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          Taehyung was nervous, like really nervous. He didn't know if accepting to take Jungkook to this place without even telling the boys about anything was the best idea. Plus, the boy (and himself) was a famous K-pop idol, one of the most popular and letting him go inside there without accompanying him was a huge risk. Anyone could easily spot him and then they would be dead. First: because the people would take pictures; he knew it was inevitable. Second: because the boys would kill them for not saying anything. Third: because manager would kill them, because they aren't supposed to go out of the dorm late at night; it is preferable to not go out at all if not having permission to do so. All those things threatened his beautiful and lovely neck, and the Maknae's as well.
        Taehyung's fingers drummed against his thighs, trying to calm himself down, just enough to breathe properly. The boy breathed deeply through his nose and exhaled using his mouth, making the mask fill with his own stress. He kept his head low, enough to hide his features, but enough to look who went in and out the building without making too much effort nor calling the attention. He sighed once, catching the sight of a pretty well dressed girl walking past him and entering the building. She was pretty and his eyes couldn't deny it. 
        Jungkook made his way silently through the hallway. He was trying to remember which number was (Name)'s apartment, or at least, the one she used to live before he cut all type of contact with the girl. His hand took his hoodie off of his head and ruffled his hair nervously, the mask still covering the bottom part of his face. He didn't know exactly what he was supposed to do, since he just felt the sudden urge to come and he hadn't thought about anything or the so many possibilities that were tied to doing this.
There were a few possibilities: It could be that (Name) was home, but nothing assured him that she would open the door (he wouldn't open if it was him). She could open the door if she was in, but everything could go wrong, and knowing the explosive personality the girl always had, he could end up being kicked out of the apartment, literally. It could be that she wasn't home and he had come in vain. It also could be that before he even stepped or found her door someone spotted him and he had to run for his life and try to save Taehyung's (but that was only if he could).
But really. He was actually scared of what could happen. It had been so much since he last saw her face that he didn't know if he would recognize her or if she could recognize him. Well, if he thought well about that, there wasn't a chance that she wouldn't recognize him. It isn't to show off or anything, but BTS was in every TV in every shop for at least five minutes every hour. Also, their songs had been #1 many times. If she didn't know about it, it meant that she had moved to live under a rock, or she had been all this two and half years painting in her studio without music or anything. And he was sure that if she did that, she wasn't even alive anymore. But even if she recognized him, it wouldn't erase the fact that she could react negatively toward his sudden arrival.
Ugh! This was too much for him. The nerves, the anxiety, the guilt... Everything was too much for him. He was stressed everyday with work, little amount of food a day and an extremely short sleeping time, so little that he had to take advantage of the times when he had at least five minutes break to take a nap to prevent falling asleep on stage or anywhere else. Now he had double the stress. It was his job and now, the girl he had left behind since two and a half years with the best intentions but these weren't doing any good. At least, not for him and his heart.
The young boy felt guilty, because he knew; he was sure she was suffering because of him and his actions. He felt guilty because he had maybe caused her a broken heart, thing that she would never do to him. He knew for sure that she would never hurt his feelings, because she always respected him and his way of thinking, even when their opinions were the totally different toward the same subject. She had always respected him and had hidden her feelings so well that he would have never find out what she felt if she hadn't exploded that day. Still, he felt guilty for all of this. Maybe if he had told her how he felt, things wouldn't be this way.
Jungkook's feet made a sudden halt in front of a door. The stains of blue little fingers caught his attention. He looked at them, sudden nostalgic hitting his brain cells. And he remembered then why those where there, and who had caused them.

"Ya! Jungkook! Leave it!" (Name) practically yelled at the boy, trying to make him stay a few feet away from her just-finished abstract painting. It was still fresh and she didn't wanted it to end up totally ruined.
Jungkook laughed at her cute annoyed expression and tickled her one more time. (Name) left the painting aside, leaned it against one of the walls until she took the young brown haired boy's fingers away from her sides. She turned around once she was sure the painting was okay. Immediately she turned around, a sticky finger was placed on her cheek. (Name) frowned at the boy and moved her hand to her cheek. Her finger touched the paint and her eyes glared at the boy with the mischievous smirk.
"Jungkook-ah!" She shouted, trying to resemble angry, but with that bunny-like smile, who was going to stay mad for long? She pushed him slightly, and he reached for her face, placing his hands on her cheeks. She felt the sudden cold contact and realized he had painted his hands completely with a beautiful shade of blue.
It had been a bad idea to let the boy carry with the case of paintings.
(Name) bursted out laughing, being followed by Jungkook's cute chuckle. She placed her hands on top of his, to paint her hands as well. The boy froze when she did it while giving him a closed-eyes smile. His heart skipped a tiny beat and his cheeks got a little warmer than he wanted.
He felt a sudden coldness on top of his warm cheeks and realized she had done the same thing as vengeance. Her tiny hands were placed on both of his cheeks, making the boy laugh and throw his head back, while his friend laughed along. The laugh he loved to hear entered through his ears and he just couldn't hold himself but to embrace the girl in a hug.
(Name) was a little surprised, but hugged him back, painting his t-shirt with her fresh cheeks and hands. He did the same with her clothes and her forehead. Jungkook pulled away slowly, shooting a smile to his precious friend. She smiled back and made the attempt to grab the painting laying against the wall beside them, but he beat her at it, taking the painting and walking away in a fast pace. (Name) chuckled and grabbed the case, walking behind him.
They stepped in front of the door and Jungkook, without thinking, pressed the tip of his fingers against the middle of door, leaving five blue stains. (Name) looked at him and did the same just beside his, hers were tiny while his were huge, compared with hers obviously. They looked at each other and laughed quietly. "That's going to stay there even if the house lord scolds me for it."
With that, they entered the apartment and decided to wash their faces and pass the rest of the evening inside her studio singing and painting random things that came to mind on the papers sticking to the walls.


"Excuse me. Can I help you?" A female voice spoke to Jungkook from behind him, making him snap out of his memories and come back to reality. The voice sounded rather familiar for his ears, he knew he had heard it sometime before. Like many times before.
Jungkook turned around slowly, looking at the girl in front of him. Her eyes widened and her mouth opened slowly. Her vocal cords seemed to be extremely slow at the moment. Finally, her voice came back to her and she spoke.
"Jeon Jungkook?"

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