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The sound of the clock was driving Yoongi crazy, his leg bouncing lightly against the ground because of the huge amount of impatience and stress. He looked at the clock hanging from the wall and sighed in frustration. His teeth bitting his bottom lip with a lot of pressure. All the members' eyes were put on him, watching his every movement. "I can't hold it anymore, I'm going to look for them." The man finally exploded, standing up in a desperate way and walking toward the keys that were laying on the kitchen counter. The others sighed, Jin standing up after him to calm him down a little for the third time already. It wasn't good for him to add more stress to his daily life.

"Yoongi, calm down." Namjoon said, grabbing his hyung by the shoulder in an effort to calm his elder down. Yoongi snapped his head towards him, his face suddenly irritated. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply, knowing that snapping at Namjoon would be useless, the only thing he was going to do was cause more problems.

Yoongi nodded, embracing with his hand Namjoon's free arm by the upper arm as a signal of assurance. "Sorry, I'm just really worried." The man admitted, releasing the breath he had been holding a few seconds ago. Namjoon observed his hyung's eyes, catching a hint of panic within them. He knew his hyung was beyond worry.

"Okay, let's go look for them." Automatically those words left Jin's mouth the boys that had remained seated stood up and ran to find their hoodies and things to prevent freezing out in the cold weather of October. Yoongi grabbed the keys and waited for the others to get ready.

His heart was racing, as well as his mind. He was beyond worry, to be honest, he had never been so worried for them in his life. First of all, Jungkook didn't looked okay when he stormed out of the dorm, and second, he was with Taehyung. It wasn't that he didn't trust Taehyung, but sometimes it was hard for him to stay calm with two of the most younger of the group outside and alone at wherever they were. They had been out for a long time now and that was just more than they were supposed to. He was determined to find them even if it took him the whole night.

The boys exited the dorm and opened the van, shoving themselves in without a second thought. Once in the road, the tension between the ones inside the van could be felt, like steam rising from a pit with boiling water. Everyone was saying where to go, not letting Yoongi think of where they could be. Everyone was saying what to do and how to find the missing boys. Jimin and Hoseok were constantly saying where to turn and trying to control Yoongi's movements, which was starting to piss the man. Jin kept quiet, sitting in the passenger seat and watching through the window in case the boys were there, passing by. Meanwhile, Namjoon was fighting with the boys in the back trying to keep them quiet and leave Yoongi drive in peace. It took him a lot, but he managed to calm the boys down and convince them to keep focused on the sidewalks and stores.

The night was dark, no moon and no stars out, the clouds covering their comforting light. The only things illuminating the way were the street lights and one or two twenty-four hours stores. The cars passed silently, leaving just the wind tracing after them. The sidewalks were almost deserted, making it easier for the boys to spot the missing members.

"There they are!!!" Jimin shouted, avalanching himself to the middle of the front seats and pointing to the sidewalk in Yoongi's side. Yoongi slowed down a littler until stopping almost beside the guys.


Taehyung was helping Jungkook to stand up from his earlier fall, when he heard the sound of a car coming near them after more than ten minutes of trying to control Jungkook's crying session. He didn't looked to it's direction, since it would be easier to recognize him with the light illuminating his features. The sound of the engine was getting nearer and nearer and his muscles tensed up. He knew they were slowing down. If they were some sort of paparazzi, then he knew they had recognized him. Now, the boys were screwed. Dammit.
"Jungkook... Stand up." Taehyung told his maknae, grabbing his wrist and giving it pressure. Jungkook caught his hyung's intentions and stood up with his face lowered, starting to walk quite fast toward the opposite direction from where the sound of the car could be heard. The lights intensely on them, drawing their silhouettes on the pavement.
Jungkook's face hurt a lot, the same with the left side of his pelvis. That bone had hit hard with the pavement not too long ago. He couldn't walk properly and needed to stabilize himself by taking a grip of Taehyung's shoulder, trying his best to walk fast. His breath quickened and his heartbeat could be felt once again in his ears. He knew what was happening.
Taehyung's phone started to ring, taking him off guard. He gasped almost soundlessly, looking at the lower part of his jacket, where his phone had been all this time. He picked it up and answered. "Yeoboseyo??"
"Taehyung! Why is jungkook walking like that? Just stop walking already." A sigh left the man's lips, letting himself stop and relax. It was Namjoon talking as if they were the ones behind, which ensured him the car behind them were the boys.
Jungkook looked at him weirdly, why had he stopped? He had been all panicked and now he had fully stopped.
They heard the sound of a door opening and closing, and seconds after, there was Jimin standing in front of both boys with a giant smile. "We finally found you guys!" But when his eyes caught the cut on his dongseang's face he panicked. "Jungkook!! What's that!"
"A cut, don't you see it?" Jungkook joked, giving a tired chuckle at his hyung's reaction. Jimin offered him a glare and moved closer to the boy to see the cut better.
Jimin looked up to Jungkook, making deep eye contact with Jungkook. His eyes serious and his face still. "It's not time for jokes, Jungkook."
Then, the smile that once decored the maknae's face for a few moments had disappeared because of that tiny comment.


First POV~

I was walking down the sidewalk. The bags full of purchases hanging from my hands and swinging with every step I took. The refreshing wind hitting against my cheeks. It felt so good, but so uncomfortable at the same time. The streets weren't crowded, but neither solitary. The wind was cold, but neither cold enough to freeze you to the bones. It was a peaceful scenario, the ones that always give me that type of strange moments of inspiration. I loved it.
I breathed the cold air in, feeling the burning sensation as it traveled to my lungs. I shivered lightly, smiling at one of the most darkest skies I have ever seen in Korea. And to be honest, one of the most beautiful. I sighed just to see the tiny cloud of steam float out of my mouth and disappear through the air. I looked for my earphones inside my bag and took them out once I found them. I grabbed my phone and plugged them in, instantly humming a song I've always loved, (Favorite BTS song). I just don't know, but it has always been my favorite from all the albums they have released. Jungkook's part is magnificent, as well as Jimin's powerful high notes, Taehyung's deep, calming voice and Jin's sweet, melodious voice as well. He may not have a lot of parts for himself, but he is clearly as amazing as the others. Also, the rapper line is fantastic. They always know how to make rap fit into whatever the group sings. That's real talent.

I was finally reaching my building. I had bought MaRi's precious Nutella, the eggs, the milk, etc. including some other things that seemed to call me all the time saying: 'Pick me! I taste delicious and you know it'. And I did what those delicious sweets told me to do. I bought them and planned to eat them really, really soon. Also, I passed a really good time at the coffee shop. I finally had the chance to reach the end of 'Immortal Beloved', which by the way, was really good. That book isn't really known, boring the first chapter, but a great book indeed.

I entered the lobby, being welcomed by the warm air the building alway maintained in autumn and winter. I walked toward the elevator and pushed the respective bottom, struggling with the bags hanging from my hands. The wait wasn't long until the elevator came and I got in. I sighed happily, giving a smile to nothing in particular. I was already planning to change clothes and slam myself on my mattress until tomorrow once I got home.

But tomorrow I would have to go to bed earlier than usual, since first of all, I have school at eight the next day, and second I have to take the finished paintings to the man in charge of the gallery before classes start. It's only my last year of high school and I already have a professional career. This is awesome and really exciting.

I exited the elevator once it had reached its destiny, calmly walking towards my apartment's door. I smiled lightly when my eyes caught the sight of Yoon Soo, my neighbor, walking in my direction. He looked at me with a serious face at first, but then lowered his head as he passed beside me in a fast pace. My eyebrows furrowed; This wasn't normal.

This reaction had really surprised me. Had I done something bad to him? I don't think so, since I barely talk to him. I had only talked to him at the neighborhood's reunions every year and when he is out of sugar and comes to our door to borrow some. Those are the only times I talk to him and for all I know I have never said 'no' when he asks for sugar, so I don't really know why he would be mad at me.

I stopped in front of my apartment's door. I plugged the key in the handle, but noticed that it was unlocked already. My hand twisted the handle and I entered the apartment, calling MaRi almost instantly. "MaRi, I'm home!" I shouted not to loud, but enough for her to hear me.

No one answered; not a single signal.

I frowned once again when my ears heard someone mumbling angrily. I couldn't hear what those mumbles said but I knew they weren't from a happy mood. The mumbles grew louder as MaRi appeared from the hallway with a really pissed off expression. I watched her as she walked to the living room, not even noticing my presence. I followed her and stood behind when she stopped walking, so when she turned around to walk again she bumped with me.

Her eyes winded and her mouth opened in a tiny 'o'. "You are here..." I nodded quickly, smiling just after it. "But... Did you saw something strange around here, maybe a boy?" I was confused by this question, why was she asking me this?

I nodded lightly, her expression panicking instantly. "I saw Yoon Soo outside while walking back home." I said, watching her features relax once again. "Why, is something wrong?" My eyes locked with hers and she adverted her gaze quickly.

"No, no. What did you bring home? My Nutella is there, isn't it?" She said, dodging my question and walking toward the kitchen, where I had left the Nutella and the other things I bought. My feet followed her, but my mind stayed there, thinking what had happened here while I was out.

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