High School/Texting AU: Lance x Gender Neutral! Reader

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(You speak some Spanish in this one shot. I kinda based it off of me not liking my Spanish 3 class last trimester, a lot of the kids in that class were immature underclassman. Not the greatest situation to be in every day. Don't worry about not understanding everything! I'll have a translation section below for you. 

Bold is Lance texting and italics is you texting. I hope you like this drabble!)

I can't focus on what needs to get done


(Y/N) sighs at their classmates in their Spanish class before slithering their phone out of their pocket. They felt adrenaline spike as they slyly placed it on their desk. They type in their cousin's number and the message:

I am surrounded by mfing idiots rn.

"Idiotemente stupido." They groan under their breath while the sophomore boys continued making noise and ignoring the teacher. But more sarcastic insults are interrupted by a vibration from (Y/N)'s phone.

Ooooof. That sux.


What Spanish r u in? Wait. Who is this?

Spanish 3. I'm your cousin, (Y/N)?

Sorry, I don't have a cousin named (Y/N). I have a big family

but no cousins named (Y/N).

Dios mio, Pidge sent me the wrong number!

Don't worry about it. Besides, Pidge is a good

friend of mine; I'm sure she'd have a reason for

sending my # 2 u. The name's Lance lol

Coolio. Profe is approaching my desk so-


You're super chill 2 talk 2.

U r 2 :)

Ty :) :) Bye

Bi bi bi :0


"(Y/N) saca su celular." The teacher mutters with a knowing frown. "Si Profe." (Y/N) grumbles and puts their phone in their backpack. "If I see it again, I take it for the rest of the period. Now clase..."

(Y/N) takes out their sketchbook and starts drawing some characters from their favorite anime; pretending to take notes at the same time. I can't wait to chat with Lance later. They think to themselves. Little does (Y/N) know that the bisexual Cuban boy feels the same way.


Clase - "class"

Idiotemente stupido- "stupid idiot(s)"

Dios mio - "my God" or "Oh my God"

Profe - "Teacher"

Saca su celular - "Put away your phone/cellphone"

Si Profe - "Yes teacher/'teach'"

Have a great day and I appreciate all of the love and support for this book >u<)

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