Our Love is God- Chapter 10

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(Another part of the x Female!Reader Our Love is God written by your girl 😉. Feel free to comment on any parts you like or I made errors on. I appreciate your feedback and support so I won't take it personally. Enjoy cinnamon bun Keith vs. playful roomie Lance!)

Chapter 10: Keith and Lance Neck-in-Neck

[Lance x Female!Reader Continuation, PG-13 FLUFF]

"Hi, I don't know if anyone told you about me," Cady Heron says to a random girl in front of her on the screen. Lance immediately pauses the movie and stares at the door awkwardly. "That's your date..." He notifies you sheepishly. "I'll get it." You stand up and finish chewing (f/c). As you swallow the sweet bolus, you hesitate in front of the door.

What if I'm hurting my friendship with Lance? You think to yourself doubtfully. You glance at him and he smiles at you supportively. It reassures you to slowly open the door to Keith, your co-worker at that coffee shop, looking like a total stud.

(His outfit is above

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(His outfit is above.)

It secretly drives Lance up the wall, so he high key sprints to your side. You snort as he stares at Keith like a dad at his daughter's new boyfriend. "(Y/N), you look amazing -" Lance scoffs at your co-worker's meek compliment. "Um, (Y/N) looks like a supermodel in the making, you dingus." He sneers. You roll your eyes and Keith notices with a playful chuckle. "What? You think it's funny that I'm better at compliments than you?" Your roommate grins smugly. Keith sighs in frustration but it went away at the sight of your smile. "It's not a competition, man. I brought my dad's old Corvette for a ride there. Uh, I hope that's okay." He comments with a peppy face.

You smile at the idea. "That sounds awesome, Keith." You reply; making him blush. "Wait, you're Keith?! I'd recognize that mullet anywhere!" Lance furrows his eyebrows at the ravenette boy struggling to keep his cool. "Since this guy-" "Lance. The name's Lance McClain to you, mullet." Your roommate grits his teeth in frustration. "As I was saying," Keith mutters with a hint of sass, "Red is going to be a little bit of a squeeze since three of us are going." You sigh at their petty conflicts with each other. Today keeps getting better and better. You think to yourself; eyebrows furrowing.

Lance and Keith have these competitive looks towards each other and you huff at their immaturity. "Can't you two get along for one night?!" You bark irritably. The two stop in their tracks and glance at you with guilt painted all over their faces. "I'm...so sorry about this (Y/N). I'll try to not be so irritable." Keith apologizes hastily; fiddling with a strand of his long, black hair. "Yeah, uh, I didn't mean to cause a scene (N/N)." Lance frowns in shame. You beamed at them getting along and dragged them outside of your dorm room. Before leaving with Lance and Keith to an unforgettable night, you close all the windows, turn off the lights, bring your box of (f/c) in your (purse of choice) and lock the room door.

The two both hold a hand of yours and blush happily at your letting them. "Now, you're going to promise me that you two will get along and not get in any fighting over something stupid, okay?" They scratch the back of their necks and gaze into each other's eyes shyly.

"Ahem." You snort sardonically. Keith and Lance nod in agreement. "And no fighting over me. The three of us will spend time together so no one gets left out." You cross your arms under your chest. You are also unintentionally pushing up your cleavage while playing peacemaker. "Eres muy bonita, preciousa." Lance lets out an obnoxious wolf whistle. You smirk as Keith nudges him with an elbow. "It was a compliment!" Lance yelps at Keith. "It was a kind of creepy for a compliment." Keith mutters while you three strolled down the stairs to the parking lot. You grin at the two of them interacting.

When you get to Keith's car, he unlocks it and opens the shotgun door to you. You let go of their hands and look over at your pouting roommate. "Do you mind, Lancey Lance?" You ask sincerely. The Cuban boy frowns but shakes his head. "Hey Keith?" You glance at the boy with long raven locks.

"Yeah?" Keith replies. He glares modestly at you and Lance; understanding what you were going to ask. "If you want, you can sit with Lance in the back, or Lance can sit shotgun." Your coworker offers with an innocent smile. Lance jumps up and high fives Keith in ecstatics; rushing to the passenger seat.

You interrupt them and kiss their cheeks because they were being so freaking cute. Keith and Lance blush fiercely and scratch the backs of their necks before buckling up. "You have the host's address, right?" You ask Keith as the car's engine rumbles.

"Plaxum, right?" Lance adds on. You shrug at the name. "She is one of the sweetest lesbians you will ever meet. I didn't think of her as the party type though." Keith slightly cranks up the volume as "Dead!" by My Chemical Romance plays on the radio. "How do you know her?" The Korean boy murmurs curiously. "We dated for a few weeks before she met her current girlfriend. Plax got a crush on her, discovered she was a lesbian and broke up with me. We're still great friends though." Lance rambles. You stare out the window and watch the streets pass by.

"You have reached your destination." A voice that sounds like Darth Vader announces from the GPS.

You and Lance stare at Keith with severely amused smirks as he parks across the street. "Seriously stop." Keith snorts in embarrassment.

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