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"(Name)!... (Name)!" I opened my eyes, giving a small gasp in surprise. It was MaRi-ah calling for me while shaking my sleeping body, making a huge effort to wake me up. I moved slightly, letting her know I was awake so she would stop shaking me. She sighed, getting her hands off of me.
"You had me really worried! I've been trying to wake you up for five minutes now!" I looked at her eyes, looking for any sign of exaggeration about the five minutes part, but I couldn't find anything.

"I- I'm fine... I just don't feel quite well today." I said, standing up from my desk and hurriedly gathering my things, trying desperately to hide my lie. I have to admit that I wanted to avoid a conversation about it as much as possible. In other words, I wanted to escape from her the faster I could.

"You were watching videos about him and reading their updates all night last night, weren't you?" She said softly, her voice just above a whisper. I stopped gathering my things abruptly and couldn't bring myself to look up at her. I didn't wanted her to see my eyes. "If you're so worried about him, then why don't you just call him?" I sat down again, just as if the energy and strength had been drained away from my legs completely. A burning sensation took place at the back of my eyes and a lump formed in my throat. I was about to start crying... Again. 

"He- He cha-changed his pho-phone number almost a year ago and he didn't even t-told me..." I managed to say with my choked voice. A tear rolled down my cheek, and I tried to supress the rest. MaRi-ah muttered something I didn't understand very well, but I guess she said "Ass-hole..." She then leaned forward, wrapping her slim arms around my body to embrace me in a tight comforting hug.

It really hurts a lot. Much more than I could have ever imagined. I somehow knew this would happen someday, but I can't help myself but feel hurt. I can't help but be disappointed on him for breaking his promise. He broke it. He left me, totally alone. He forgot about me, I'm not important for him anymore.

I'm not saying that I want him to text me all the time, or call me whenever I want him to, because I know he simply can't. He has become so famous that he doesn't even has time for himself. But maybe just a text once a month, or maybe once a year. I just want a simple text saying how he is and how he is doing. A simple text, that even if I reply he doesn't have to reply back, just the way he did when he didn't have time. I just want a text to remind me that he still remembers me, that I'm still important for him. Or at least tell me he changed his phone number! Forget about phones and technology for a minute. Maybe just a simple fucking letter once in a while would be enough for me. He knows (or at least he knew) my inbox! He knows where I live, and who lives with me. But I guess he doesn't want anything to do with me anymore.

It has been two and a half years since I last had a conversation with him. Two and a half years since I last heard his voice talking directly to me. And it has been two and a half years since I last received a text from him. I have tried texting him and calling him before, but when I finally gathered the bravery to call him a month ago, even if he was busy, that annoying voice said that the phone number I had on my contact list had been deactivated almost a year ago. It broke my heart in pieces and I realized he didn't even think about me. He cancelled his phone number and didn't notify me.
After I calmed down MaRi-ah made coffee and I went out of the art studio to sit down at the dinner table to drink it. "And did you finish the last painting for your exposition?" MaRi-ah asked me, taking a sip from her coffee.
I sighed and shook my head lightly. "I still have to give it the last details." She moved closer and grabbed my phone, pressing her finger on the block bottom to make it shine. I watched her as she looked intensely at the home background picture.
"It will be this one, won't it?" She turned my phone toward me to show me the picture. I nodded, remembering that day when I was still happy beside him. And when I was still sure I was important for him.

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