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"Jungkook! Hurry up! We are going to be late for the photo-shooting!" A rather impatient Taehyung called for the young maknae, who was still trying to find his phone from among all the mess of piled things on his bed. He hadn't seen this as a problem, since he usually sleeps in other members' beds, but now that he had lost his phone among all that stuff he had realized it was actually a big problem. 

      JungKook searched desperately among a few boxes filled with many things he wasn't even sure of what they were anymore. His hand sneaking through the tiny holes they had between them and tracing the way blindly, just hoping his hand finally collided with his phone. But unfortunately, it didn't. Causing his mood to drop drastically. He had been trying to find his phone for more than fifteen minutes now. He was furious.

      He couldn't remember where he lost his phone. The only thing he knows is that he was sleeping in Namjoon's bed when his phone started to do an annoying sound, so he, still really sleepy and unaware of what he was doing, took his phone and threw it all the way across the room, meaning it would fall in the mess he had as a bed. A bed which he don't even sleeps much in. And that's all he knew, nothing more. He didn't see where it had landed. He didn't hear a single thing after that happened. The boy had been so sleepy when he threw it that fell back asleep just the second after. Why him?

"GAAAHHH!" He shouted in annoyance and pure irritation. Jungkook ran a hand through his deep-brown hair, trying to think of a place where the phone could possibly be. He had searched almost everywhere, but he hadn't found it yet! What a problem. It had to get lost just when they are going to do the photo-shooting, right? It couldn't be at other time, no. It had to be today, now, at that moment. What a drag...

       The door was pushed wide open, and Taehyung entered the room with an expression full of impatience. "What is happening, Jungkook? What is taking you so long?" He said, walking toward the desperate maknae, who was still searching among that mess of his. Tae raised his eyebrows, "See why you have to clean that up? I always told you it would give you problems someday." Taehyung sighed, starting to help Jungkook to find his precious phone. 

      He moved around, moving boxes, clothes, fan-mail, socks, boxers... Okay... And some plastic things he didn't know what they were, maybe gifts from fans for Jungkook. 

"Ah! I found it!" Jungkook suddenly shouted, lifting the phone in the air as if he had just found a treasure. The sudden burst caused Taehyung to move instinctively, his elbow moved backwards and made a small box fall to the ground and scatter its content. Those were pictures, many pictures and some shoelaces, lighters, papers and a bracelet. All of it looked old, as if being inside there for a long time now.

    Taehyung knelt, trying to put everything back into the small box as fast as he could without breaking anything. Jungkook started to walk out of the room with his phone up in the air and a face of pure Victory, just as if he had won a Grammy. Taehyung tried to gather the things faster, because now he was the one taking too much time. 

"Hyung! Come on! Leave it like that and I'll finish later." Taehyung looked up to Jungkook, who started to walk outside in a fast pace. He wasn't going to go until he finished and-

       He stopped thinking for a moment when he saw the picture he was holding. His eyebrows made a deep frown, trying to remember the name of the girl who was in the picture with Jungkook. He was sure he had met her somewhere, but he couldn't remember her name.

     She was Jungkook's best friend, well the only friend Jungkook kept when he entered the company as a trainee. The only person he talked all the time about, the only person he texted so much and the only person he talked about with a smile always on his face. She was the only person Taehyung knew that made Jungkook smile all the time when talked or being around her, even if he was angry, she would make him laugh afterwards. He always thought they looked cute. How was she? Jungkook hadn't talked about her since more than two years. That was strange.

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