Rivaling Spies AU Sequel

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(I'm attached to this AU, don't judge me. I might make this an actual series in this book, but I'm not sure. I didn't plan to publish it so late, honest. The hotel above is the Bellagio, where you two will be staying for the next caper. I've seen it in person and the place is stunning in every way. 

Before you start reading, I wanted to point out first that (f/TVs) =s favorite TV show

NOW we are going to give Lance the love and affection he deserves, who's excited?!)


A Rom-Com Worthy Reunion

[Foreshadowing FLUFF]

"Here is your key card, Ms. G. Your first class suite awaits on the twelfth floor. I hope the room and free perks are to your liking." The concierge man hands you a shiny purple card with a kind, hospitable grin.

You bring your suitcase with you into the elevator and stuff the key card down your sweater. As you press the '12' button, someone suddenly sprints into the elevator and almost trips over their suitcase. They make it inside right before the doors of the elevator close. You huff and glare at them until you out of the blue realize who you're sharing the elevator with. "Oh my gosh..." You slowly put your sunglasses into your black Coach purse. He takes off his own shades and gazes into your (e/c) eyes.

"Lance!" You squeal self-consciously. "I missed you so much (Y/N)." He whispers delicately. "What are you doing in Vegas?" You mumble and wait for the elderly couple to get out of the elevator. After the doors close and they exit at the seventh floor, you two relax and savor the privacy. "Now that they're gone," Lance pipes up and hugs you, "I can tell you." You shake your head as the elevator opens on the twelfth floor. You drag him with your suitcases in tow to the front of your hotel suite. "Not yet," You hiss sternly, "I have a feeling we have to be extremely careful in public and only discuss important matters in private." He loves it when you take control; nodding quickly and trying not to drool.

"Thanks for trusting me," You press your key card onto the door lock to open it and lead your companion inside. "I didn't expect this from you~" Lance teases suggestively and glances at the luxurious king size bed. White, fluffed down pillows sit in front of the bed's artisan wood headboard. A set of towels for two and a towel folded into the shape of a swan rest on the bed beside a small note. A Godiva chocolate bar sits on the left nightstand by cluster of plugs and a fancy side lamp. "Only the best for members of the Galra Society," You comment and skim through the note. "A balcony!" You put down the note with a glow on your face and rush to see the view; hastily dropping your bags onto the floor by the little desk in a corner.

You eagerly open the sleek sliding glass door and strut onto the balcony. "Wow," You murmur to yourself softly. You sense Lance wrapping a warm arm around your waist. "You can see the whole Strip from here." He reels you closer to him and gently leans his head on top of yours. You stare back up at him. "You're staying at the Bellagio too...but why?" You ask; stroking your thumb over one of your boyfriend's hands. "Um, you won't tell anyone right? Wait, I-"

(You never admit it, but one of your absolute favorite things about Lance McClain is when he gets flustered. It's so cute!)

You lean into him and giggle softly. "When you asked me to be your girlfriend after I helped you steal that diamond in Milan, do you remember what I told you?" The fountain in front of the hotel glows and the streams of water soar as Lance turns you around to face him. You blush as he caresses your hand and presses his lips onto it.

"You said 'I want to always be there for you and more because that's what you deserve and more.'" Lance answers shyly. "Do you know why?" You stroll back inside, smirking playfully. He rushes to your side and you unpack together. Occasionally gazing into each other's eyes. "Well," The Voltron operative slants his head like an adorable, confused puppy. "Did you forget?" You frown and stuff a stack of shirts in a drawer. When he doesn't respond, you stop organizing your clothes. 

Lance steps closer to you and affectionately cups your cheeks. A blush smothered over his cheeks. "Because you genuinely want to be with me and make sure I never forget how special I am..." Your eyes sparkle with pride as Lance leans in for a loving kiss. You naturally wrap your arms around his neck and unintentionally push him against the wall. His fingers nestle themselves in your hair as the kissing gets more passionate. (Ooh tea) More than once, you nip at his bottom lip as your former rival's hands travel to your hips. You press your nails into the back of his shirt and tune out everything else.

Suddenly, you two separate for air. "Sorry for the interruption I have to shower. The private jet here made me so sweaty, there was a problem with the air-conditioning for hours." You ramble, "Still, that was and always is a slice of heaven. I love you." You take out your comfy (f/TVs) themed pajamas from your suitcase and wrap one of the long, fluffy towels around your arm. You attempt making a beeline for the bathroom but Lance tugs on your arm and stops you. "Slow down, babe. I didn't get to tell you why I'm here. Do you think you-"

You interrupt him with an affectionate peck on the cheek and put your toiletries on the sleek bathroom counter by the sink. Both of you sit in front of the Plasma TV screen, intently observing each other. "Okay, now you can tell me and you don't have to tell me anything you feel uncomfortable sharing, Lancey-Lance." You calmly rest your hands on top of your spy boyfriend's, ready to listen. "The team assigned me to sabotage this auction at the famous Cosmopolitan Hotel this weekend. It's especially important because of this specific necklace going up for bidding. The ore the necklace is made from is worth millions of dollars, and I have to snatch it before the piece goes up for auction." You ponder about the case more, adding on. 

"I'm grateful Voltron didn't know I would be here either, but there is a chance they will find out about us if we are seen together. To save our jobs, we have to keep distance and make sure we don't get caught." Lance sighs with guilt and stands up. "Great plan, but that's pretty much why I'm here." He smiles casually. 

You lovingly glance back at your former rival. "Wait," You blurt, "Could you pull me up?" You beg, too lazy to get up from the comfy beige carpet. "Of course!" Lance chirps sweetly and yanks on your arms. You squeak and stand up. "Didn't-I still have a question, Loverboy." You comment teasingly and dive into those alluring blue eyes of his. "What is it?" He curiously raises a brow. "Didn't the team get you a room here?"

Lance chuckles and wraps an arm around your waist; pulling you closer to him. "They did, but it's on the eighth floor and I'd rather spend my trip in Vegas with my sexy, cooler than the razzle dazzle spy girlfriend (Y/N)~" You giggle and playfully squirm in his grasp. "You're so weird!" "I love you though!" "I love you too, Lance." You confess sincerely and free yourself.

(If the ending makes you uncomfortable, just stop reading at the section above. This is not the last chapter of this book so you won't be missing out on much. Just a suggestive pervy-Lance scene LOL)

"I'm gonna take a shower and wash my hair but you can join me if you want~" You joke flirtatiously and open the bathroom door. "Alright with me~" You roll your eyes and watch him scramble to make sure everything is ready for him to shower with you. "Can I turn on the water?" Lance pleads innocently. "If you want to." You reply incoherently.

As he turns on (unintentional pun, haha) the water and waits for it to be just right, you stare wishfully at the polish ceiling and hope moments like these never change. :)

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