Lance x Reader x Tamaki Suoh: Pt. 1

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(I've had this idea for what feels like 10,000 years and I'm excited for this crossover I (mostly) created. There is going to be a relatively long part 2 with the actual story but this is the prologue and what I have so far for now.

 I added myself and Matt in there, sorry about evil duplicate Shiro ahead of time. The initial setting is during season four. Please just roll with it. Thanks <3 <3)

[magine the title in Haruhi's voice]

Team Voltron meets the Host Club?!


It all started with all started with roses. At least, that's what I thought. 

The paladins, Reader-Chan, and yours truly were enjoying a day off from saving the universe, officiated by the princess herself. You and Lance were chatting about something on the all-powerful couch, Hunk and Coran were experimenting with making a batch of space ice cream and Pidge was making touch-ups to the castle security. Shiro and Keith were helping Matt train and Allura intently watched me writing another story. 

"Can I see?" She raised a brow curiously, awkwardly reaching out for my journal. I found a blank book in the library and decided write any future stories I come up with in there. It reminded me of home. (uwu) I hesitated and held it closer to my chest. "I'll look for something in here I'm okay with sharing. Is that okay, Princess?" I asked politely, doing my best to not seem defensive. "I would love that!" Allura beamed, just as Pidge launched herself onto the couch.

(Between you and me, I think the gremlin has superpowers none of us know about.)

The huge-ish caboom brought Shiro, Keith and Matt out from the training deck to join us. Coran rushed to the lounge with Hunk too. I had a feeling it wasn't just because Pidge's arm oddly landed in my lap. "Story time YEET!" She yelled but the couch muffled her voice. Matt sat her up next to me and settled himself in between us. "Story time huh?" He repeated his sister. I shrugged casually and flipped through the pages of my journal.

"I love story time! And the amazing ice cream we made!" The yellow paladin fangirled and helped the gorgeous man pass out bowls of the goodness. "Keith is lactose intolerant, but I'll have some." Shiro restrained Keith from taking a bowl. "But I like ice cream..." The former red paladin pouted. You held back a witty giggle. "Watch me be the-OW!" You smirk at nudging Lance's elbow.

"Is it about totally evil frozen robots taking over the universe?" Pidge's hazel eyes twinkled. I shook my head. "Maybe it's about cake?" Hunk suggested innocently. "Maybe it's a pack of yellmores-" I giggled at their ideas but crossed the line at Coran's guess. "All of you are wrong, I'm just looking for the right story." I replied. "That's my sister," Matt teased; earning a glare from Pidge. 

"You write?" I nodded and kept flipping through the pages. "Really, Mean Girls fanfiction? Isn't that movie like ten years old now?" He commented in my ear. "OMG shut up." I retorted in embarrassment. I noticed everyone waited for me and left their (except Keith) space ice cream bowls in their laps untouched. "You guys don't have to wait for me to dig in." And almost instantly, the eating began. "It was super thoughtful but I'm not the Godfather or anything. I can't pilot a lion, or create wormholes...anything like that for dear life. I guess I'm more like moral support. I forgot what my contribution to the team was." I mumbled to myself.

"This is awesome space ice cream, big guy." Lance gushed gleefully with a mouthful. Allura stared at me with ecstatic impatience when I stumbled upon the perfect story to read. You winked at me and I glared. 

(I don't know why you did that but I thought you shipped me and Matt or something. Which I thought was ridiculous because I don't mind not having a love life. :i)

"I chose to read an incomplete short story, I hope that's okay with you guys." I announced before smacking Matt's arm. He and Pidge were making random ghost noises and it ruined the vibe. 

Time Skip!

I paused to eat some of my ice cream but I couldn't find my spoon and realized someone was already feeding me?! (Let's ignore that.) "Hunk, this space ice cream is out of this world. Pun intended. Kaltenecker rules!" I cheered before getting poked. I ignored the gesture and continued narrating my story, "A swirl of pink sparkles escaped the enchanted stick as the time rift gradually closed. A terrified scream of confusion was the last sound that'-" The words on the page started glowing and I stopped my reading in regret. 

The air gusted more and more as this scenario felt too familiar to me. "Jaclyn! That is an ancient cursed Altean book! You're not supposed to read anything from it! I'm sorry I encouraged you but now it's too late!" Allura yelled over the noisy circulation of air, "Now we're in the risk of getting separated between realities!" The book in my lap levitated as the mass of wind formed a sort of tornado. Next thing, I knew I was coerced inside and lost conscious.


My eyes opened to Matt, Pidge, Hunk, you and Lance falling down this endless tunnel of light. "Where is everyone else?!" You panicked. "They probably didn't get trapped in this Altean book with the rest of us!" Pidge answered. "Damn it! This is all my fault!" I yelped; frustrated with myself. "No, it's not. We're gonna figure this out together." Hunk insisted, "Besides, the good news is that everyone else is most likely safe in the castle." I sighed and nodded in agreement. "Shiro needs a vacation after everything that happened. At least, after everything I heard about him going through." Matt joked; squeezing my hand. 

"Maybe there'll be mermaids there?" Lance perked up. "DUDE!" The rest of us clamored and cringed. 

(I think you were jealous, but I was too busy being an anxious mess to remember.)


We fell onto this pink floor and rose petals revolved around us. Everything else became blurry...

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