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        I felt how the sweat rolled down my back, giving me some light goose bumps. I was trying hard to land my feet in the correct space, since I was carrying a painting as big as me down the stairs of the building. Every time I moved my foot to the next stair I would scan it cautiously until deciding it was safe to land. I would repeat the same process for about ten minutes, ten freaking minutes of pure struggle and torture. 

 This was honestly driving me crazy. I wasn't only late, but I had to use the stairs because the elevator thought it was a perfect timing to be broken. That's why I ended up carrying five human-height canvas down the stairs, they weren't all that big but three of five were. Nevertheless, three is too much for anyone. Fortunately I had Jin Won with me helping, which now that I think of it, was an actual blessing from the skies. If it weren't for him and his father's car I would have never arrived. I was previously planning on calling a taxi, but all the carrying-down-the-canvas mission would have been impossible for me to complete on time. Not adding the time the taxi could have taken to arrive and take me to the place of the exposition. Plus the space... I'm glad I accepted his help. Bless you Jin Won.

"Oh lord..." I breathed, as I leaned against the car looking for some comfort. A deep, exhausted sigh left my body, throwing my head back to face the cloudless sky we had today. The sun shined on me, causing more sweat to roll down all the way from my forehead to the bottom of my neck and down. "This would have been impossible if I hadn't received your help. Thanks, Jin Won." I moved my head towards him, who was leaned against the car -like I was- just beside me.

 Jin Won looked back at me with narrowed eyes , due to the amount of light that was being thrown towards his face. He scoffed lightly, moving his head towards the front. He gave a breathed smile at nothing in particular while biting his lower lip for a second. His head moved side-to-side and he then looked at me. "You shouldn't be thanking me now. We haven't delivered the paintings yet. So get into the car already." He finished, motioning to me with his head  to get into the car. I smiled to myself as I jogged towards the passenger's seat. I've always really enjoyed his sassy company.

  The engine was roared to life, deepening itself into the crowded road. Jin Won turned the radio on, 'Eyes, nose, lips' sounding as a faint background in my mind and thoughts. It made me remember about him and how much he used to like this song. He had literally forced me to learn it so I could sing along with him whenever it was on the radio. It was our jam, a very sad and melancholic song, but still a jam. He would sing at the top of his lungs whenever it came on, dragging me with him. It was me with a broken voice and him with his perfect voice. It was the best mix ever done. His personality and his voice plus my personality and my voice. He was able of blacking me out -and I wasn't bothered by it honestly-. He was just so adorable.

  "Ahem!" The sound of a throat being cleared made me jump out of my thoughts. I blinked a few times, noticing it had been Jin Won. -it's not like I have any other person, besides him.- "With who are you going this Saturday? Will you go with MaRi?" I nodded my head at his question.

"Yes, I'll be going with MaRi, but I have an extra vacant place." I said, thinking he could go with me to the exposition as a compensation of whatever he wanted to do with me today. "Do you want to come and be my partner?" My gaze was immediately removed from him, too scared of what kind of face he could do. 

 There was silence between us for a few seconds before he even said a word. "Really?" My friend asked quietly, lowering his head a little, without getting his eyes off of the road. His face showed a red tint on his cheeks and he pursed his lips.

  I chuckled at his reaction. It was the first time I had seen the well known Jin Won being flustered. It was maybe the first time a girl asked him if he wanted to be a partner in such an important event. (And when I say important, is IMPORTANT. Many artists of all kinds are going to attend to it, many company owners and even the President. The day of the inauguration will be the most important. The other days the exhibition -if the paintings aren't bought by the people in the inauguration- will be open for people to come and appreciate the huge amount of art that will be there.) "Why would I try to fool you?" I responded with another question, to which he sighed. 

"Should I say yes?" He asked, and I nodded rapidly. He laughed. "Okay, I'll be your partner, but just for one night." I cheered, gaining a weird look from him. And then I laughed even harder.


"Five, six, seven, and eight." Ho Soek watched how everyone let themselves fall to the ground the second after the music stopped, trying hard to catch some oxigen for their lungs to at least prevent their bodies from fainting at any moment. Ho Seok laughed at their actions, as the dance leader he would get to see this kind of situations from a totally different angle. His eyes scanned the practice room, where he found the maknae line competing for who could get to the couch first, YoonGi spreading his arms and legs all over the floor while his chest raised and fell slowly. Namjoon was sitting on the floor, using his phone and Jin was standing beside HoSeok, supporting himself by using his donseang's shoulder as a pillar. 

  HoSeok himself was really exhausted. They all were practicing so hard, always giving their best. Every single one of them. Some times he felt like they needed someone who could get their spirits higher, since this thing could get unbearable at some points. Thing that demanded happy moments to help avoid bad thoughts or even too much thinking at all. But the boys were always there for each other, what made the things easier for everyone. 

 The sound of the door opening called the attention of the whole group immediately. Everyone's attention except for Yoongi's, since he was too immersed in his famous resting position. It was manager-nim, who entered the room with a smile and a tiny bow. The boys answered with the same gesture, standing up from the couches or floor. Jin moved Yoongi's leg with his foot, which brought the sleepy boy back to life. He stood up and bowed to his manager, rubbing his tired eyes.  Manager-nim sighed, gesturing for the boys to stand together in front of him. He rested his hand on his hips and continued to talk. "You all know you have a fan sign this Saturday," he stopped for a moment, looking at all the faces he had in front of him. The boys nodded, reaffirming their manager's statement. "Well, I received a call from the president of the company and he wants you to attend to a very important event that same night." All of them whined in frustration. They knew they will have a very heavy and busy Saturday. "All the companies of impact in Korea will be there, and you, as one of the most influencing groups in our country, have to be there for the sake of the company." 

  The boys nodded, knowing it was their responsibility to give a good impression. They were the pride of the company, there was no way they could refuse to go to such an important event. But that raised the question in their minds. "Manager-nim..." Namjoon spoke, leaning a bit forward. "What is this event about?" The boys agreed with their leader's question. They had no idea of what they were supposed to do. 

"I'm not sure yet, but the president said he would give me a call when he was less busy. He has some papers to sign right now." Manager-nim explained, showing a 'sorry' face to the members. 

 With that manager left the boys alone once again, leaving a confused aura inside the room. The members looked at each other, not knowing what to think. 

"Guys, I think we have to use with tuxedos." Taehyung suddenly said, earning smirks and scoffs from the others members. He looked so excited just by the fact that they would have to wear such elegant clothes. 

"I'm going to sleep. Just don't bother me, okay?" A sleepy Yoongi warned the others, not wanting to be interrupted by the constant noise those kids always do. He walked toward the black couch at the back of the room and just fell asleep. 

 Jimin looked over to Taehyung and Taehyung made eye contact with Jungkook. All those three heads moved toward the sleeping body of their hyung. Evil smirks made their way to their faces. 

"Oh no." Said Hoseok, knowing exactly what  was about to come.


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