Klance HS AU (2)

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(Kinkade from season 7 guest stars in this one. Half of this specific chapter is angst, just letting you know now.

Warning: This one is super LONG and has a hefty amount of PROFANITY. It's MUCH longer than my usual stories in this book. 

But fingers crossed it doesn't hurt the content quality. Picture credits to keith-every-day.tumblr :])

Why Keith Hates Love


1 year ago ...

"Katrina ~" "Griff ~" "R-right there!" A lusty moan came from the door.

Ryan Kinkade hesitantly came to his best friend's party that night. After snacking on some chips, he unintentionally wandered upstairs and picked up on the noise behind James Griffin's bedroom door. Sitting in front of the door, he remembered that one of his close pals, Keith Kogane, was dating James. That asshole Ryan thought to himself. Why would he do this to Keith ...  The more he heard, the more Kinkade's heart clenched for Keith's sake. No one should keep let this happen for anybody.  Ryan took out his phone, opened Voice Memos, and pressed record.

"I don't mind being a bottom this time," James slurred with his naturally raspy voice, "I like when-" A feminine giggle rang from inside the room, interrupting Keith's boyfriend with a familiarity. Like Kinkade heard this girl's voice before. "Griff? Do you think you can take off your  pants now? I find it a little unfair when I'm wearing almost nothing and you're here, laying under me with-"

With an ear and his phone carefully pressed the the birch wood, Ryan softly gasped at what sounded like a pair of pants being tossed onto the floor. "Thanks Griff ~ I just appreciate things being e-" A gasp escaped Katrina's lips and she paused. 

"Wait."  Kinkade whispered into his phone, "I know who that is now ... Katrina Holendale, from the show choir." He gently positioned the device onto the door. "Whatever makes my kitten happy." James murmured nonchalantly.

Ryan, eager to not make a scene, stopped recording and stealthily headed for the door. He collected all the audio evidence he needed. Not bothering to say bye to anyone, Kinkade made a beeline for the exit and got into his car. When he got to his parents' apartment, Ryan sighed at his phone and sent the audio from James's party to Keith. With a heavy heart, Kinkade stared at the conversation and delivered the sincerest apology he could think of. A picture of his pet husky, Joel, wouldn't hurt either; considering Joel is his friend's favorite dog breed.

Keith wasn't the only one hurting that night.


That Monday, Keith made sure he thoroughly confronted James about what happened before breaking up with him. 

He genuinely struggled to not burst into tears.

"Keith-" James mumbled with concern in his voice. "I know what you did." Keith snarled; blinking his eyes frequently. "What are you talking about?" His boyfriend (at the time, don't worry ;)) raised a brow. "Don't lie to me, James. You cheated on me. I opened my heart to you and you threw it away." The heartbroken Korean boy sniffled bitterly. "I don't care what you do to yourself from now on. We're finished. Like the seasons of Hannah Montana on Disney Channel while it was still good." He seethed and punched James in the nose. Keith pushed his newly dubbed ex out of his way and headed to the counselor's office; satisfied enough with how he handled it.

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