Spy! Lance x Enemy Spy! Reader

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(It has some Spanish in it, witty remarks and language. There's also a little bit of a role reversal which I think is super great. Be prepared for Lance being smoother than he should too, by the way. I hope you like it anyway and enjoy!)

Takes Two to Tango


"Yes (Y/N)! Now you just have to diffuse that bomb under the mansion, girl. If it blows, one of our strongholds for the organization is game over." Ezor, your secondary boss and closest friend, explains into your earpiece. "Got it, but how do I get there?" You whisper cautiously.

The CEO of your organization, Lotor Daibazaal, was holding a party at one of the mansions in his name to lure Voltron out of hiding. Voltron was on sabotage duty again and Lotor needed to get someone to stop their plans. His assistants, or generals, co-run mission operating and Ezor was put in charge of this one. And this time, the heroic spy is you. Your costume isn't exactly ideal. The tight (f/c) gown hugging your curves and your (h/c) mane occasionally getting in your face. You don't like dresses, but you have to do what's necessary for the mission.

Saving lives and saving places that operate towards saving lives is all that matters most to the Galra Society.

"You have to go through the guitar hall-" "Guitar hall?" You interrupt softly. "Lotor's father liked guitars, okay?!" Ezor admits awkwardly. "I get it, I get it. No judgement at all. Continue." You finish your interruption. "Good. Through the guitar hall, there's a fancy bathroom with a hot tub inside. To the left of that bathroom is a secret passageway. Take the stairs from that passageway and walk straight ahead. Bam! You'll find the bomb planted by Voltron's highest class operative exclusively in that room." She explains. "Be ready for bad news ahead, though." Ezor adds onto herself.

You glance around the food table you stand by in concern. "What do you mean? I don't-" You stammer shyly and feel confused until a familiar instrumental begins. The percussion and orchestra speaks up. Three singers in short, forest green dresses arouse guests to the dance floor. You struggle to comprehend the scene; especially when a blurry figure pulls you into the group of guests dancing. One hand placed on your hip, the other around your shoulder and (h/l) (h/c) locks.

"There's no escape...I can't wait. I need a hit, baby gimme it...it's dangerous, I'm lovin' it..."

You hiss at recognizing your dance partner right away. Those seductive sapphire eyes, his chestnut hair slicked back. Your handsome rival smirks teasingly in his designer black and blue suit. If he wasn't working for Voltron, you might have asked him out a few missions ago.

"McClain." You sneer softly; forcing yourself to wrap your arms around his neck. "Did you miss me, doll~" Lance McClain purrs. You recognize the operative of Voltron all too well. Allura and Coran probably sent him to guard the bomb. You think to yourself. Your hair swaying in rhythm with your movements while your thoughts wander away.

Allura Altea and Coran Wimbleton Smythe were the CEOs of Voltron who always had some form of insight on criminal plans. One of the reasons for that was your nemesis, Lance. He wasn't as skilled as Takashi Shirogane, or fierce as Keith Kogane, but he was at the same level as you. His motivation could kill anyone in the room. Lance was brilliant with a gun and could get information out of anybody. But you couldn't let yourself get intimidated, that always led to trouble.

"No." You answer bluntly; eyebrows furrowed in discomfort. The song continues as your focus gets paralyzed. Lance stares at you as you watch the orchestra. Your steps in sync with his. "Come on, (Y/N). Focus!" Ezor commands into your barely visible earpiece. "I'm sure you did, come on. You got dressed up for me and everything~" Lance McClain flirts with you suggestively before guiding you away from the dance floor. The greenhouse growing closer from your position; trapped in his arms. "Whatever you're up to, it's not going to work." You huff in anger; waltzing yourself out of his grasp. "But Voltron always wins~" Lance smiles and hands you a (f/c) (f/flower). You shyly hold it in your fingers and glare at him with a sassy "Shush." escaping your lips.

When no one could be seen, he drags you into the spacious library in the mansion. You get boldly pinned against the back-most wall. The shelf of nonfiction books squeaks faintly at the pressure from your weight. "Hey princesa, it looks like one more hour 'til the bomb blows. Might as well celebrate~" Lance provokes suggestively. He checks you out before you're on the brink of blowing a fuse.

Suddenly you sprint into action again, twirling Lance around before tackling him on the soft beige carpet. But once more, he was one step ahead of you so you have pretend to flirt with Lance. No matter how much it bothers you. "Well, well Lancey-Lance~" You slur with your best sexy smile, slyly batting your eyelashes. "I didn't expect you to be this kinky~" Your rival smirks and leans closer to you, "There's more where that came from, baby~" You feel all loathing and competitiveness melting away when Lance hungrily presses his lips against yours. You yank on his sapphire blue tie, bringing him closer to you. You moan at his hands tightly squeezing your hips.

"Ah (Y/N)..." Lance groans and nips at your bottom lip. "Lance~" You gasp in desire. Your tongue enters the Cuban's mouth and battles his. Your hands travel up, into his soft chestnut hair and tug on the strands. "I-I have to d-diffuse that b-bomb. H-hundreds of i-innocent lives are at stake." You glance back in the hall and gently shove him away from you, deeply inhaling the oxygen you missed from kissing your worst nemesis.

Lance stares at your helpless state affectionately. You, of course, are not paying attention until he suddenly cups your cheek and sits in front of you. "Fine...fuck Voltron. I'll help you babe." Babe? You think to yourself.

He offers a hand to you hesitantly and stands up. "What are you doing?" You ask skeptically. Lance fiddles with his ear piercing yanks your arm from the ground, pulling you up. "Helping you." You start blushing right away.

"Honestly, (Y/N) you are the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen." Your rival gushes bluntly. Whoa. "I swear to-seriously (Y/N)?!" Ezor hisses into your earpiece, "Congrats on your new boyfriend but you have a bomb to diffuse!" Your memory and reality check kick in as you rush to the site.


"Quick, Lance!" You insist and sprint out of the library dragging a confused Lance along with you. "Why so fast?!" You roll your eyes and keep running, "The bomb!" you explain hastily, following Ezor's previous instructions.

Being alerted by the monotonous ticking noise doesn't help at all when you finally stumble upon the room where the bomb is being held. "I got it!" He launches himself into the air and lands on his feet to the almost loose grenade, slicing the yellow wire perfectly in half. The alarm beeping stops and Lance rushes to your side, ready for a kiss. "Thank you so much," You grin slightly after huffing from rushing to the site. " All in a day's work~" He smirks playfully.

A boisterous GONG! faintly quakes the secluded space, hinting at you to leave. You two gaze into each other's eyes sadly. "Well now I know you're an alien because your ass is-no. Always has been out of this world~" You pout at Lance's joke and let go of his hand.

"Until next time gor-" You interrupt him with a chaste kiss on the cheek. "Adios McClain~" You wink at the sleek spy before both parting ways with red cheeks.

Finding him again will be harder than ever before...


Adios - "goodbye" in Spanish

Princesa - "princesa" in Spanish

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