one too, even though my coffee AU is my forever favorite. As usual, thank you so much for your support for this book and stay tuned for more chapters! UwU)

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