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I walked down the hallway, Yang Mi and Soo Rin moving quietly in each side of me. We were unusually silent, but it wasn't that type of awkward silence, just a stressed one. We were currently making our way over to our designated classroom to take the oh-so-feared 'College Scholastic Ability Test, a.k.a CSAT' which would be capable of making or maybe breaking someone's future. We weren't the only ones being quiet, the whole country was quiet. The markets opened later than usual, the traffic was as silent as it could be, even the flights were rescheduled just to prevent disturbing us while doing this so important test. Everything looked as if time had frozen, just because they all care about us.

       "Good morning, girls. Take your seats." Said Mr. Choi with a reassuring smile plastered in his features. He frowned lightly when he saw our worried faces, shaking his head lightly while sighing. "Don't worry. You are all very intelligent. You'll do just fine." We all smiled at him thankfully. He always managed a way to lift up our spirits. He has always been one of those teachers that worries a lot more about the students well being than their grades in general. He always kept an eye on us, obviously, but grades weren't the most important thing for him. He dedicated every morning to write a quote about self appreciation and life. Helping always to make us believe in ourselves and be more confident. He has always been a very good teacher.

         The girls walked to the back of the room, sitting in their usual seats. I walked over to the windows in the farthest wall, looking down at the either animated or drained teenagers enter through the gates of the school. I heard the door open, so I turned around to see who had been the person to enter. I noticed it wasn't just one person, but three. Among those three was Jin Won, who avoided any kind of eye contact with me. He just kept walking towards his seat, still talking with his friends about something I supposed was a new action movie that would be released this weekend.

        I glanced at the girls, seeing them send me questioning looks about Jin Won's strange behavior. He never failed to say good morning to the three of us and he surely never stayed with his friends for so long after entering the classroom. After some minutes he would always walk up to us to talk about something, but today was different; he didn't even glanced at us. He looked uncomfortable, I can say.

        Yang Mi and Soo Rin stood up and walked over to me, since I was still leaning against the wall. Once they reached me, grabbed my forearm and spoon me around so I was facing the window once again, they started to question me in whispers. "Did something happen between you and him?" Yang Mi asked me, glancing back at him for a brief moment before looking back at me.

        My lungs let a heavy sigh escape, nodding my head slowly. "Yes, we had an argument in Saturday night." I answered honestly, not giving too much detail whatsoever. They don't even know I was friends with Jungkook and saying that I had an argument with Jin Won because he wanted to beat Jungkook up  out of rage wouldn't be the easiest thing to process. "He got angry with me for defending someone who hurt me and said many things, including his feelings for me." Once those words left my mouth, their faces changed dramatically; they looked pained. Just as if they felt sad for Jin Won.

        "He was actually planning on confessing that night at the garden inside the building." Soo Rin sighed, passing a hand through her straight, pinky bangs. "He was so nervous. He wanted to do it right."

        "So, you knew how he felt?" I asked them dumbfounded, not knowing what to think.

        "(Name), that was quite obvious. Everyone who saw him talking to you would have guessed right away." Yang Mi gave me her famous 'really?' look, making me look away slightly. 

        How could it be that everyone knew, but I was the only one who didn't notice a single thing? It is not logical. How come I never noticed those tiny details that I now can understand? It's not fair. Once I know about his feelings, everything becomes quite evident, but when I didn't I just took it as a normal thing. This is kind of frustrating.

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